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The Effect of Wind Velocity on the Suppression of Composite Wing Airfoil NACA 0012
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The first studies on shocks and vibrations were carried out at the beginning of the 1930s to improve the behavior of buildings during earthquakes. Vibration tests on aircraft were developed from 1940 to verify the resistance of parts and equipments prior to their first use. Flutter is a well-known example of dynamic aero elasticity, where when oscillation of structure interacted with unsteady aerodynamic forces the flutter will occur. Vibration on any structure without damping means that self-harmonic oscillation will occur, and in most cases the oscillation may start to increase until structural failure. This behavior is very similar to resonance phenomena if only the oscillation is being studied as a vibration case. In vibration suppression, the active vibration control is one of the more effective technique which is used for attenuating bad effects of disturbances on structure. In this work, two different composite wings have been used; one of them is made of Glass-fiber random matt and the other is made of woven ({0/90} Glass-fiber). The proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control is employed here for studying the suppression of active vibration wing affected by wind velocity flow through wind tunnel in the laboratory of mechanical engineering department at the university of Baghdad. Piezoelectric (PZT (transducers are used as sensors and actuators in vibration control systems. The attack angle was 10 degrees and three different velocities (15, 20, 35 m/s) have been taken to show their effect on the wings vibrations suppression. Is noticed that the suppression of the wing amplitude is reduced when the wind velocity increases for both woven and random composite wing matt. This is happened due to the vortex which has became more violent increase in wind velocity. It is concluded that the composite woven wing has high resistance more than the composite random wing. Also, the maximum control amplitude of woven matt is 1.9 cm and the damping is about 33% at 25 m/s wind velocity while the amplitude is 2.22 cm and the damping is about 53% at 10 m/s wind velocity for random wing.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 11 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Simulation Model of Wind Turbine Power Control System with Fuzzy Regulation by Mamdani and Larsen Algorithms
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     The aim of this work is to create a power control system for wind turbines based on fuzzy logic. Three power control loop was considered including: changing the pitch angle of  the blade, changing the length of the blade and turning the nacelle. The stochastic law was given for changes and instant inaccurate assessment of wind conditions changes. Two different algorithms were used for fuzzy inference in the control loop, the Mamdani and Larsen algorithms. These two different algorithms are materialized and developed in this study in Matlab-Fuzzy logic toolbox which has been practically implemented using necessary intelligent control system in electrical engineerin

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the influence of the reinforced material geometrical shape on the internal stresses in the composite materials
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In this paper the reinforced materials manufactured from steel continues fibers are used in Aluminum matrix to build a composite material. Most of researches concentrated on reinforced materials and its position in the matrix according to its size and distribution, and their effects on the magnitude of different kinds of the stresses, so this paper presents and concentrate on the geometrical shape of reinforced material and its effects on the internal stresses and strains on the composite strength using FEM as a method for analysis after loaded by certain force showing the deference magnitudes of stresses according to the different geometrical shapes of reinforced materials.


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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Effect of Additives on The Performance of Hydrostatic Thrust Bearings
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The paper is concerned with, the behavior of the hydrostatic thrust bearings lubricated with liquid-solid lubricants using Einstein viscosity formula, and taking into account the centrifugal force resulting from high speed.  Also studied is the effect of the bearing dimensions on the pressure, flow rate, load capacity, shear stress, power consumption and stiffness.

The theoretical results show an increase in load capacity by (8.3%) in the presence of solid graphite particles with concentration of (16%) by weight as compared with pure oil, with increasing shear stress.  .

In general the performance of hydrostatic thrust bearings improve for load carrying capacity, volume flow rate,

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 26 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Determination of Welding Velocity and Arc Energy for Fusion MAG Welding Joint
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This paper is an experimental work to determinate the effect of welding velocity and formed arc energy for CO2-MAG fusion weld pool. The input parameters (arc voltage, wire feed speed and gas flow rate) were investigated to find their effects on the weld joint efficiency. Design of experiment with response surface methodology technique was used to build empirical mathematical models for welding velocity and arc energy in term of the input welding parameters. The predicted quadratic models were statistically checked for adequacy purpose by ANOVA analysis. Additionally, numerical optimization was conducted to obtain the optimum values for welding velocity and arc energy. A good agree

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 17 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Nano Powder on Mechanical and Physical Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite
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Fiber reinforced polymer composite is an important material for structural application. The diversified application of FRP composite has taken center of attraction for interdisciplinary research. However, improvements on mechanical properties of this class of materials are still under research for different applications. In this paper we have modified the epoxy matrix by Al2O3, SiO2 and TiO2 nano particles in glass fiber/epoxy composite to improve the mechanical and physical properties. The composites are fabricated by hand lay-up method. It is observed that mechanical properties like flexural strength, hardness are more in case of SiO2 modified epoxy composite compare to other nano

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of irrigation type and method on the cost of producing dunum of wheat crop
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Abstract :  This research is concerned with studying the best type and method of  irrigation as well as the best cultivated area to reduce the cost of producing  dunums of wheat crop in Iraq , and was based on data taken from the Ministry of Planning / Central Statistical Organization About cost of wheat crop production for (12) Iraqi governorates except Kurdistan, Nineveh, Salah al-Din, Anbar) and the sample size (554) according to the cost survey carried out by the Ministry of Planning / Central Statistical Organization for 2017, The results of the research showed that there are significant statistical differences between production costs when using t

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
" The Effect of the Auditor's Experience on the Quality of Internal Audit "
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The importance of internal audit in the growing demand for services in the public and private economic units, and in the rapid growth of its systems professional, has also been recognition of the importance of internal audit quality and the quality of information provided in a long time, as well as the importance of achieving the greatest possible quality in his work to reduce accounting risks of financial reports misleading or fraudulent, which is one of the important features of the audit.

The internal audit quality are linked with the ability of auditors to detect errors in the financial statements, and their willingness to express an opinion technical neutral and non-aligned based on the results of th

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigating the Effect of Drugs of Chloramphenicol and Gentamicin on Acanthamoeba genotype T3 Causing keratitis Isolated from Environmental samples in vitro
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This study is an investigation of the drugs effect on some pathogenic Acanthamoeba isolated from Iraqi waters, where the problem of environmental adaptation that characterizes this organism in addition to being a reservoir for many pathogenic microorganisms that take shelter in it to escape disinfectants and medicines is sometimes difficult to treat it with traditional treatments.  Twenty water samples were collected from different water regions in Iraq, namely the Dokan Lake, Tigris River, Euphrates River and Najaf Sea, 5 samples from each source.  Acanthamoeba was isolated from water samples on NNA and PYG media, using an inverted microscope with an electron microscope to determine their phenotypic features. PCR and

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of SnO2/In2O3 Atomic Ratio on the Structural and Optical Properties of ITO Thin Filmsof SnO2:In2O3 Thin Film Composite Ratio on Structural and Optical Properties
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In this work, the effect of atomic ratio on structural and optical properties of SnO2/In2O3 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition technique under vacuum and annealed at 573K in air has been studied.  Atomic ratios from 0 to 100% have been used. X-ray diffraction analysis has been utilized to study the effect of atomic ratios on the phase change using XRD analyzer and the crystalline size and the lattice strain using Williamson-Hall relationship. It has been found that the ratio of 50% has the lowest crystallite size, which corresponds to the highest strain in the lattice. The energy gap has increased as the atomic ratio of indium oxide increased.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of the professional skepticism characteristics of the auditor on audit qualit
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The professional skepticism is one of the fundamental concepts necessary for practicing the audit profession, without which the auditor can not reach a reasonable assurance as to the correctness of the evidence and the information obtained by the auditing department. The auditor's possession of the characteristics of professional skepticism and his practice of professional skepticism during the audit process lead to an increase The quality of audit and thus raise the confidence of the financial community in the audit profession again after the exposure of several crises led to the loss of financial society confidence in the audit profession.

The aim of the study is to measure the impact of professional sk

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