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Experimental and Analytical Study of Bending Stresses and Deflections in Curved Beam Made of Laminated Composite Material
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Theoretical and experimental methodologies were assessed to test curved beam made of layered   composite material. The maximum stress and maximum deflection were computed for each layer and the effect of radius of curvature and curve shape on them. Because of the increase of the use of composite materials in aircraft structures and the renewed interest in these types of problems, the presented theoretical assessment was made using three different approaches: curved beam theory and an approximate 2D strength of material equations and finite element method (FEM) analysis by ANSYS 14.5 program for twelve cases of multi-layered cylindrical shell panel differs in fiber orientations and number of layers. One case of E-glass composite material was experimentally made and tested to verify the relation between applied load and maximum deflection and four  models were made of poly carbonyl to determine stresses under bending loads in polar scope, all results were compared with each other, the percentage accuracy was very good. The curved beam theory and strength of material equation formulas results were reasonable for the bottom surface, while it seems not enough for the top surfaces. Also, results explained positions and cases more affected by delaminating and the most preferred part of ellipse shape beam in resisting loads.


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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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In this current work, Purpose; to clearly the fundamental idea for constructing a design and
investigation of spur gear made of composite material its comes from the combination of (high
speeds, low noise, oil-les running, light weight, high strength, and more load capability)
encountered in modern engineering applications of the gear drives, when the usual metallic gear
cannot too overwhelming these combinations.
An analyzing of stresses and deformation under static and dynamic loading for spur gear tooth
by finite element method with isoparametric eight-nodded in total of 200 brick element with 340
nods in three degree of freedom per node was selected for this analysis. This is responsible for the
catastropic fa

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu May 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Numerical Study of Crack Effect on Frequency of Simple Supported Beam
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In this research the natural frequency of a cracked simple supported beam (the crack is in many places and in different depths) is investigated analytically, experimentally and numerically by ANSYS program, and the results are compared. The beam is made of iron with dimensions of L*W*H= (0.84*0.02* 0.02m), and density = 7680kg/m3, E=200Gpa. A comparison made between analytical results from ANSYS with experimental results, where the biggest error percentage is about (7.2 %) in crack position (42 cm) and (6 mm) depth. Between Rayleigh method with experimental results the biggest error percentage is about (6.4 %) for the same crack position and depth. From the error percentages it could be concluded that the Rayleigh method gives

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 06 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Bone Defect Animal Model for Hybrid Polymer Matrix Nano Composite as Bone Substitute Biomaterials
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Addition of bioactive materials such as Titanium oxide (TiO2), and incorporation of bio inert ceramic such as alumina (Al2O3), into polyetheretherketone (PEEK) has been adopted as an effective approach to improve bone-implant interfaces. In this paper, hot pressing technique has been adopted as a production method. This technique gave a homogenous distribution of the additive materials in the proposed composite biomaterial. Different compositions and compounding temperatures have been applied to all samples. Mechanical properties and animal model have been studied in all different production conditions. The results of these new TiO2/Al2O3/PEEK biocomposites with different

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Buckling and Pre Stressed Dynamics Analysis of Laminated Composite Plate with Different Boundary Conditions
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Critical buckling and natural frequencies behavior of laminated composite thin plates subjected to in-plane uniform load is obtained using classical laminated plate theory (CLPT). Analytical investigation is presented using Ritz- method for eigenvalue problems of buckling load solutions for laminated symmetric and anti-symmetric, angle and cross ply composite plate with different elastic supports along its edges. Equation of motion of the plate was derived using principle of virtual work and solved using modified Fourier displacement function that satisfies general edge conditions. Various numerical investigation were studied to exhibit a convergence and accuracy of the present solution for considering some design parameters such as edge

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study of Mechanical Characteristics for Polymer Composite Reinforced by Particles of (Al2O3) or (Al)
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A particulate polymer composite material was prepared by reinforcing with the Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) or Aluminum (Al) metallic particles with a particle size of (30) µm to an unsaturated Polyester Resin with a weight fraction of (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%).

Tensile test results showed the maximum value of elastic modulus reached (2400MPa.)  in the case of reinforcing with (Al) particles with weight fraction (20%) and (1500 MPa.)  in the case of reinforcing with (Al2O3) particles of the same weight fraction.

  When the impact and the flexural strength tests were done, the results showed that flexural strength (F.S), maximum shear stress (τmax), impact strength

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the influence of the reinforced material geometrical shape on the internal stresses in the composite materials
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In this paper the reinforced materials manufactured from steel continues fibers are used in Aluminum matrix to build a composite material. Most of researches concentrated on reinforced materials and its position in the matrix according to its size and distribution, and their effects on the magnitude of different kinds of the stresses, so this paper presents and concentrate on the geometrical shape of reinforced material and its effects on the internal stresses and strains on the composite strength using FEM as a method for analysis after loaded by certain force showing the deference magnitudes of stresses according to the different geometrical shapes of reinforced materials.


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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Applied Research Journal
Experimental Study of the Behavior of Composite Concrete Castellated Steel Beams Subjected to Pure Bending
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The aim of this study is to investigate the behavior of composite castellated beam in which the concrete slab and steel beam connected together with headed studs shear connectors. Four simply supported composite beams with various degree of castellation were tested under two point static loads. One of these beams was built up using standard steel beam, i.e. without web openings, to be a reference beam. The other three beams were fabricated from the same steel I-section with various three castellation ratios, (25, 35, and 45) %. In all beams the concrete slab has the same section and properties. Deflection at mid span of all beams was measured at each 10 kN load increment. The test results show that the castellation process leads to

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental & Theoretical Analysis of Composite (Polyester & Silicon-Carbide) Cantilever Beam
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A cantilever beam is made from composite material which is consist of (matrix: polyester) and (particles: Silicon-Carbide) with different volume fraction of particles. A force is applied at the free end of beam with different values. The experimental maximum deflection of beam which occurs at the point of the applied load is recorded. The deflection and slope of beam are analyzed by using FEM modeling. MATLAB paltform is built to assemble the equations, vector and matrix of FEM and solving the unknown variables (deflection and slope) at each node. Also ANSYS platform is used to modeling beam in finite element and solve the problem. The numerical methods are used to compare the results with the theoretical and experimental data. A good ag

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
An experimental comparative study between polypropylene and laminated lower limb prosthetic socket
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Most researchers concentrate their studies on the design, stress and pressure distributions of the prosthetic socket. A little attention is considered for the stiffness of the various materials of the prosthetic sockets. Prosthetic laminated sockets in Iraq are costly to be manufactured while polypropylene socket is relatively cheap in comparing with the laminates.

Experimental study is conducted to compare the stiffness of five prosthetic sockets made of different materials. Compression, three point flexural and tensile tests are implemented by the Testometric machine. The laminate sockets give better results in compression than polypropylene. Polypropylene gives good results in bending compared with the laminate sockets. When t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates with General Boundary Elastic Supports Under Initial Thermal Load
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Free vibration behavior was developed under the ratio of critical buckling temperature of laminated composite thin plates with the general elastic boundary condition. The equations of motion were found based on classical laminated plate theory (CLPT) while the solution functions consists of trigonometric function and a continuous function that is added to guarantee the sufficient smoother of the so-named remaining displacement function at the boundaries, in this research, a modified Fourier series were used, a generalized procedure solution was developed using Ritz method combined with the imaginary spring technique. The influences of many design parameters such as angles of layers, aspect ratio, thickness ratio, and ratio of initial in-

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