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Beneficiation of Iraqi Akash at Phosphate Ore Using Organic Acids for the Production of Wet Process Phosphoric Acid
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In the present work, leaching process studiedusing organic acids (acetic acid and lactic acid) to extract phosphate from the Iraqi Akashat phosphate ore by separation of calcareous materials (mainly calcite). This approach characterized by energy conservation, environmental enhancement by recovery of calcite as calcium sulfate (gypsum), keeping the physical and chemical properties of apatite. Samples were analyzed using X-ray diffraction and FTIR spectrophotometer. From the obtained experimental data it was found that using the two organic acids yields closed purity values of the produced apatite at the optimum conditions, while at different acid concentrations, it was found that the efficiency of acetic acid is higher at the low acid concentration (2 wt%), and that lactic acid gives the higher efficiency at high acid concentration (10 wt%).Concerning the ratio of acid volume to ore weight ratio, it was found that reducing this ratio to 5 ml/gm cause an increase in the purity of apatite at the optimum concentrations of the two acids. In addition, it was found that the reaction ofthe two organic acids with the calcareous material are fast and that the optimum reaction time, in which high purity apatite produced is 10 minutes.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Investment Trends for Iraqi Industries in Terms of Clean Production (selected model)
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   Industrial Investment according to Clean Productive methods is an important element in the process of rational use of Economic Resources, and the Iraqi industrial sector relied on traditional production methods; the productive activities in this sector did not take into consideration the environmental dimension, which leads to achieving the optimal use of economic resources, so it was necessary to have new investment trends heading with Clean Production. Therefore, the research is based on the hypothesis that "Clean Production contributes to improving the environment and rational use of Natural Resources." Based on the descriptive - inductive analysis methodology that study of Iraqi industries with Clean Production,

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Evaluating the Production Stats for Student Films in The Department of Film & TV: براق أنس المدرس
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It's for sure that TV or cinematic production requires an effort that is described to be large according to the script , thus we find a production sectors that couldn't fulfill these tasks especially in Iraq for its current challenges , although we found the department of film & television have a large quantity that could be described as big comparing to the Iraqi production sectors , alongside what it does provides to the Iraqi dramatic movement , but the cause that the management of this department is looking for is the quality that osmosis an dramatic & atheistic value , this production quantity that is productions operations frequently is attacked by lagging that came from many reasons that " May or May not " known to the spe

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
PWRR Algorithm for Video Streaming Process Using Fog Computing
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       The most popular medium that being used by people on the internet nowadays is video streaming.  Nevertheless, streaming a video consumes much of the internet traffics. The massive quantity of internet usage goes for video streaming that disburses nearly 70% of the internet. Some constraints of interactive media might be detached; such as augmented bandwidth usage and lateness. The need for real-time transmission of video streaming while live leads to employing of Fog computing technologies which is an intermediary layer between the cloud and end user. The latter technology has been introduced to alleviate those problems by providing high real-time response and computational resources near to the

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Greenhouse Gas Control
CO2-wettability of sandstones exposed to traces of organic acids: Implications for CO2 geo-storage
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Wettability of CO2-brine-mineral systems plays a vital role during geological CO2-storage. Residual trapping is lower in deep saline aquifers where the CO2 is migrating through quartz rich reservoirs but CO2 accumulation within a three-way structural closure would have a high storage volume due to higher CO2 saturation in hydrophobic quartz rich reservoir rock. However, such wettability is only poorly understood at realistic subsurface conditions, which are anoxic or reducing. As a consequence of the reducing environment, the geological formations (i.e. deep saline aquifers) contain appreciable concentrations of various organic acids. We thus demonstrate here what impact traces of organic acids exposed to storage rock have on their wettabil

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Production of Lactic Acid by lactobacilli using Legume Flours
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       Due to their high nutritional value, richness in carbohydrates and good source of protein, legumes are considered essential for human diet. Legumes flours were used as fermentable material for lactic acid production. Hence, previously isolated lactobacilli strains were used in this study. The strains showed strong microbial growth and their survival in glucose-containing MRS medium and were described using a modified Gompertz equation. Lactobacilli exhibited the shortest latency phase in MRS-glucose medium. While the highest lactic acid produced was 15.40g/l by Lpb. pentosus U1 isolate after 48hours. Furthermore, these strains were evaluated in flours samples for acidification capacity. The results showed a decrease

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Research On Crops
Effect of organic acid, amino acids and nano-fertilizer on growth, yield and nitrate concentration of lettuce plant under two farming systems
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Publication Date
Mon Nov 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Reinforced Plastics And Composites
Effect of phosphoric acid molarity on the structural, thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties of polyimide/polyaniline nanocomposites
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In this paper, we used two monomers, 3,3',4,4'-benzophenone tetracarboxylic dianhydride (BTDA) and m,m'-diaminobenzophenone (m, m’-DABP), to produce polyamide acid and then converted it to polyimide (PI). The effects of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) molarity (1, 2, and 3 M) on the structural, thermal, mechanical, and electrical characteristics of the polyimides/polyaniline (PI/PANI) nanocomposites were studied. Two sharp reflection peaks were developed by the addition of PANI to PI. When 3 M H3PO4 is added, the crystalline sharp peak loses some of its intensity. The complex formation of PI/PANI-H3PO4 was confi

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Kinetic and Mechanism of Oxidation of Oxalic Acid by Cerium (IV)
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Kinetic and mechanism studies of the oxidation of oxalic acid by Cerium sulphate have been carried out in acid medium sulphuric acid. The uv- vis. Spectrophotometric technique was used to follow up the reaction and the selected wavelength to be followed was 320 nm. The kinetic study showed that the order of reaction is first order in Ce(IV) and fractional in oxalic acid. The effect of using different concentration of sulphuric acid on the rate of the reaction has been studied a and it was found that the rate decreased with increasing the acid concentration. Classical organic tests was used to identify the product of the oxidation reaction, the product was just bubbles of CO2.


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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Studies 0n Ion Association of Some Α-Amino Acids with L-Ascorbic Acid In Aqueous Solution at Different Temperature
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Molar conductivity of ascorbic acid (AA) with some α–amino acids (glycine (Gly), methionine (Met), cysteine (Cys) and tryptophan (Trp)) in aqueous solution was measured at range temperatures from 298 K to 313 K. Λo. The limiting molar conductivity, KA, the association constant was calculated using the Shedlovsky method, and R, the association distance calculated by Stokes–Einstein equation. The thermodynamic parameters (The heat of association ΔHo, the change in Gibbs free energy ΔGo, the change of entropy ΔSo), and (ΔES), the activation e

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 29 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
The net effect of the nominal protection coefficients in the production of table eggs and poultry meat in Iraq For the period 1990- 2013.: The net effect of the nominal protection coefficients in the production of table eggs and poultry meat in Iraq For the period 1990- 2013.
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The research aims to measure the net nominal protection coefficients for the products table eggs and poultry meat and the extent of its impact on domestic production volume for the period of 1990- 2013 has been the use of mathematical formulas simplified in the calculation of the transaction process with a view to the extent of support and protection offered by the state pricing policy for products Resources Sector Animal in Iraq and reach search Highlights and most important, there are volatile price state policy with regard to eggs and poultry meat, as it ranged net nominal protection coefficients between the larger and less than the right one, which means that values are unstable to support local producers or consumers, and can be The

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