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Aeroelastic Behavior of a Wind Turbine Blade by a Fluid -Structure Interaction Analysis
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In this paper, a numerical model for fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis is developed for investigating the aeroelastic response of a single wind turbine blade. The Blade Element Momentum (BEM) theory was adopted to calculate the aerodynamic forces considering the effects of wind shear and tower shadow. The wind turbine blade was modeled as a rotating cantilever beam discretized using Finite Element Method (FEM) to analyze the deformation and vibration of the blade. The aeroelastic response of the blade was obtained by coupling these aerodynamic and structural models using a coupled BEM-FEM program written in MATLAB. The governing FSI equations of motion are iteratively calculated at each time step, through exchanging data between the structure and fluid by using a Newmark’s implicit time integration scheme. The results obtained from this paper show that the proposed modeling can be used for a quick assessment of the wind turbine blades taking the fluid-structure interaction into account. This modeling can also be a useful tool for the analysis of airplane propeller blades.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Critical Stylistic Analysis of the Ideological Positioning in Some Selected Poems by John Donne
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This paper deals with the ideological positioning of the English poet John Donne in a selected poems of his i.e Holy Sonnet X, as regards the theme of death found therein. The researchers adopt an emerging branch of stylistics, called Critical Stylistics, as proposed by Jeffries (2010) in order to uncover the ideologies of the author regarding the topic concerned and how linguistic choices are used to slant ideas. The model is comprised of ten tools of analysis which, upon being applied to the selected data, have shown how the poet exploits language resources in order to pass his ideology and influence his readers. In this paper, the workings of only one tool are presented as applied to a certain portion of the data.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Overlapping Structure Detection in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks Using a Modified Version of Particle Swarm Optimization
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In today's world, the science of bioinformatics is developing rapidly, especially with regard to the analysis and study of biological networks. Scientists have used various nature-inspired algorithms to find protein complexes in protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. These networks help scientists guess the molecular function of unknown proteins and show how cells work regularly. It is very common in PPI networks for a protein to participate in multiple functions and belong to many complexes, and as a result, complexes may overlap in the PPI networks. However, developing an efficient and reliable method to address the problem of detecting overlapping protein complexes remains a challenge since it is considered a complex and har

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 14 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Analysis of the Structure of Scientific News Headlines in Online Newspapers
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Newspaper headlines are described as compressed and ambiguous pieces of discourse that represent the bodies of the articles. Their main function is to provide the readers with an informative message they would have no prior idea about. Ifantidou (2009) claims that the function of a headline is to get the readers’ attention rather than providing information because it does not have to represent the whole of the article it refers to. This paper aims at examining this hypothesis in relation to scientific news headlines reported by a number of news agencies. The paper follows Halliday (1967) information structure theory by applying it on ten selected headlines; each two headlines represent one scientific discovery reported by different new

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Ingratiating Behavior of the University Students
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The current study aims to find out:

  1. The ingratiating behavior of university students.
  2. The differences of statistical significance in The ingratiating behavior among university students according to the variables of sex and specialization

The current study is determined by University of Baghdad students of both genders (males and females) and for both majors (scientific and humanities) for the academic year (2019-2020).

In order to achieve the researcher's objectives:Ingratiating behavior scale has been constructed. It consists in its final form of (32) items divided into four behaviors. The researcher has extracted scale validity and reliability.

The researcher based the two scales

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Pragmatic Analysis of Implied Meaning in Selected Poems by T.S. Eliot and Al-Sayyab
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In addition to its basic communicative function, language can be used to imply information that is not actually stated, i.e. addressers do not always state exactly (or directly) what they mean. Such instances fall within the domain of pragmatics in that they have to do with how addressers use language to communicate in a particular situation by implication rather than by direct statement. The researcher attempts to demonstrate that the beauty and the multiple layers of meaning in poetry can be better explored if the addressee looks at the lines from a pragmatic perspective in search for implied meaning. There are many devices that can convey implied meaning in poetry, among which are 'rhetorical', 'figurative' or 'literary' devices. But

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Viral Marketing Technologies on Consumer Behavior _ A survey of a sample of students from the college of administration and economics
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Viral marketing has become one of the modern strategies adopted by organizations in the marketing of products and services. The idea of viral marketing focuses on the social relations between individuals and groups. As a result of the technological development, most organizations have resorted to using the Internet and its applications and social media to market and promote their products. To reach the largest number of consumers to display their products and services in many ways, including text, audio, visual or video and thus affect the behavior of the consumer.

The problem of the study was the following question (do viral marketing technologies have an impact on consumer behavior?)

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of MHD on a Longitudinal Flow of a Fractional Maxwell Fluid between Two Coaxial Cylinders
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      In this paper fractional Maxwell fluid equation has been solved. The solution is in the Mettag-Leffler form. For  the corresponding solutions for ordinary Maxwell fluid are obtained as limiting case of general solutions. Finally, the effects of different parameters on the velocity and shear stress profile are analyzed through plotting the velocity and shear stress profile.

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial Variables and Their Effects on The Development of Bank Credit and Productive Sectors in Iraq Using a Path Analysis Model
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This study aims to measure and analyze the direct and indirect effects of the financial variables, namely (public spending, public revenues, internal debt, and external debt), on the non-oil productive sectors with and without bank credit as an intermediate variable, using quarterly data for the period (2004Q1–2021Q4), converted using Eviews 12. To measure the objective of the study, the path analysis method was used using IBM SPSS-AMOS. The study concluded that the direct and indirect effects of financial variables have a weak role in directing bank credit towards the productive sectors in Iraq, which amounted to (0.18), as a result of market risks or unstable expectations in the economy. In addition to the weak credit ratings of borr

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Comparison between robust methods in canonical correlation by using empirical influence function
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       Canonical correlation analysis is one of the common methods for analyzing data and know the relationship between two sets of variables under study, as it depends on the process of analyzing the variance matrix or the correlation matrix. Researchers resort to the use of many methods to estimate canonical correlation (CC); some are biased for outliers, and others are resistant to those values; in addition, there are standards that check the efficiency of estimation methods.

In our research, we dealt with robust estimation methods that depend on the correlation matrix in the analysis process to obtain a robust canonical correlation coefficient, which is the method of Biwe

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
El porqué de la confusión entre el pretérito indefinido y el imperfecto en la lengua española para alumnos de Irak The reason of confusion between past perfect and imperfect in Spanish for Iraqi students
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Las diferencias entre el pretérito perfecto simple y el imperfecto son uno de los temas más complejos de la lengua española, no sólo para el estudiante, sino para el profesor, puesto que sistematizar los casos y hacerlos fácilmente comprensibles al alumno es tarea difícil. Los profesores de lengua, cuyas investigaciones han dado lugar a una serie de teorías y de corrientes metodológicas y didácticas que permiten enfocar la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera de manera muy distinta a como se hacía tradicionalmente. Vamos a repasar muy brevemente cuáles son estas teorías.

En primer lugar es necesario señalar en qué consiste el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua:

"El aprendizaje de una segunda lengua (L2) es el

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