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Helical Piles Embedded in Expansive Soil Overlaying Sandy Soil
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In this study, the behavior of square helical piles models (5×5) mm2 embedded in expansive soil bed overlaying a layer of sandy soil was investigated. The sand layer 200mm thickness was compacted into four sub layers in a steel container with diameter 400mm in size. Sandy soil layer was compacted into two relative densities 40% and 80%. The bed of ثءحties 40% and 80%.The bed of o00mm in size.Sandy soil layer was compacted into two relative densities 40% and 80%.The bed of oexpansive soil 300mm thickness was compacted into six sub layers on sandy soil layer. Model tests are performed with helical pile length 350mm, 400mm and 450mm and with helix diameter 15mm and 20mm. Also, one helix and double helix were used for these piles. Water was allowed to seep from bottom of sandy soil to reach surface of expansive soil through four sand drains around helical pile. This study revealed that the upward movement of helical piles decreases with increasing depth of embedment in the sandy layer, helix diameter and number of helix. The increase in these parameters provides anchorage against uplifting. Helical piles embedded in sandy soil of relative density (40%) have uplift movement more than helical piles of relative density (80%).

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of enabling the effectiveness of the work of the audit committees in private commercial banks (A survey study of the views of a sample of the objective of the inspection bodies represented by the Central Bank and the Securities Commission and e
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The aim of this study is to identify the effect of enabling the effectiveness of the work of the audit committees in private commercial banks and to identify the extent of awareness of the importance of empowerment in the work of these committees, especially as it is known that these committees, especially the inspection committees that go to private banks and from various sources including committees of the Central Bank of Iraq Committees of the Securities Commission and finally committees of the external audit offices, through an analysis of the determinants of empowerment in the performance of the most important work of the audit committees, namely: supervising the process of preparing reports, supervising the system of intern

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Mitigation of collapse characteristics of gypseous soils by activated carbon, sodium metasilicate, and cement dust: An experimental study
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This study includes adding chemicals to gypseous soil to improve its collapse characteristics. The collapse behavior of gypseous soil brought from the north of Iraq (Salah El-Deen governorate) with a gypsum content of 59% was investigated using five types of additions (cement dust, powder sodium meta-silicate, powder activated carbon, sodium silicate solution, and granular activated carbon). The soil was mixed by weight with cement dust (10, 20, and 30%), powder sodium meta-silicate (6%), powder activated carbon (10%), sodium silicate solution (3, 6, and 9%), and granular activated carbon (5, 10, and 15%). The collapse potential is reduced by 86, 71, 43, 37, and 35% when 30% cement dust, 6% powder sodium meta-silicate, 10% powder activated

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effects of Magnetized Water on the Accumulated Depth of Infiltration
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This study was carried out to investigate the effects of magnetized water on accumulated infiltration depth. A test rig was designed and constructed for this purpose was installed at the water tests laboratory of the Department of Water Resources Engineering at the University of  aghdad. The investigation was carried out by using two types of soil, different flow velocities throughout magnetizing device and different configuration of magnets over and under the water passage of the magnetizing device. The soils that were used in the experiments are clayey and sandy soils.  Six different flow velocities throughout magnetizing device ranged between 0.29 to 1.19 cm/s and ten configurations of arranging the magnets over and under th

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A comparative reading of the social and political satire in the works of Abu al-Fadl Zrui Nasrabad and Ahmad Rajab (The tadhk: خوانش تطبیقی طنز اجتماعی – سیاسی در آثار ابوالفضل زرویی نصرآباد و احمد رجب(مورد مطالعه: تذکرة المقامات زرویی و نصف كلمة احمد رجب)
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           Satire is genre of the literary arts that has always been the source of human interest. Because  it is difficult to accept direct criticism, Satire appears as a literary tool in which vices, follies, abuses and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement. A satirical critic usually employs irony to attain this goal. Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often profitable social criticism, using wit to draw at

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 11 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Collision in the dispute between the two imams Shafi’i and Abu Hanifa by Sheikh Mansour bin Muhammad bin Abd al-Jabbar al-Marwazi al-Samani Abi al-Muzaffar (d. 498 AH) from the issue (If one of the Muslim spouses apostatized and one of the infidel spouses
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The science of jurisprudence is one of the legal sciences that scholars have been interested in since the first centuries of Islam, and they wrote many books about it, and the science of manuscripts is considered one of the scientific achievements in which many scholars emerged, including Imam Al-Samaani, so I chose this manuscript related to Istism to clarify its concept and meaning for all people, The student (Ali Ahmed Abdel-Aziz Sheikh Hamad) preceded me in the investigation of part of the book, and it was facilitated for me, by the grace of God Almighty, to investigate the issue (if one of the Muslim spouses apostatized and one of the infidel spouses converted to Islam until the end of the issue of if the two spouses were taken capt

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 09 2015
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Effect Tiers Pressure and Speeds tractor on Performance Chisel and Disc Plows
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Field experiment conducted to measured Slippage, Effective field capacity, Field Efficiency, Soil Volume Disturbed and Specific Productivity Tillage in silt clay loam soil with depth 18 cm in Baghdad- Iraq. Split – split plot design under randomized complete block design with three replications using Least Significant Design 5 % was used. Three factor used in this experiment included Two types of plows included Chisel and Disk plows which represented main plot , Three Tires Inflation Pressure was second factor included 1.1 ,1.8 and 2.7 Bar, and Three forward speeds of the tillage was third factor included 2.35 , 4.25 and 6.50 km/hr. Result show chisel plow recorded best parameters performance

Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Comprehensive Review for Integrating Petrophysical Properties, Rock Typing, and Geological Modeling for Enhanced Reservoir Characterization
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Reservoir characterization is an important component of hydrocarbon exploration and production, which requires the integration of different disciplines for accurate subsurface modeling. This comprehensive research paper delves into the complex interplay of rock materials, rock formation techniques, and geological modeling techniques for improving reservoir quality. The research plays an important role dominated by petrophysical factors such as porosity, shale volume, water content, and permeability—as important indicators of reservoir properties, fluid behavior, and hydrocarbon potential. It examines various rock cataloging techniques, focusing on rock aggregation techniques and self-organizing maps (SOMs) to identify specific and

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 05 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Agriculture And Veterinary Science
Tillage Appearance Device Test When Used Mold Board Plow Under Difference of a Variables Condition
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Tillage appearance device is mechanical, electric-electronic design, getting Patent from the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control – Industrial Property Department - Ministry of Planning – The Republic of IRAQ under number Patent 3876 in 20 / 4 / 2014, calculates the number of clods per area by Tillage appearance device, This is done through the generation electrical impulses are sent to the controlled accurate calculates number clods required space and shows the result on the screen in order to see the tillage view per area. Three factor used in these experiment, first factor represents forward speed of tractor three levels (3.5, 4.5, and 5.5 km/h), second factor represent soil moisture content at two levels (14

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 12 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Engineering, Management And Science
Whole body, Arm-Hand Vibration and Performance Drivers Tractors during Conservation Tillage under different Velocity and Soils
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The Experiment was carried out to determine the level vibration transfer in three axes Horizontal X, Lateral Y and Vertical Z direction to seat driver tractor, Vector sum of vibration and Daily Vibration Exposure (8 hours) in seat driver tractor, and vibration in steering wheel tractor, Heart Rate, Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure and temperature were measure to all Drivers before and after used Chisel plow in operation tillage. Statistical analysis system was used, Split-Split Plot Design under Randomized Complete Block Design, Three factors were used in this experiment included Two types of Soil Moist and Dry soil which represented main plot, Three Velocity Tractor was second factor included 1.6,3.5 and 5.4 km/hr and Three Drivers Tr

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Evaluating the Performance of Combined Equipment (RAU) and Field Tested
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Abstract<p>An experiment was carried out evaluate the performance of RAU combined equipment under three levels of practical speed, (V1) 4.06 km. h<sup>-1</sup>, (V2) 4.43 km. hr<sup>-1</sup> and (V3) 5.76 km. hr<sup>-1</sup>, and three levels of depth with 10,20and 30 cm. It is denoted by D1, D2, D3 respectively. A split plot design was used within the RCBD design with three replications. The experiment results showed that the first practical speed 4.06<sup>-1</sup> achieved the lowest slippage percentage from 9.61%, lowest traction power 14.65hp, lowest soil penetration resistance to1.34<sup>-2</sup>, and the highest total operating </p> ... Show More
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