The design, construction and investigation of experimental study of two compound parabolic concentrators (CPCs) with tubular absorber have been presented. The performance of CPCs have been evaluated by using outdoor experimental measurements including the instantaneous thermal efficiency. The two CPCs are tested instantly by holding them on a common structure. Many tests are conducted in the present work by truncating one of them in three different levels. For each truncation the acceptance half angle (θc) was changed. Geometrically, the acceptance half angle for standard CPC is (26o). For the truncation levels for the other CPC 1, 2 and 3 the acceptance half angle were 20o, 26o and 59o, consequently. A significant difference between the instantaneous thermal efficiency of 3.86× CPC (θc=20o) and 2.32× CPC (θc=26o), and between that for 3.61× CPC (θc=26o) and 2.32× CPC (θc=26o). It's noticed that the difference between the instantaneous thermal efficiency of 2.32× CPC (θc=59o) and 2.32× CPC (θc=26o) is small compared with the difference of the first and second cases, the instantaneous thermal efficiency of 2.32× CPC (26o) was higher than those for other three CPCs. The experimental results show that the maximum thermal efficiency of the full 2.32×CPC (26o) is 0.708, the maximum thermal efficiency of the 3.93×CPC (15o), when it's truncated to 3.84× CPC (20o), 3.61× CPC (26o) and 2.32× CPC (59o) are 0.51, 0.52 and 0.66, respectively. As the concentration ratio decreases from (3.93× to 1×), the thermal efficiency, energy losses and optical efficiency increase from (0.47 to 63), (1.58 to 7.2 K.m2/W) and (0.494 to 0.797), respectively.
The aim of the present research is to know the following :
What are the Science and technology, society and environment issues (S.T.S.E) which included in the content of the chemistry Book third grade intermediate ?
And to achieve the objective of search The two researchers has prepares a list of science and technology, society and environment issues (STSE) consisted of (9) key issues namely ( Air quality and the atmosphere, sustainable development, water security, health and preventive security, mineral resources investment, pollution of various kinds, energy, food industry, production of weapons technology ) and from which (70) sub-issues emerge, Arbitrators competent agreement has been received . Then, the two re
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The undimensionality hypothesis which is item response theory depend it is unable in some of measurement situations because there are many dimensions which are affect of the response, so as the researches reached to expand this hypothesis to construct a new one which is multidimensional, and many of theories are pointed to the concept of meaning of life is multidimensionality, so this research aimed to construct the scale of meaning of life as the student's perception according with Multidimensional Item Response Model and this research adopt Wong's theory 1998 which point to the meaning of life consist of (7) dimensions. The research tool contains (49) items distributed at dimensions of meaning of life. Sample of statistical ana
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