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Design a Vegetative Filter Strips Length Using VFSMOD_W Model for Reducing Sediments and Pesticides
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The vegetative filter strips (VFS) are a useful tool used for reducing the movement of sediment and pesticide in therivers. The filter strip’s soil can help in reducing the runoff volume by infiltration. However, the characteristics of VFS (i.e., length) are not recently identified depending on the estimation of VFS modeling performance. The aim of this research is to study these characteristics and determine acorrelation between filter strip length and percent reduction (trapping efficiency) for sediment, water, and pesticide. Two proposed pesticides(one has organic carbon sorption coefficient, Koc, of 147 L/kg which is more moveable than XXXX, and another one has a Koc of 2070 L/kg which is less moveable than XXXX) are presented, where the goal is to prevent 95% of incoming sediment and 85% of the incoming pesticide to reach a receiving stream in still water, Oklahoma from a cultivated field (1250 m²),for 2 hour storm with 5 years return period. Several VFS lengths were simulated including13, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, and 13 m. The results showed that the percent of reduction of sediment, pesticide, and water mainly depends on VFS lengths. Moreover, considering the design storms range, the simulation illustrated that the optimal filter length was13m for silty clay loam. When the value of   was increased from 147 L/kg to 6070 L/kg, the filter length decreased from 13 to 9.5 because of the increase in trapping efficiency. In addition, the results revealed that the trap­ping efficiency was for sediment but not for water orpesticide which was highly impacted by the narrow filter strips. The amount of the rainfall and runoff of the designated field was larger than the infiltration capacity of filter strips, which resulted in low trapping efficiency for pesticide and water.

Keywords: Models ,runoff, sediment, vegetative filter strip, , water quality, watershed planning.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Lark Journal
The problem of synonyms and similar words in the translation of the Holy Quran into Russian (based on the translation by Elmir Kuliev) اشكالية الترادف والكلمات المتقاربة في المعنى في ترجمة القران الكريم الى اللغة الروسية (بناءا على ترجمة إلمير كولييف) Проблема синонимов и близких по значению слов в переводе Священного Корана на русский язык (на материале перевода Эльмира Кулиева)
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In our research, we dealt with one of the most important issues of linguistic studies of the Holy Qur’an, which is the words that are close in meaning, which some believe are synonyms, but in the Arabic language they are not considered synonyms because there are subtle differences between them. Synonyms in the Arabic language are very few, rather rare, and in the Holy Qur’an they are completely non-existent. And how were these words, close in meaning, translated in the translation of the Holy Qur’an by Almir Kuliev into the Russian language.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Quality of Accounting Education in Iraqi Universities
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The aim of the research is to assess the quality of the university accounting education system in Iraq. The researcher relied on the opinions of a sample of academics specialized in this field by preparing a checklist focusing on a set of axes that would affect the quality of accounting education in the Iraqi environment.

 The most prominent finding of the research is that the quality of accounting education in Iraqi universities is medium and differs from one university to another in some quality components. In addition, the prescribed curricula and study plans applied in the accounting departments do not live up to the required level, as the largest proportion of those curricula are theoretically d

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Impact of Clinical Pharmacist-Led Interventions on Short Term Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Women Taking Chemotherapy
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Abstract: Background: Drug toxicity and chemotherapeutic side effects negatively impact the quality of life of breast cancer patients. Objectives: to evaluate the efficacy of pharmaceutical Interventions (PI) on quality of life (QOL)Among chemotherapy intake breast cancer women.  Method: A pre-post interventional study was carried out at the chemotherapy ward of Alhabobi Hospital in Alnasiriyah City. Eligible patients received comprehensive pharmaceutical care and a self-compiled Breast Cancer Patients Medication Knowledge Guide pamphlet. Each patient received two sessions, the first at baseline and the second after 7, 14, or 21 days depending on the next taking dose of chemotherapy. Each session lasted for approximately 15-30 minutes. Par

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
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Application of multivariate statistical techniques in the evaluation of large-scale water treatment plants in Baghdad.
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Abstract<p>This paper aims to evaluate large-scale water treatment plants’ performance and demonstrate that it can produce high-level effluent water. Raw water and treated water parameters of a large monitoring databank from 2016 to 2019, from eight water treatment plants located at different parts in Baghdad city, were analyzed using nonparametric and multivariate statistical tools such as principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). The plants are Al-Karkh, Sharq-Dijlah, Al-Wathba, Al-Qadisiya Al-Karama, Al-Dora, Al-Rasheed, Al-Wehda. PCA extracted six factors as the most significant water quality parameters that can be used to evaluate the variation in drinkin</p> ... Show More
Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Assessment of Coating Zirconium Implant Material with Nanoparticles of Faujasite
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Aim: To evaluate the wettability and microhardness of Zirconium (ZrO2) dental material when coated with different concentrations of Faujasite. Materials and methods: 30 circular disks produced from ZrO2, then each group is classified into 10 control groups, 10 coated groups with 3% Faujasite, and 10 coated groups with 7% faujasite by electro-spun tool to study variable properties in hardness and water contact angle of implant materials. Results: This study stated the high hardness in 7% of faujasite concentration for ZrO2, in addition, the contact angle decreased gradually until reach 0 ᵒ in 7% concentration of faujasite with ZrO2 Conclusion: Water contact angle (WCA) declined till disappeared in (7% wt.) of faujasite coated with the Z

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of the Organic-Pollution Based on the Determination of some Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs) in Tigris River Water in 2012 at Baghdad City , Iraq
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This study aims to predict the organic pollution produced from the presence of some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and determination it's concentrations (µg/L , ppb) in Tigris river water by a collection twenty-seven water samples from a selected three stations with nine sampling sites and three depths of water (5 cm , 2 m and 4 m) each site for 4.6 km distance of a geographic studied area which is located between the ( Al-Senak and AL-Sarrafiah bridges ) at Baghdad city – Iraq on May, 2012. The geographic location was determined with a Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) software program. The concentrations of fourteen components (PAHs) were performed using the reverse phase

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Non-Destructive Testing of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Magnetic Reactive Powder Concrete Containing Nano Silica
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This study involves the design of 24 mixtures of fiber reinforced magnetic reactive powder concrete containing nano Silica. Tap water has been used in mixing 12 of these mixtures, while the other 12 have been mixed using magnetic water. Nano Silica (NS) with ratios (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3) % were used. The results showed that the mixture containing 2.5%NS gives the highest compressive strength at age 7 days. Many different other tests were carried out, the results showed that the fiber reinforced magnetic reactive powder concrete containing 2.5% NS (FRMRPCCNS)  has the higher bulk density, dynamic modulus of elasticity, ultrasonic pulse velocity  electrical resistivity and lesser absorption than fiber reinforced

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Thermal Performance of Plastic Receiver in Solar Collector
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A plastic tubes used as absorber of active flat plate solar collector (FPSC) for heating water were studied numerically and experimentally. The set-up is located in Babylon (republic of Iraq) 43.80 East longitude and 32.30 North latitude with titled of 450 toward the south direction.  The study involved three dimensions mathematical model for flat coil plastic absorber which solved by FLUENT-ANSYS-R.18 program. Experiments were conducted at outdoor conditions for clear days on January and February 2018 with various water volume flow rates namely (500, 750, 1000, 1250, and 1500 Liter per hour LPH) on each month for Reynolds number range of (1 x 104 to 5 x 104) th

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 06 2023
Journal Name
Materials Science Forum
Study of the Effect of Ce &lt;sup&gt;3+&lt;/sup&gt; on the Gas Sensitivity and Magnetic Properties of Cu&lt;sub&gt;x&lt;/sub&gt;Ce&lt;sub&gt;0.3-X&lt;/sub&gt;Ni&lt;sub&gt;0.7&lt;/sub&gt;Fe&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt; Ferrite Nanoparticles
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This study includes the preparation of the ferrite nanoparticles CuxCe0.3-XNi0.7Fe2O4 (where: x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3) using the sol-gel (auto combustion) method, and citric acid was used as a fuel for combustion. The results of the tests conducted by X-ray diffraction (XRD), emitting-field scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray analyzer (EDX), and Vibration Sample Magnetic Device (VSM) showed that the compound has a face-centered cubic structure, and the lattice constant is increased with increasing Cu ion. On the other hand, the compound has apparent porosity and spherical particles, and t

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Applying Shrinkage Estimation Technique of P(Y<Max X1, X2,…, Xk) in Case of Generalized Exponential Distribution
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     This paper concerned with estimation reliability (­ for K components parallel system of the stress-strength model with non-identical components which is subjected to a common stress, when the stress and strength follow the Generalized Exponential Distribution (GED) with unknown shape parameter α and the known scale parameter θ (θ=1) to be common. Different shrinkage estimation methods will be considered to estimate ­ depending on maximum likelihood estimator and prior estimates based on simulation using mean squared error (MSE) criteria. The study approved that the shrinkage estimation using shrinkage weight function was the best.


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