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Experimental & Theoretical Analysis of Composite (Polyester & Silicon-Carbide) Cantilever Beam
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A cantilever beam is made from composite material which is consist of (matrix: polyester) and (particles: Silicon-Carbide) with different volume fraction of particles. A force is applied at the free end of beam with different values. The experimental maximum deflection of beam which occurs at the point of the applied load is recorded. The deflection and slope of beam are analyzed by using FEM modeling. MATLAB paltform is built to assemble the equations, vector and matrix of FEM and solving the unknown variables (deflection and slope) at each node. Also ANSYS platform is used to modeling beam in finite element and solve the problem. The numerical methods are used to compare the results with the theoretical and experimental data. A good agreement is observed between the above methods. The Increase in volume fraction of particles results in increasing the modulus of elasticity and decreasing the deflection of beam. An equation is suggested for modulus of elasticity as functions of volume fraction.

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Publication Date
Sun May 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Analysis and Prediction of COVID-19 Outbreak by a Numerical Modelling
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Pandemic COVID-19 is a contagious disease affecting more than 200 countries, territories, and regions. Recently, Iraq is one of the countries that have immensely suffered from this outbreak. The Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) is also prone to the disease. Until now, more than 23,000 confirmed cases have been recorded in the region. Since the onset of the COVID-19 in Wuhan, based on epidemiological modelling, researchers have used various models to predict the future of the epidemic and the time of peak, yielding diverse numbers in different countries. This study aims to estimate the basic reproductive number [R0] for COVID-19 in KRI, using the standard SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Removed) epidemic model. A system of non

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Drought assessment in Iraq using analysis of Standardized precipitation index (SPI)
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The Present study investigated the drought in Iraq, by using the rainfall data which obtained from 39 meteorological stations for the past 30 years (1980-2010). The drought coefficient calculated on basis of the standard precipitation index (SPI) and then characteristics of drought magnitude, duration and intensity were analyzed. The correlation and regression between magnitude and duration of drought were obtained according the (SPI) index. The result shows that drought magnitude values were greater in the northeast region of Iraq. 

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Analysis of different Machine Learning Models for Intrusion Detection Systems
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In recent years, the world witnessed a rapid growth in attacks on the internet which resulted in deficiencies in networks performances. The growth was in both quantity and versatility of the attacks. To cope with this, new detection techniques are required especially the ones that use Artificial Intelligence techniques such as machine learning based intrusion detection and prevention systems. Many machine learning models are used to deal with intrusion detection and each has its own pros and cons and this is where this paper falls in, performance analysis of different Machine Learning Models for Intrusion Detection Systems based on supervised machine learning algorithms. Using Python Scikit-Learn library KNN, Support Ve

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Discoursal Analysis of Gender Differences in Selected English TV Interviews
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     This study aims at discussing how gender differences might affect communication among people. For this purpose, several TV interviews are selected and examined on the discourse level. Developing a model of analysis ,is found that certain linguistics have been used by male speakers ,whereas  different aspects have been utilized my female speakers like deictic expressions and lexical items of emotion and delicacy .

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 23 2018
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Objective of the study was to rate and analyze the physical fitness of female students from Iraq and Russia to find similarities, differences and regularities. Sampled for the study were 44 female non-sporting students: 20 students from Pedagogical University in Bagdad; and 24 students from Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism in Moscow. The study was designed to obtain the joints flexibility, coordination, speed-strength and static endurance rates. The Iraqi students were tested with higher coordination abilities than their Russian peers, whilst the latter were ranked higher in the speed-strength, shoulder joints and spine flexibility tests, albeit lower than their Iraqi peers in the hip flexibility test

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
E3s Web Of Conferences
Effect of Halabjah Earthquake on Al-Wand Earth Dam: Numerical Analysis
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The Halabja earthquake occurred on 12/11/2017 in Iraq, with a magnitude of 7.3 Mw, which happened in the Iraqi-Iranian borders. This earthquake killed and injured many people in the Kurdish region in the north of the country. There is no natural disaster more dangerous than earthquake, especially it occurs without warning, great attention must be paid to the impact of earthquakes on the soil and preparing for a wave of earthquakes. Numerical modeling using specific elements is considered a powerful tool to investigate the required behavior of structures in Geotechnical engineering, and the main objective of this is to assess the response of the Al-Wand dam to the Halabja earthquake, as this dam is located in an area that has been su

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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A simple UV spectrophotometric differential derivatization method was performed for the simultaneous quantification of three aromatic amino acids of tryptophan, the polar tyrosine and phenylalanine TRP, TYR and PHE respectively. The avoidance of the time and reagents consuming steps of sample preparation or analyze separation from its bulk of interferences made the approach environmentally benign, sustainable and green. The linear calibration curves of differential second derivative were built at the optimum wavelength for each analyze (218.9, 236.1 and 222.5 nm) for PHE, TRP and TYR respectively. Quantification for each analyze was in the concentration range of (1.0– 45, 0.1–20.0 and 1.0– 50.0 μg/ml) at replicates of (n=3) with a re

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Spectroscopic Analysis of CdO1-X: SnX Plasma Produced by Nd:YAG Laser
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In this work, the optical emission spectrum technique was used to analyze the spectrum resulting from the CdO:Sn plasma produced by laser Nd:YAG with a wavelength of (1064) nm, duration of (9) ns, and a focal length of (10) cm in the range of energy of 500-800 mJ. The electron temperature (Te) was calculated using the in ratio line intensities method, while the electron density (ne) was calculated using Saha-Boltzmann equation. Also, other plasma parameters were calculated, such as plasma (fp), Debye length (λD) and Debye number (ND). At mixing ratios of X=0.1, 0.3 and 0.5, the CdO1-X :SnX plasma spectrum was recorded for different energies. The change

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Analysis of concrete beams reinforced by GFRP bars with varying parameters
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Abstract<p>Structural buildings consist of concrete and steel, and these buildings have confronted many challenges from various aggressive environments against the materials manufactured from them. It contains high water levels and buildings whose concrete cover may be damaged and thus lead to the deterioration and corrosion of steel. It was important to have an alternative to steel, such as the glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP), which is distinguished by its great effectiveness in resisting corrosion, as well as its strong tensile resistance. Still, one of its drawbacks is that it has a low modulus of elasticity. This research article aims to conduct a numerical study using the nonlinear fi</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 26 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Spectroscopic Analysis of CdO: Fe Plasma Generated by Nd: YAG Laser
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     In this work, the optical emission spectrum technique was used to analyze the optical emission spectrum of (CdO: Fe) plasma produced by laser Nd: YAG with a wavelength of (532) nm, a period of 10 ns, and a focal length of 10 cm in the energy range of (200-500) mJ. The electron temperature (Te) was determined using the method of line intensities ratio. Using the Saha-Boltzmann equation, the electron density (ne) was determined. Other plasma parameters such as plasma frequency (fp), Debye length (λD) and Debye number (ND) were also measured. The CdO: Fe (at a mixing ratio of X= 0.5.) plasma spectrum was observed for different energies. As a fu

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