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Effect of optimal shot peening time on fatigue life for aluminum alloy 6061-T651
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The compressive residual stresses generated by shot peening, is increased in a direct proportional way with shot peening time (SPT). For each metal, there is an optimum shot peening time (O.S.T) which gives the optimum fatigue life. This paper experimentally studied to optimize shot peening time of aluminium alloy 6061-T651 as well as using of and analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Two types of fatigue test specimens’ configuration were used, one without notch (smooth) and the other with a notch radius (1,25mm), each type was shot peened at different time. The (O.S.T) was experimentally estimated  to be 8 minutes reaching the surface stresses at maximum peak of -184.94 MPa.

A response surface methodology (RSM) is presented to optimize the surface properties of fatigue life due to effect of two parameters (shot peening time and fatigue stresses). A statistical software was used to perform analysis of variance (ANOVA)  to predict the optimum shot peening time. The results were 8.007 minutes without notch and 7.53 minutes with notch. Two 2nd degree polynomials were obtained for the two studied cases with confidence level of 95%. Experimentally26.67% enhancement in fatigue life was obtained, but after using (RSM), the results gave 61% improvement, compared with ref. [2].

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Publication Date
Wed May 03 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
تأثير تمرينات علاجية في تحسين مرونة الجذع وانعكاسها على آلام اسفل الظهر لذوي الاعاقة البدنية
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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
دراسة تأثري بعض قواعد شيف اجلديدة على فعالية انزيم الكولني اسرتيز يف مصل دم االنشان
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تضمن البحث دراسة تأثير بعض مركبات قواعد شيف الجديدة على فعالية أنزيم الكولين استريز في مصل دم الإنسان وقد لوحظ بأن المركبات المستعملة تسبب تنشيط فعالية الانزيم وباستعمال تراكيز مختلفة من هذه المركبات ودراسة نوع التثبيط اظهرت النتائج المستحصله من رسم line weaver Burk ان التثبيط يكون غير تنافسي وكانت النسبه المئوية التثبيط بهذه المركبات تتراوح بين (38.44-87.16(%

Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Control Pepper Fusarium Wilting by biocontrol agent Trichoderma harzianum and Chelated Iron Fe-EDDHA
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Sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is an economically important vegetable crop. Wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. capsici is a specific pathogen that affects the pepper. Four isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. capsici Fo3, Fo6, Fo7 and Fo8 were obtained from diseased pepper plants that were collected from different pepper fields in Baghdad. Fo6 isolate that has high pathogenicity to pepper seeds, Trichoderma harzianum (Th) was tested in vitro against F. oxysporum f. sp. capsici showed a high inhibition rate for the isolate Fo6, the concentration of chelated iron Fe-EDDHA 0.5% reduced the radial growth of Fo6 whi

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Nov 19 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) Trace Gas Sensing using Modulated CO2 Laser Beam
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Photonic Crystal Fiber Interferometers (PCFIs) are widely used for sensing applications. This work presents the fabrication and the characterization of a relative humidity sensor based on a polymer-coated photonic crystal fiber that operates in a Mach- Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) transmission mode. The fabrication of the sensor involved splicing a short (1 cm) length of Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) between two single-mode fibers (SMF). It was then coated with a layer of agarose solution. Experimental results showed that a high humidity sensitivity of 29.37 pm/%RH was achieved within a measurement range of 27–95%RH. The sensor also showed good repeatability, small size, measurement accuracy and wide humidity range. The RH sensitivity o

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The ISLAMIC Banks and its ability to exceed The world Finanical Crisis 2008 (Islamic Dubi Bank)
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The Recent days witness an in creasing importanc of Islamic Banks which stems from the wide spread in Islamic and non-Islamic countries,Especially in USA and European countries.the consideration in Islamic Banks came after the financial crisis in 2008.Islamic Banks work with conventional banks in most countries,that is,the formers may face the same risks which face the latters,that represent the larger percent of the International Banking system.the problms that may affect Islamic Banks related to many causes,some related to the working in common economic environment.others related to the possibility of simulation to the method of investment and financing in conventional Banks,this mean,the work with principles not compling with

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
التعلم التعاوني وأثره على التحصيل والاتجاه نحو الحاسب الآلي عند طلبة كلية التربية بجامعة بغداد
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هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى مقارنة أثر أسلوب التعلم التعاوني بالأسلوب التقليدي في التحصيل الدراسي، وعلاقته بالاتجاه نحو الحاسب الآلي عند طلبة كلية التربية بجامعة بغداد خلال دراستهم لمقرر الحاسب الآلي وقد تضمنت إجراءات الدراسة استخدام الأسلوب التجريبي، وذلك بتوزيع أربع شعب دراسية على مجموعتين: "مجموعة تجريبية" يتم تدريسها باستخدام أسلوب التعلم التعاوني، والمجموعة الثانية: "مجموعة ضابطة" يتم تدريسها بالطريق

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر أستراتيجية الملخصات القبلية على التحصيل والاستبقاء لدى طالبات الصف الثاني متوسط في مادة التاريخ
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Research problem: the problem of the current research can determine the dimensions of answering the following question - What is the impact of the use strategy summaries tribal collection and retention in the second grade students in the middle of history?
The importance of research: In order to achieve the desired education and access to educational goals required, and to address all the challenges facing the educational process, so you may need to use methods and different educational methods in the teaching of social history, particularly, of those methods and modalities to adopt strategies tribal in teaching, has chosen researcher summaries tribal style, which is one of the strategies of goo

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Türk Halk Edebiyatında Manzum Atasözleri ve Irak Türkmenleri Arasında Atasözü İçerikli Hoyrat Örnekleri Yrd. Doç. Dr. Necdet Yaşar BAYATLI
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Sözlü Türk halk edebiyatı ürünleri içinde önemli yere sahip olan türlerden biri de atasözleridir. Atasözleri, nesilden nesile halk ağzında dolaşan, kimin söylediği bilinmeyen, birtakım gerçekleri kısa ve öz bir şekilde ifade eden sözlerdir. Türk atasözleri Orhun Abideleri’nde ilk kez karşımıza çıkmakla birlikte, Uygur dönemi yazıtlarında ve özellikle Dîvânü Lûgati’t Türk’te geniş yer bulmuştur. Dilin anlatım ve kullanım imkânlarını geliştiren atasözlerine, dünyanın bütün dillerinde rastlanabilir. Bunun için, söyleyişte güzel, anlatımda güçlü, kavramda önemli unsurlar içeren kalıplaşmış sözler halinde bulunurlar. Bu çalı

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
سياسة سياسة العزلة البريطانية المجيدة واثرها على الدول الاوربية في عهد الملكة فكتوريا(1837-1901)
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Britain found itself at the end of the nineteenth century in front of many obstacles within Europe, it is to hold the coalition Russian Franco in 1894, and what form of threat to the interests of Britain in its colonies outside Europe, as well as the development of other European countries in military and economic aspects such as Germany and the United States and others. As she was defying the fleet of Britain, Germany, and the last has a naval fleet was able to protect all the way Britain and its colonies throughout the nineteenth century

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Building social intelligence scale and applied to a sample at the Deprived and non-Deprived students from their parents at the Secondary stage
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The current research aims to :
•know the level of social intelligence of the sample as a whole .
. •taraf statistically significant differences in social intelligence between disadvantaged and
non-disadvantaged peers .
To achieve these objectives, the selected sample of Talbhalmrahlh medium and specifically
students of the second grade average, were chosen randomly stratified's (360) students
included sex (male, female) and (deprived of the Father and the non-deprived) for the
academic year (2013-2014) for the province of Baghdad on both sides (Rusafa-Karkh (
As applied to them measurements of social intelligence, which is prepared by the researcher,
having achieved _khasaúsma of psychometric (valid and re

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