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e Timoshenko Three-Beams Technique To Estimate The Main Elastic Moduli Of Orthotropic Homogeneous Materials
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 A New developed technique to estimate the necessary six elastic constants of homogeneous laminate of special orthotropic properties are presented in this paper for the first time. The new approach utilizes the elasto-static deflection behavior of composite cantilever beam employing the famous theory of Timoshenko. Three extracted strips of the composite plate are tested for measuring the bending deflection at two locations. Each strip is associated to a preferred principal axis and the deflection is measured in two orthogonal planes of the beam domain. A total of five trails of testing is accomplished and the numerical results of the stiffness coefficients are evaluated correctly under the contribution of the macromechanics and the approximate bending theory. To insure the validity of the new approach, separate individual tensile tests are performed, and the corresponding results are compared. Excellent agreements are obtained between the different approaches. The ease, simple and accurate predictions are well confident by the new technique.




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Publication Date
Sun May 12 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Motion Control of Three Links Robot Manipulator (Open Chain) with Spherical Wrist
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Robot manipulator is a multi-input multi-output system with high complex nonlinear dynamics, requiring an advanced controller in order to track a specific trajectory. In this work, forward and inverse kinematics are presented based on Denavit Hartenberg notation to convert the end effector planned path from cartesian space to joint space and vice versa where a cubic spline interpolation is used for trajectory segments to ensure the continuity in velocity and acceleration.  Also, the derived mathematical dynamic model is based on Eular Lagrange energy method to contain the effect of friction and disturbance torques beside the inertia and Coriolis effect. Two types of controller are applied ; the nonlinear computed torque control (CTC

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Determination of Mono-crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Module Parameters Using Three Different Methods
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For modeling a photovoltaic module, it is necessary to calculate the basic parameters which control the current-voltage characteristic curves, that is not provided by the manufacturer. Generally, for mono crystalline silicon module, the shunt resistance is generally high, and it is neglected in this model. In this study, three methods are presented for four parameters model. Explicit simplified method based on an analytical solution, slope method based on manufacturer data, and iterative method based on a numerical resolution. The results obtained for these methods were compared with experimental measured data. The iterative method was more accurate than the other two methods but more complexity. The average deviation of

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis and some Features of Three-Phases Polymer/Metal/Ceramic Multilayers Nanocomposite
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      Layer by layer development two features of pulsed laser deposition PLD, with a high kinetic energy and sharp instantaneous deposition rating. Layered films of polymer/metal/ceramic nanocomposites consisting of polystyrene PS(as substrate) , tin Sn and cadmium oxide CdO were deposited by PLD. Structure for layered samples were measured  by XRD X ray diffraction, there were appearance of peaks  which reflected  to formation of new compounds result of  reaction between layers. Particles size  was calculated using two methods and it give nanoscale. Microstrain was also calculated  and exhibited  high value (0.01) for sample p/m.


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Publication Date
Wed Jul 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Optimization of process parameters for biodiesel production from three indigenous vegetable oils
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Optimization procedures using a variety of input parameters have gotten a lot of attention, but using three non-edible seed oils of Jatropha (Jatropha curcas), Sesame (Sesamum indicum), and Sweet Almond (Prunusamygdalus dulcis) has a few advantages, including availability and non-food competitiveness. Optimizing a two-stage trans-esterification process using a sodium hydroxide-based catalyst at a fixed catalyst (1.0wt %) and temperature (60 oC) while varying molar ratio (1:3, 1:6, 1:12),  time (20–60 min), and mixing speed (500–1000 rpm), to produce optimal responses of yields were studied using response surface methodology (RSM). The optimization solution of molar ratio (1:3), time (40.9 min.),

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Bacterial and Fungal Contamination in Three Brands of Cosmetic Marketed in Iraq
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         Cosmetic products must be safe for use by consumers , It is also regulated and required the legislation of countries all over the world .  In this study out of 80 cosmetic products analyzed and 32.5% were found to be contaminated .Products such as mascara, lip pencil and eye pencil were analyzed . The contaminants including bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus , Staphylocoocus epidermidis , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumonia   which were ranging  in number  from (103-104 ) C.F.U. /ml and fungi such as Penicillium spp. , <

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
comparing three estimators of fuzzy reliability for one scale parameter rayleigh distribution
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Statistical methods and statistical decisions making were used to arrange and analyze the primary data to get norms which are used with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial analysis programs to identify the animals production and poultry units in strategic nutrition channels, also the priorities of food insecurity through the local production and import when there is no capacity for production. The poultry production is one of the most important commodities that satisfy human body protein requirements, also the most important criteria to measure the development and prosperity of nations. The poultry fields of Babylon Governorate are located in Abi Ghareg and Al_Kifil centers according to many criteria or factors such as the popu

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Some Genetic Parameters and Path Coefficient of Three-Way Crosses in Maize
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Abstract<p>Correlation and path coefficient analysis were worked out for ten morphological traits in 30 three-way crosses of maize. Phenotypic and genotypic correlation analysis indicated that ear length; row numbers per ear, grain numbers per row, leaf area and leaves numbers had a positive significant correlation with grain yield per plant. Further partitioning of correlation coefficients into direct and indirect effects showed that traits days to silking, row numbers per row and leaves numbers had a positive direct effect on grain yield per plant. The traits ear length, grain numbers per row and leaf area had a maximum total effect on grain yield. Furthermore, PCA analysis has gave interested</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-nahrain Journal Of Science
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The different interactions between cometary tail and solar wind ions are studied in the present paper based on three-dimensional Lax explicit method. The model used in this research is based on the continuity equations describing the cometary tail-solar wind interactions. Three dimensional system was considered in this paper. Simulation of the physical system was achieved using computer code written using Matlab 7.0. The parameters studied here assumed Halley comet type and include the particle density , the particles velocity v, the magnetic field strength B, dynamic pressure p and internal energy E. The results of the present research showed that the interaction near the cometary nucleus is mainly affected by the new ions added to the

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Artificial Intelligence And Mechatronics
Machining Polylines and Ellipses using Three-Axis CNC Milling Machine
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CNC machine is used to machine complex or simple shapes at higher speed with maximum accuracy and minimum error. In this paper a previously designed CNC control system is used to machine ellipses and polylines. The sample needs to be machined is drawn by using one of the drawing software like AUTOCAD® or 3D MAX and is saved in a well-known file format (DXF) then that file is fed to the CNC machine controller by the CNC operator then that part will be machined by the CNC machine. The CNC controller using developed algorithms that reads the DXF file feeds to the machine, extracts the shapes from the file and generates commands to move the CNC machine axes so that these shapes can be machined.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 23 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New Approach for Solving Three Dimensional Space Partial Differential Equation
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This paper presents a new transform method to solve partial differential equations, for finding suitable accurate solutions in a wider domain. It can be used to solve the problems without resorting to the frequency domain. The new transform is combined with the homotopy perturbation method in order to solve three dimensional second order partial differential equations with initial condition, and the convergence of the solution to the exact form is proved. The implementation of the suggested method demonstrates the usefulness in finding exact solutions. The practical implications show the effectiveness of approach and it is easily implemented in finding exact solutions.

       Finally, all algori

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