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Investigation the Effect of Process Variables on the Formability of Parts Processed by Single Point Incremental Forming
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Incremental sheet metal forming process is an advanced flexible manufacturing process to produce various 3D products without using dedicated tool as in conventional metal forming. There are a lot of process parameters that have effect on this process, studying the effect of some parameters on the strain distributions of the product over the length of deformation is the aim of this study.

In order to achieve this goal, three factors (tool forming shape, feed rate and incremental step size) are examined depending on three levels on the strain distributions over the wall of the product. Strain measurement was accomplished by using image processing technique using MATALB program. The significance of the control factors are explored using two statistical methods:  analysis of variance (ANOVA) and main effect plot (MEP). All experiments were carried out on a sheet of Aluminum alloy (Al1050) with thickness 0.9 mm by using 3 axes CNC machine to produce frustum pyramid product. The result showed that the feed rate is a parameter that has large effect on the values of the effective strain percentage contribution of (42.86% and 51.42%), respectively, and is followed by step size (25.1% and 30.60%) percentage contributions and finally the tool shape with (21.79% and 10.54%) on the (55° and 45°) wall angle, respectively. The maximum and minimum average effective strain computed on the 55◦ forming angle were (0.580 and 0.399), respectively. Finally, the maximum and minimum average effective strain computed on the 45◦ forming angle were equal to (0.412 and 0.324), respectively.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
Deterritorialized States Within the Framework of Public International Law
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one of the most important consequences of climate change is the rise in sea levels, which leads to the drowning of some low-lying island states, which leads to them losing the elements of statehood and thus affecting their status as a state, this resulted in several proposals made by the jurisprudence of international law to solve this issue, perhaps the most important of which is the idea of the government in exile, and the proposal to continue recognition of submerged countries, in a way that makes it possible to talk about a new concept of states represented by deterritorialized states, all of which are ultimately proposals that contain great difficulties that hinder their implementation in reality.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Implementation of Sound Effects in the Iraqi Children’s Theatre
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Sound effects are considered to be a key element in children’s theatre, for it relays the context and amplifies its understandability, acceptability and its impact on the audience, so it’s a fundamental method in portraying the characters within the idea or the story, to produce the title and content with completeness in its relations that are associated with the rest of the fundamental elements represented in lighting, costumes, dialogue, decoration, etc. And this research included a set of subjects that are related to implementing the sound effects used in the Iraqi children’s theatre plays, chapter one included the problem and the need for studying this subject, as well as its importance and aim, and specifying the basic phrases

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Use of Lightweight Aggregate in Concrete: A Review
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One of the artificial lightweight aggregates with a wide range of applications is Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate. Clay is utilized in the production of light aggregates. Using leftover clay from significant infrastructure development projects to manufacture lightweight aggregates has a favorable environmental impact. This research examines the expanded clay aggregate production process and the impact of processing parameters on its physical and mechanical qualities. It also looks at secondary components that can be used to improve the qualities of concrete with expanded clay aggregates. The effect of the quantity of expanded clay aggregate on the fresh, hardened, and durability qualities of concrete is also studied.

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
United Kingdom of Arabic project.. The Palestinian position it
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I've led an end to the Palestinian presence in the Jordan to the occurrence of a major fault line in relations between Jordan and the Palestinian on the levels of all , and as a result sought King Hussein and the initiative of the U.S. to heal the rift that solution between Jordanians , Palestinians, and the regulation of relations between the two parties announced in March 1972 for the project and unitary featuring Jordan and Palestine in the Arab kingdom united with the two countries , but that the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian resistance factions rejected by asserting that it is has the right of self-determination of the Palestinian people and no one else , and rejected by the Arab states and ( Israel ) , and l

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 12 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Role of Metformin in patients with Primary Hypothyroidism
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Background: Insulin resistance is present in 50% or more of patients with primary hypothyroidism. Metformin can decrease TSH levels in these patients by a complex matter, this can be of great help in clinical practice.

Objective: This study was designed to evaluate the effect of metformin in reducing TSH levels in patients with primary hypothyroidism.

Methods: Hundred patients with primary hypothyroidism, 82 females, 18 males were included in this study, everyone was followed up for two months after adding metformin 850 mg twice daily in addition to thyroxin.

Results: 36 patients (36%) have a normal baseline TSH and no change after 2 months, 64 pa

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Translation & Linguistics
The Concept of Death in Don DeLillo's White Noise
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Death is undoubtedly the theme of Don DeLillo’s White Noise. Murray Siskind, a College-on-the-Hill professor who is obsessed with the exploration and reinterpretation of American popular culture, talks about the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and the German mentor of Jack Gladney has been using the Egyptian Book of the Dead, translated into German. The core episode of the story is the Airborne Toxic Event, the associate of Heinrich (Jack’s teenage son), Orestes Mercator, dreams of becoming one of the great figures in the Guinness Book by challenging and confronting death by enclosing himself in a glass pen jam-packed with poisonous snakes, and Heinrich challenges an imprisoned mass murderer in a chess game. The scholarly expertise of Jack c

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Computation of The Efficiency ofHarmonic Generation Using Cascading Configuration.
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In the present work theoretical relations are derived for the efficiency evaluation for the generation of the third and the fourth harmonics u$ing crystal cascading configuration. These relations can be applied to a wide class of nonlinear optical materials. Calculations are made for beta barium borate (BBO) crystal with ruby laser /.=694.3 nm . The case study involves producing the third harmonics at X. =231.4 nm of the fundamental beam. The formula of efficiency involves many parameters, which can be changed to enhance the efficiency. The results showed that the behavior of the efficiency is not linear with the crystal length. It is found that the efficiency increases when the input power increases. 'I'he walk-off length is calculated for

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Discounting commercial papers in the balance of Islamic banks
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• Commercial papers are one of the most important tools of the contemporary monetary market, and many of those who deal with them are ignorant of the Shariah rulings related to them, hence the urgent need to know the most prominent Sharia rulings related to commercial papers, including the discount. It is an agreement between the bank and its customer requesting the discount (the holder of the commercial paper) under which the bank is required By accelerating the value of the paper to the customer, in exchange for the latter’s obligation to transfer the ownership of the fixed right in the paper to the bank by endorsing it to him as a transfer of ownership.
• The noble Islamic Sharia does not prohibit dealing in commercial papers

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2001
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Predicting the Change in Volume of Mixed Oil Stocks
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Future of Palestinian identity under occupation and resistance
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The conflict between Arab and Zionist movement before 1948 was not normal dispute about certain issue or quarrel on borders, it is comprehensive conflict, this research intraduce analytical and outlook future reading about Palestine identity in time of occupation and resistance in the first studying we take the concept of identity and the fundamental relationship identity history and geography. Our research treated the contents of palest Iain and Isralian identsunder. The political, cultural and military conflict between Israil and Palestine. The research introduce analytic study of research introduce analytic study of intellectual orientation of Zionist state in order to determine the exact meaning of this identity, beca

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