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Best Level of Parameters for a Critical Buckling Load for Circular Thin- Walled Structure Subjected to Bending
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Circular thin walled structures have wide range of applications. This type of structure is generally exposed to different types of loads, but one of the most important types is a buckling. In this work, the phenomena of buckling was studied by using finite element analysis. The circular thin walled structure in this study is constructed from; cylindrical thin shell strengthen by longitudinal stringers, subjected to pure bending in one plane. In addition, Taguchi method was used to identify the optimum combination set of parameters for enhancement of the critical buckling load value, as well as to investigate the most effective parameter. The parameters that have been analyzed were; cylinder shell thickness, shape of stiffeners section and the number of stiffeners. Furthermore, to verify the contribution of parameters on buckling response, the analysis of variance technique (ANOVA) method was implemented, which gave the contribution weight as percentages. The analysis of results by these two methods showed that the more effective parameter on the critical buckling load was the thickness of cylinder’s shell and the lowest effective was the number of stiffeners The values of parameters that gave the best critical buckling load combination were: 1) the ratio of cylinder’s diameter to thickness of its shell was 133, 2) the ratio of the depth to thickness of stiffeners was1.6, and 3) the number of stiffeners was 12.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Effects of Sleeve Gastrectomy as a Bariatric Surgery on Weight of Dietary Induced Obese Rats.
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Background: Obesity is becoming the healthcare epidemic world wide.Obesity is associated with reduced life expectancy, increased morbidity and mortality, and greater healthcare costs.Bariatric surgery is the only effective treatment for morbid obesity and is gaining increasing popularity. There has been a steady rise in the numbers and types of bariatric operations done worldwide in recent years butnon of prove to be ideal .Animal studies and use of animal models are significant element in the evolution of medical knowledge and the use of animals as a model for bariatric surgery is of importance to study the mechanisms of these operationsa and also help to develop new technique in management of obesity.Objectives:Study of effects of slee

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 31 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A Study of the Spectroscopic Performance of Laser Produced CdTe(x):S(1-x) Plasma
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In this work, the plasma parameters (electron temperature (Te), electron density( ne), plasma frequency (fp) and Debye length (λD)) have been studied by using the spectrometer that collect the spectrum of Laser produce CdTe(X):S(1-X) plasma at X=0.5 with different energies. The results of electron temperature for CdTe range 0.758-0.768 eV also the electron density 3.648 1018 – 4.560 1018 cm-3  have been measured under vacuum reaching 2.5 10-2 mbar .Optical properties of CdTe:S were determined through the optical transmission method using ultraviolet visible spectrophotometer within the r

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On The Dynamical Behavior of a Prey-Predator Model With The Effect of Periodic Forcing
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The dynamical behavior of a two-dimensional continuous time dynamical system describing by a prey predator model is investigated. By means of constructing suitable Lyapunov functional, sufficient condition is derived for the global asymptotic stability of the positive equilibrium of the system. The Hopf bifurcation analysis is carried out. The numerical simulations are used to study the effect of periodic forcing in two different parameters. The results of simulations show that the model under the effects of periodic forcing in two different parameters, with or without phase difference, could exhibit chaotic dynamics for realistic and biologically feasible parametric values.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of sodium fluoride addition as a disinfectant on some properties of alginate impression material
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Background: Impression materials, impression trays, and poured stone cast have been said to be the main source of cross infection between patients and dentists. However, it was observed that disinfection of the impression is not performed systematically in routine dental practice. Disinfection of alginates either by immersion or spray technique was found to cause dimensional inaccuracies, although with proper disinfection of alginates there were small dimensional changes. A variety of fluoride releasing products designed for topical use is currently available. Following their use, varied amount of fluoride is systemically absorbed depending on the fluoride concentration and the manner of its use. The objective of this study was to evaluate

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Semiotics of Sufi Texts- Poets of Al Qasr and Al-Asr journals as a Model
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In a common language based on interpretation and diagnosis in the symbols and signs, the subject of Sufism and artistic semiotics is manifested in the construction and intensity of the reading of the text and the dismantling of its intellectual systems.
The emergence of Sufism in its religious features and the spiritual revelations related to the divine love of life in absolute reality, And images and language in a stream of intellectual and artistic unique and harmonious communicates with the subject of the themes of the Arab literature and its implications, but it is separated by a special entity signals and symbols related to the mysticism and worship.
    The unleashing of the imagination and the diagnosis,

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 02 2026
Journal Name
Advances In Environmental Biology
A study effect of thyme on biochemical and histological changes in liver of male rats
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Publication Date
Tue Apr 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Individuals Asymptomatic (Carrier) on The Dynamical Behavior Of a COVID-19 Virus
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     In this paper, a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) model is proposed and investigated. In fact, the pandemic spread through a close contact between infected people and other people but sometimes the infected people could show two cases; the first is symptomatic and the other is asymptomatic (carrier) as the source of the risk. The outbreak of Covid-19 virus is described by a mathematical model dividing the population into four classes. The first class represents the susceptible people who are unaware of the disease. The second class refers to the susceptible people who are aware of the epidemic by media coverage. The third class is the carrier individuals (asymptomatic) and the fourth class represents the infected ind

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The role of TNF-? in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma “a study in Iraqi patients”
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During recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the investigation of the cytokines roles in pathogenesis of cancer, thus the study aimed at evaluating the level of tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-?) in sera of Iraqi multiple myeloma (MM) patients. Beta 2-microglobulion (?2-m) was assessed to determine if there was any association between this cytokine and the level of ?2- m, as the latter is related to the stage of the disease. In addition, the age and gender were also taken into consideration. Furthermore, we investigated the relationship between IgG and TNF-? in sera of patients. 49 Iraqi patients (27 males and 22 females).The patients were also divided into two groups: the first group included (17) patients who were

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Conservation Nursing Strategies (*)An exploratory study of a sample of managers in Baghdad health departments
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The deficiency in the nurse staff  in the health organizations consider an important problem that must be studied and solved basically , not only because it affect on the health organization and it's strategic goals , but also it affect the human being and it's health which can't be substituted with anything or delayed in it's treatment ,This research aims to  necessary for health organizations to strategically help in maintaining the nurse staff and to keep that in it's strategic orientation and it's mission , moreover , the health organizations must study the reality of the nurse in the health organizations and know the causes beyond leaving the  nurse staff  the nurse job , and then remove

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Iklīl For Humanities Studies
The Decline of Language Loyalty in the Age of Audiovisual Nearness: A Socio-linguistic Approach
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This article investigates the decline of language loyalty in the age of audiovisual nearness. It is a socio-linguistic review of previous literature related to language disloyalty. It reviews the current theoretical efforts on the impact of audiovisual nearness created by social media and language loyalty. The descriptive design is used. The argument behind this review is that the audiovisual nearness provided by social media negatively affects language loyalty. This article concludes that the current theoretical efforts have paid much attention to the relationship between the audiovisual nearness and language loyalty. Such efforts have highlighted the fact that the social media platforms have provided unprecedented nearness that provoke in

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