The purpose of this study is designate quenching and tempering heat treatment by using Taguchi technique to determine optimal factors of heat treatment (austenitizing temperature, percentage of nanoparticles, type of base media, nanoparticles type and soaking time) for increasing hardness, wear rate and impact energy properties of 420 martensitic stainless steel. An (L18) orthogonal array was chosen for the design of experiment. The optimum process parameters were determined by using signal-to-noise ratio (larger is better) criterion for hardness and impact energy while (Smaller is better) criterion was for the wear rate. The importance levels of process parameters that effect on hardness, wear rate and impact energy properties were obtained by using analysis of variance which applied with the help of (Minitab18) software. The variables of quenching heat treatment were austenitizing temperature (985 C˚,1060 C˚),a soaking times (50,70 and 90 minutes) respectively, Percentage of volumetric fractions of nanoparticles with three different levels(0.01, 0.03 and 0.08 %) were prepared by dispersing nanoparticles that are (α-Al2O3,TiO2 and CuO) with base fluids (De-ionized water, salt solution and engine oil).The specimens were tempered at 700°C after quenching of nanofluids for (2 hours).The results for ( S/N) ratios showed the order of the factors in terms of the proportion of their effect on hardness, and wear rate properties as follow: Austenitizing temperature ( 1060 C˚),Type of base media (salt solution), Nanoparticles type (CuO), Percentage of nanoparticles (0.08%) and Soaking time(90min) was the least influence while for the impact energy were as follows: Type of base media (oil), Austenitizing temperature (985C˚), Percentage of nanoparticles (0.01%), Nanoparticles type (α-Al2O3) and last soaking time (50min).
In the present work, thermal diffusivity and heat capacity measurements have been investigated in temperature range between RT and 1473 K for different duplex stainless steel supplied by Outokumpu Stainless AB, Sweden. The purpose of this study is to get a reliable thermophysical data of these alloys and to study the effect of microstructure on the thermal diffusivity and heat capacity value. Results show the ferrite content in the duplex stainless steel increased with temperature at equilibrium state. On the other hand, ferrite content increased with increasing Cr/Ni ratio and there is no significant effect of ferrite content on the thermal diffusivity value at room temperature. Furthermore, the heat capacity of all sam
... Show MoreThe inhibitive action of Reactive Red (RR31) dye against corrosion of carbon steel in 1M acetic acid solution has been studied using gravimetric method at temperature ranged (288-318)K. The antibacterial activity for the different concentrations of RR31 dye against different bacterial species was studied. The experimental data indicates that this dye acts as a potential inhibitor for carbon-steel in acetic acid medium and the protection efficiency increase with increasing (RR31) dye. The adsorption of (RR31) dye on the carbon steel surface was found to follow Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Thermodynamic data for the adsorption process such as Gibbs free energy change ∆Gads, enthalpy change ∆Hads, and entropy change ∆Sads were estima
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... Show MoreTo observe the effect of media of the internal pressure on the equivalent stress distribution in the tube, an experimental study is done by constructing a testing rig to apply the hydraulic pressure and three dies are manufactured with different bulging configurations (square, cosine, and conical). In the other part, ANSYS APDL is generated to analyze the bulging process with hydraulic and rubber (natural and industrial) media. It was found that when the media is a rubber, the stress is decreased about 9.068% in case of cosine die and 5.4439% in case of conical die and 2.8544% in case of square die. So, it can be concluded that the internal pressure in the rubber media is much better than in hydraulic media. Also, the force needed for fo
... Show MoreThe design of components subjected to contact stress as local compressive stress is important in engineering application especially in ball and socket Joining. Two kinds of contact stress are introduced in the ball and socket joint, the first is from normal contact while the other is from sliding contact. Although joining two long links (drive shaft in steering cars) will cause the effect of flexural and tensional buckling stress in hollow columns through the ball and socket ends on the failure condition of the joining mechanism. In this paper the consideration of the combined effect of buckling Load and contact stress on the ball and socket joints have been taken, epically on the stress distribution in the contact area. Different
... Show MoreThis paper has investigated experimentally the dynamic buckling behavior of AISI 303 stainless steel Aluminized and as received long columns. These columns, hot-dip aluminized and as received, are tested under dynamic buckling, 22 specimens, without aluminizing (type 1), and 50 specimens, with hot-dip aluminizing at different aluminizing conditions of dipping temperature and dipping time (type 2), are tested under dynamic compression loading and under dynamic combined loading (compression and bending) by using a rotating buckling test machine. The experimental results are compared with Perry Robertson interaction formula that used for long columns. Greenhill formula is used to get a mathematical model that descripts the buckling behavior
... Show MoreThis research has presented a solution to the problem faced by alloys: the corrosion problem, by reducing corrosion and enhancing protection by using an inhibitor (Schiff base). The inhibitor (Schiff base) was synthesized by reacting of the substrates materials (4-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde and 4-aminoantipyrine). It was diagnosed by infrared technology IR, where the IR spectrum and through the visible beams proved that the Schiff base was well formed and with high purity. The corrosion behavior of carbon steel and stainless steel in a saline medium (artificial seawater 3.5%NaCl) before and after using the inhibitor at four temperatures: 20, 30, 40, and 50 C° was studied by using three electrodes potentiostat. The corrosion behavior was
... Show MoreIn this research, the effects of both current and argon gas pressure on the bending properties of welded joints were studied. Using the possible ranges of welding gas pressures and currents, Tungsten inert gas welding (TIG) of stainless steel (304) sheet was used to obtain their influence on the maximum bending force of the (TIG) welded joints. Design of experiment (DOE) ‘version 10' was used to determine the design matrix of experiments depending on the used levels of the input factors. Response surface methodology (RSM) technique was used to obtain an empirical mathematical model for the maximum bending force as a function of welding parameters (Current and Argon gas pressure). Also, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to verif
... Show MoreThis paper is focused on studying the effect of cutting parameters (spindle speed, feed and depth of cut) on the response (temperature and tool life) during turning process. The inserts used in this study are carbide inserts coated with TiAlN (Titanum, Aluminium and Nitride) for machining a shaft of stainless steel 316L. Finite difference method was used to find the temperature distribution. The experimental results were done using infrared camera while the simulation process was performed using Matlab software package. The results showed that the maximum difference between the experimental and simulation results was equal to 19.3 , so, a good agreement between the experimental and simulation results was achieved. Tool life w
... Show MoreAbstract
The present study investigates the effect of acetic acid on corrosion behavior and its potential of hydrothermally sealed anodized AA2319-Al-alloys. Anodizing treatment was performed in stagnant phosphoric acid electrolyte with or without addition of acetic acid. Hydrothermal sealing was carried out in boiling water for each anodized specimen. The open circuit potential of the unsealed and sealed anodized samples was examined using open circuit potential measurement for the purpose of starting in scanning polarization diagrams. The potentiostatic polarization technique measurements were performed to assess corrosion behavior and sealing quality (i.e., degree of sealing) of
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