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Formation of Compressive Residual Stress by Face Milling Steel AISI 1045
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     Machining residual stresses correlate very closely with the cutting parameters and the tool geometries. This research work aims to investigate the effect of cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut on the surface residual stress of steel AISI 1045 after face milling operation. After each milling test, the residual stress on the surface of the workpiece was measured by using X-ray diffraction technique. Design of Experiment (DOE) software was employed using the response surface methodology (RSM) technique with a central composite rotatable design to build a mathematical model to determine the relationship between the input variables and the response. The results showed that both the feed rate and the cutting speed are the significant factors controlling the surface residual stress, while the depth of cut had no influence. A quadratic empirical model was developed with a 95% confidence level, and a good agreement was found between the experimental and predicted results. A numerical optimization was then conducted through DOE program to find the optimum surface residual stress at the optimum cutting parameters, depending on the maximum desirability obtained. The optimum compressive surface residual stress (-224.361 MPa) was found at cutting speed of 69.2 m/min, feed rate of 0.4 m/min and depth of cut of 0.4 mm.

Keywords: Face milling, Cutting parameters, Steel AISI 1045, Residual stresses, XRD; DOE, RSM, Modeling and Numerical optimization.


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Publication Date
Thu Mar 12 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Influence of ProcessVariables for MillingSculptured Surfaces on Surface Roughness
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Increasing the variety of products that are being designed with sculptured surfaces, efficient machining of these surfaces has become more important in many manufacturing industries. The objective of the present work is the investigation of milling parameters for the sculptured surfacesthat effecting of surface roughness during machining of Al-alloy. The machining operation implemented on C-TEK CNC milling machine. The influence of the selected variables on the chosen characteristics have been accomplished using Taguchi design approach, also ANOVA had been utilized to evaluate the contributionsof each parameter on proc

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
A Predictive Model for Estimating Unconfined Compressive Strength from Petrophysical Properties in the Buzurgan Oilfield, Khasib Formation, Using Log Data
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Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of rock is the most critical geomechanical property widely used as input parameters for designing fractures, analyzing wellbore stability, drilling programming and carrying out various petroleum engineering projects. The USC regulates rock deformation by measuring its strength and load-bearing capacity. The determination of UCS in the laboratory is a time-consuming and costly process. The current study aims to develop empirical equations to predict UCS using regression analysis by JMP software for the Khasib Formation in the Buzurgan oil fields, in southeastern Iraq using well-log data. The proposed equation accuracy was tested using the coefficient of determination (R²), the average absolute

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Corrosion Protection Study of Carbon Steel and 316 Stainless Steel Alloys Coated by Nanoparticles
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The Corrosion protection effectiveness of Alimina(Al2O3,50nm)and Zinc oxide (ZnO,30nm) nanoparticales were studied on carbon steel and 316 stainless steel alloys in saline water (3.5%NaCl)at four temperatures: (20,30,40,50 OC)using three electrodes potentiostat. An average corrosion protection efficiencies of 65 %and 80% was achieved using Al2O3 NP's on carbon steel and stainless steel samples respectively, and it seems that no effect of rising temperature on the performances of the coated layers. While ZnO NP'S showed protection efficiency around 65% for the two alloys and little effected by temperature rising on the performanes of the coated layers. The morphology of the coated spesiemses was examined by Atomic force microscope.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Springer Series In Geomechanics And Geoengineering
Improvement of Unconfined Compressive Strength of Soft Clay by Grouting Gel and Silica Fume
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Increasing validation accuracy of a face mask detection by new deep learning model-based classification
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During COVID-19, wearing a mask was globally mandated in various workplaces, departments, and offices. New deep learning convolutional neural network (CNN) based classifications were proposed to increase the validation accuracy of face mask detection. This work introduces a face mask model that is able to recognize whether a person is wearing mask or not. The proposed model has two stages to detect and recognize the face mask; at the first stage, the Haar cascade detector is used to detect the face, while at the second stage, the proposed CNN model is used as a classification model that is built from scratch. The experiment was applied on masked faces (MAFA) dataset with images of 160x160 pixels size and RGB color. The model achieve

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Scopus (4)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Constructing a Software Tool for Detecting Face Mask-wearing by Machine Learning
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       In the pandemic era of COVID19, software engineering and artificial intelligence tools played a major role in monitoring, managing, and predicting the spread of the virus. According to reports released by the World Health Organization, all attempts to prevent any form of infection are highly recommended among people. One side of avoiding infection is requiring people to wear face masks. The problem is that some people do not incline to wear a face mask, and guiding them manually by police is not easy especially in a large or public area to avoid this infection. The purpose of this paper is to construct a software tool called Face Mask Detection (FMD) to detect any face that does not wear a mask in a specific

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Effect of Time and Corrosion Products Formation on Corrosion Rate of Carbon Steel Pipe Under Turbulent Flow Conditions
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The effect of time (or corrosion products formation) on corrosion rates of carbon steel pipe in aerated 0.1N NaCl
solution under turbulent flow conditions is investigated. Tests are conducted using electrochemical polarization
technique by determining the limiting current density of oxygen reduction in Reynolds number range of 15000 to 110000
and temperature range of 30 to 60oC. The effect of corrosion products formation on the friction factor is studied and
discussed. Corrosion process is analyzed as a mass transfer operation and the mass transfer theory is employed to
express the corrosion rate. The results are compared with many proposed models particularly those based on the
concept of analogy among momentum, heat,

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Results In Engineering
Predictive model for stress at ultimate in internally unbonded steel tendons based on genetic expression programming
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
J Bagh College Of Dentistry
Assessment of consistency and compressive strength of glass ionomer reinforced by different amount of hydroxyapatite
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Background: Glass ionomers have good biocompatibility and the ability to adhere to both enamel and dentin. However, they have certain demerits, mainly low tensile and compressive strengths. Therefore, this study was done to assess consistency and compressive strength of glass ionomer reinforced by different amount of hydroxyapatite. Materials and Methods: In this study hydroxyapatite materials were added to glass ionomer cement at different ratios, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% (by weight). The standard consistency test described in America dental association (ADA) specification No. 8 was used, so that all new base materials could be conveniently mixed and the results would be of comparable value and the compressive strength test described by

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Survey of Face Recognition Systems
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With the quick grow of multimedia contents, from among this content, face recognition has got a lot of significant, specifically in latest little years. The face as object formed of various recognition characteristics for detect; so, it is still the most challenge research domain for researchers in area of image processing and computer vision. In this survey article, tried to solve the most demanding facial features like illuminations, aging, pose variation, partial occlusion and facial expression. Therefore, it indispensable factors in the system of facial recognition when performed on facial pictures. This paper study the most advanced facial detection techniques too, approaches: Hidden Markov Models, Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

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