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Active Vibration Suppression of Smart Cantilever Beam with Sliding Mode Observer Using Two Piezoelectric Patches
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This paper presents a vibration suppression control design of cantilever beam using two piezoelectric ‎patches. One patch was used as ‎an actuator element, while the other was used as a sensor. The controller design was designed via the balance realization reduction method to elect the reduced order model that is most controllable and observable. ‎the sliding mode observer was designed to estimate six states from the reduced order model but three states are only used in the control law. Estimating a number of states larger than that used is in order to increase the estimation accuracy. Moreover, the state ‎estimation error is proved bounded. An ‎optimal LQR controller is designed then using the ‎estimated states with the sliding mode observer, to ‎suppress the vibration of a smart cantilever ‎beam via the piezoelectric elements. The control spillover problem was avoided, by deriving an avoidance ‎condition, to ensure the ‎asymptotic stability for the proposed vibration ‎control design. ‎The numerical simulations were achieved to ‎test the vibration attenuation ability of the ‎proposed optimal control. For 15 mm initial tip ‎displacement, the piezoelectric actuator found ‎able to reduce the tip displacement to about 0.1 ‎mm after 4s, while it was 1.5 mm in the ‎open loop case.  The current experimental results showed a good performance of the proposed LQR control law and the sliding mode observer, as well a good agreement with theoretical results.

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Criticism of the Green Political Thought of the Modernist Intellectual Output
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In the last decades of the twentieth century, ideas emerged that were increasingly being floated, stating that the planet is suffering from a population explosion, depletion of resources, and environmental problems that require action to be addressed. Although these problems in practice need scientific solutions, the problem is that these solutions collide with ideologies. Here the green political thought emerges, based on the criticism of many ideological axioms. The owners of green thinking agree that most environmental damage is due to the humanist doctrine. It criticizes modernity accompanied by a scientific revolution, where this criticism centered around (the rationality of the scientific and technological mind), here the green pol

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Increased interest in the subject of the image because of its great and growing link to the life of the individual and society and its impact on the overall political, economic and cultural conditions. This interest is no longer confined to the images of people or institutions, but has become beyond that to the images of countries and peoples and the impact on bilateral relations between them,

However, we find that the image of the Iraqi abroad remained vague and has not been scientifically recognized and the most that we can generalize are the features of the image of Arabs and Muslims abroad; and assume that the image of the Iraqi applies to them as the Iraqi is in the end an Arab or Muslim.

Based on this, the research

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of the Synthesis Time on Structural Properties of Copper Oxide
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The structural properties of the CuO nanopowder oxide prepared reflux technique
without any templates or surfactant, using copper nitrate hydrate (Cu(NO)3 3H2O) in deionized
water with aqueous ammonia solution are reported. The Xrd analysis data and processing in origin
pro program used to get FWHM and integral width to study the effect of different synthesis times
was studied on the structural properties. It was found that values of crystal sizes are 17.274nm,
17.746nm, and 18.560nm, the size of nanoparticles is determined by Halder-Wagner, and 15.796
nm, 15.851nm, and 16.52nm, were calculated by Size-Strain Plot (SSP) method. The Sample was
considered to determine physical and microstructural paramete

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Construction Joints on the Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams
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In this study, the effect of construction joints on the performance of reinforced concrete beams was experimentally investigated. Seven beam specimens, with dimensions of 200×100×1000 mm, were fabricated. The variables were considered including; the location and configuration of the joints. One beam was cast without a joint (Reference specimen), two specimens were fabricated with a one horizontal joint located either at tension, or compression zone. The fourth
beam had two horizontal joints placed at tension, and compression area. The remaining specimens were with one or two inclined joints positioned at the shear span or beam’s mid-span. The specimens were subjected to a monotonic central concentrated loading until the failure. T

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Benzene on Some haeMatological Parameters of Oil Station Workers
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  Benzene is a hydrocarbon chemical consisting of six atoms arranged in a ring structure. At normal ambient temperatures; it is a liquid, which evaporates rapidly at room temperature and is highly flammable. It has a characteristic of aromatic odor and is slightly soluble in water (1.5 g/liter at 20ºC) but miscible with most other organic solvents [1].           Long-term inhalation of benzene causes blood disorders. It specifically affects bone marrow [2]. And it may cause anemia, excessive bleeding, damage to the immune system and DNA [3, 4]. Increased incidence of leukemia (cancer of the tissues that form white blood cells) has been observed in people occupationally exposed to

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Prevalence of Urinary Schistosomiasis in Al-Rusafah Regions of Baghdad governarate
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Urinary Schistosomiasis is one of important diseases that cause irritation and damage of urinary tract and other systems and tissues and can not be expected by doctors when diagnosing urinary tract diseases.The current study is conducted to investigate the prevalence of schistosomiasisin Baghdad / Al-Rusafa. 191urine samples were collected fromresidents ofsome areas of Al-Rusafain Baghdad governarate (Almashtal, Albaladyat, Alameen, Baghdad aljadida and Alnahrawan) for the period from March until the end of September 2010.The samples were examined by the precipitation and examination of micro hematuria by reagent strips. The total infection percentage was 9.42% (18/191) and was significantly higher in males compared tofemales12.64% (11/87)

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The effects of Core-polarization on inelastic form factors of 10B
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Inelastic transverse and longitudinal form factors of same parity have
been studied for B 10 nucleus in the frame work of the shell model for
many particles, by using He 4 as an inert core and the remaining
particles were distributed in 3 / 2 1 / 2 1p ,1p which form the model
space. The calculations of the present work based on the harmonic
oscillator potential with fixed size parameter (b). Here we use the
first order correction for the perturbation theory and the interaction
from Cohen-Kurath (CK). Adding the core-polarization effects to
form factors calculations gave a good agreement with the
experimental data. Calculations have been performed for the
transverse excited states of: (1 ,0 )at ( E  0.178M

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Kinds of unknowns and government linkages -empirical study of the application
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It is no secret that the prophets speech is of great importance, as the second source of Islamic legislation after the Holy Quran, and as such we must reserve and verify the authenticity of the novel and the narrators seizure, and all the conditions laid down by the scholars.

The subject of our research here concerns part of this verification, which is the unknown, the subject of the unknown hadith is considered a matter of great interest by the modernists because it relates to the validity of the novel and the narrators, and the methods of the modernists varied in terms of the reasons for this weakness, the fool never entertained them by the reckless narrative.

I chose the subject of my research the types of Mahjail and

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Histomorphological study of uropygial gland of pekin duck (Anas platyrhnchos domesticus)
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The study included 20 birds of Pekin duck (Anas platyrhnchos domesticus) for study the histological of uropygial gland (10 males + 10 females), the weights were between (1411-1582 gm) for males and (1350-1980 gm) female. Routine Histological Techniques was done and stained by Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E), Periodic Acidic Schiff (PAS), Masson's trichrome stains. Histological sections of the uropygial gland of Pekin ducks showed that the gland consist of the capsule, parenchyma, isthmus and uropygial papillae. The capsule consist of Dense irregular connective tissue. The mean thickness of capsule around the gland lobes were (56.321?17.206µm) and around the uropygial papillae were (67.208?14.996 µm). The capsule tissues continuous in betwe

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Purification and Characterization of Endoglucanase from local isolate of Aspergillus flavus
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Endoglucanase produced from Aspergillus flavus was purified by several steps including precipitation with 25 % ammonium sulphate followed by Ion –exchange chromatography, the obtained specific activity was 377.35 U/ mg protein, with a yield of 51.32 % .This step was followed by gel filtration chromatography (Sepharose -6B), when a value of specific activity was 400 U/ mg protein, with a yield of 48 %. Certain properties of this purified enzyme were investigated, the optimum pH of activity was 7 and the pH of its stability was 4.5, while the temperature stability was 40 °C for 60 min. The enzyme retained 100% of its original activity after incubation at 40 °C for 60 min; the optimum temperature for enzyme activity was 40 °C.

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