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Simulation Model of Wind Turbine Power Control System with Fuzzy Regulation by Mamdani and Larsen Algorithms
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     The aim of this work is to create a power control system for wind turbines based on fuzzy logic. Three power control loop was considered including: changing the pitch angle of  the blade, changing the length of the blade and turning the nacelle. The stochastic law was given for changes and instant inaccurate assessment of wind conditions changes. Two different algorithms were used for fuzzy inference in the control loop, the Mamdani and Larsen algorithms. These two different algorithms are materialized and developed in this study in Matlab-Fuzzy logic toolbox which has been practically implemented using necessary intelligent control system in electrical engineering and renewable energy concepts.

     A comparison was done to access the functionality of  the developed power control system of fuzzy logic and classical control system with PID – control. It can be concluded that the power control system of fuzzy logic allows to accurately maintain production under the control target function for each work area. When switching operation of wind turbines, it has the distinction that from 13.5 m/s  to another wind velocity value, there is no overshoot  and a typical of classical control systems, and when the wind velocity V is less than13.5 m / s, the pitch angle of the blades should be slightly greater than zero, and if it has increased by 5 °, then blade length should be minimal as possible. Simulation program proved the possibility of effective power regulation for the large wind turbines controller fuzzy type on the basis of knowledge production "if - then" rules, which were shown to be effective on these wind turbines control.

 Keywords: Mamdani and Larsen algorithms fuzzy inference, Matlab Fuzzy Logic ,Fuzzy-PID controllers, Wind turbine.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of brand identity in achieving marketing objectives Applied Study in the International Company for smart card "Key Card"
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Each organization has values ​​and objectives, tangible and intangible properties of its products. The reflection of properties on the brand constitutes the identity of the brand that contributes to building the customer's convictions about the products or services provided by any organization and its brand in a positive or negative way. This is reflected in purchasing behavior, which may push forward the progress towards marketing goals or deviation from them. Therefore, the current research came to identify the brand identity, its types and the factors affecting them and how they affect to achieve each of the marketing goals. At a time when

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Female Characters In The Pre-Raphaelite Novel: M.E. Braddon’s Lady Audley’s Secret (An Extracted Research of Master Degree Letter)
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Victorian age is known as a time of perpetual change. It is a time of new industrialization, increased urbanization and new technology. Therefore, one of the strongest undercurrents of this is the position of women. Woman at that time was viewed as “an angel in the house” especially this who belongs to the upper-middle class. She is described in such term because she spends much time in her domestic domain. Therefore, she should be passive, obedient and dependent. Despite the Victorian society contains several classes; women are defined under two labels: the angel and the demon or the whore. The angel woman can be any woman from the lower middle class to the aristocracy, while the whore refers to any working class woman. The differen

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(Effect of the Critical Sussecc Factors in the Sustainable Competitive advantage ) "Descriptive analytical studay in Al Mu'tasim General Contracting Company.
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      The  objective   of this  research is to analyze the relationship between the  Factors  of critical success and sustainable competitive advantage, and I have tested Search Company Mu'tasim General Contracting, through applied on a sample of (90) manager, engineer and project manager, spread over sections and the company's projects surveyed. has been selected sector construction industry as one of the sectors vital and important that play a major role in the advancement of Iraq's infrastructure under the current circumstances, which epresent a set of Projects are Mu'tasim General Contracting construction  imple

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Spectral Properties of Coumarine -47 Dissolved in Chloroform: Rafah Abdul Hadi Omer|Mohammed T. Hussian|Lamia Kand Kalif
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The spectral propetties (absorption and fluorescence) of Coumarine-47 laser dye have been studied. This type of laser dye belong the Coumarine family and it has dissolved in chloroform at different concentrations (1x10-5, 5x10-5, and 1x10-4 M) at room temperature. The achieved results have been pointed out to increase in the absorption and fluorescence as the concentration increased which are agreements with Beer – Lambert law. These have been also showed an expansion in the spectral range of absorption and fluorescence with a noticed shift in the direction of longer wavelength (Red-shift) with increasing concentration. The quantum efficiency of the dissolved C47 in chloroform has been computed by using the brevious concentrations

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Article International attitudes to change in the Arab countries in the positions of analytical Read (United States, European Union, Russia)
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المواقف افي الدول العربية قراءة تحليلية في مواقف لدولية من التغيير (الولايات المتحدة - الاتحاد الاوروبي - روسيا)

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Ecological Study of the Brown Garden snail Cornu aspersum (Müller, 1774) from selected habitats in Jadiriya in Baghdad vicinity.
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The present study is considered a pioneer investigation that deal with the terrestrial brown garden snail Cornu aspersum (Müller), in Iraq. Cornu aspersum however is considered an exotic species in many parts of the world ,The species is most probably infiltrates with plants transferred from one place to another. The species has gained importance in many ways. Nutritionally, the species is consumed as food item in many countries, but in other cases it is considered as pest for the damage it causes when feeding on valuable plant shoots. It also has medical importance for its role and ability in healing wounds, burns and remedy of other skin problems. This snail species however may act as a vector for some parasitic nematodes that

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Developing Tenth Grade Female Students' Attitudes in Critical Reading Skills Using the Reflective Thinking Method in the Sultanate of Oman
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        This study aimed to developing the skills of critical reading for the tenth basic school female students through a training program using the reflective thinking method. The study sample consisted of (64) students. To achieve the objective of the study, the researcher uses the quasi-experiment approach consisting of a control group (32 students) and an experimental group (32 students). The researcher used three research inventories as follows: 1) A list of critical reading skills included (30) skills within three aspects (Recognition – Deduction – Evaluation and Judgment). 2) An executive program using reflective thinking for developing critical reading skills. 3) Achievement test to measure

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimum Reinforcement Depth Ratio for Sandy Soil Enhancement to Support Ring Footing Subjected to a Combination of Inclined-Eccentric Load
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This work investigates the impacts of eccentric-inclined load on ring footing performance resting on treated and untreated weak sandy soil, and due to the reduction in the footing carrying capacity due to the combinations of eccentrically-inclined load, the geogrid was used as reinforcement material. Ring radius ratio and reinforcement depth ratio parameters were investigated. Test outcomes showed that the carrying capacity of the footing decreases with the increment in the eccentric-inclined load and footing radius ratio. Furthermore, footing tilt and horizontal displacement increase with increasing the eccentricity and inclination angle, respectively. At the same time, the increment in the horizontal displacement due t

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of Employing Microteaching in Acquiring Teaching Skills for Students Teaching The Basic Stage in Al-Aqsa University- Gaza
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The study aims to identify the effectiveness of employing microteaching in acquiring teaching skills of students teaching basic stage in Al-Aqsa University. The two researchers used the experimental method and a quota sample consisted of a group of (80) students who were distributed on the university two branches in Gaza and Khan younis and on males and females equally, and on four teaching courses counted (20) students for each. The study tool represented in an observation card ,and the results showed statistically significant differences between the level of all the skills of teaching and between the standard rate (75%) in favor of teaching skills, also showed statistically significant differences attributed to the variable of the univ

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Evaluate the Distribution of Heavy Elements that Dissolved in Ground Water Using IDW in AL-Wafa City, Al-Ramadi,Iraq
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Groundwater can be assessed by studying water wells. This study was conducted in Al-Wafa District, Anbar Governorate, Iraq. The water samples were collected from 24 different wells in the study area, in January 2021. A laboratory examination of the samples was conducted. Geographical information systems technique was relied on to determine the values of polluting elements in the wells. The chemical elements that were measured were [cadmium, lead, cobalt and chromium]. The output of this research were planned to be spatial maps that show the distribution of the elements with respect to their concentrations. The results show a variation in the heavy elements concentrations at the studied area groundwater. The samples show different values

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