تعد مدرسة فرانكفورت أو النظرية النقدية لمدرسة فرانكفورت واحدة من ابرز المدارس الفلسفية الغربية المعاصرة، والتي اكتسبت اليوم اهمية بالغة، نظرا لغنى وتنوع كتاباتها المنفتحة على مختلف المرجعيات الفلسفية الكبرى (الكانطية، الهيغلية، الماركسية، الفرويدية.الخ( ومواكبتها للإشكاليات المعقدة المطروحة في المجتمعات المعاصرة، والتحولات الفكرية والاجتماعية والسياسية لعالمنا المعاصر، ولعل ابرز ما يميز هذه المدرسة الفلسفية يتحدد في كونها اتخذت النقد منهجا، وحاولت القيام بممارسة نقدية جذرية للحضارة الغربية قصد اعادة النظر في اسسها ونتائجها في ضوء التحولات السياسية الكبرى التي افرزتها الحداثة الغربية ولاسيما الانوار، التي تعد نقطة تحول جذرية في مسار هذه الحداثة، كما انها ادت دورا مهما في رصد الاعراض المرضية المختلفة التي عرفتها المجتمعات الغربية المعاصرة مثل (التشيؤ( والاغتراب وضياع مكانة الفرد وازمة المعنى وغيرها مما حدا بالنظرية النقدية لمدرسة فرانكفورت بتوجيه انتقادات جذرية وعميقة للمفاهيم والقيم التي تأسست عليها هذه المجتمعات كالعقلانية والحرية والتقدم العلمي والتقني وما ارتبط بها من نزعات وضعية وعلموية، وغيرها من النزعات التي عملت على الحفاظ على الوضع القائم والمصالح المهيمنة فيه، ولهذا قدم مفكرو مدرسة فرانكفورت تحليلا نقديا للمجتمعات المتقدمة تكنولوجيا ولاسسها الايديولوجية قصد الكشف عن الاليات الفكرية والسياسية التي تتحكم وتوجه هذه المجتمعات. ومن هنا مدرسة فرانكفورت سعت الى تحقيق هدف واحد وهو العمل على تغيير الواقع ليصبح اكثر انسانية وايجاد صورة العقل التي تتناسب مع هذا العقل الإنساني من خلال محاولتها لوضع نظرية نقدية للمجتمع تربط بين التفكير والممارسة مع بعضهما ربطا جدليا.
The concept of equality in Islamic thought emanates from the unity of human entity that does not breach the concept of equality in itself and it should take differentiation among people as means for development and growth not as excuse for injustice and discrimination. Islamic thought has left all the prevailing norms of differentiation such as (weakness and strength, economic and social position, gender, color, and social class). Islamic thought has underscored the quality of people of different race, race, color, and language which was not familiar in those civilizations before the emergence of Islam such as (Egyptian, Persian, roman civilization). It was common to divide people into different social classes. The aim of Islam is to kee
... Show MoreIn the last decades of the twentieth century, ideas emerged that were increasingly being floated, stating that the planet is suffering from a population explosion, depletion of resources, and environmental problems that require action to be addressed. Although these problems in practice need scientific solutions, the problem is that these solutions collide with ideologies. Here the green political thought emerges, based on the criticism of many ideological axioms. The owners of green thinking agree that most environmental damage is due to the humanist doctrine. It criticizes modernity accompanied by a scientific revolution, where this criticism centered around (the rationality of the scientific and technological mind), here the green pol
... Show MoreThe aim of this research is to demonstrate the impact of credit risk on the banks of the study sample on the granting of loans and credit facilities, and try to reduce the size of credit risk to banks as a result of granting loans and credit facilities, credit risk is the oldest form of risk in financial markets. Every financial institution takes a degree of risk when it gives loans and credit facilities to companies and customers, It is exposed to financial losses when some borrowers fail to repay their loans as agreed, and at the same time credit facilities are the most profitable operations of the bank as it is the most profitable banking operations than other operations, so it represents the research communit
... Show MoreInformation and Communication Technology revolution has led to the emergence of electronic payment systems and their means And that the replacement of these modern means replace the traditional means (legal money) issued by the Central Bank has influenced the performance of monetary policy, especially that monetary policy is one of the most important policies used to achieve economic stability , The aim of the research is To know the impact of electronic payment systems on the tools of monetary policy as these means, such as cards and electronic money issued by credit institutions and companies, that is, the Central Bank is not responsible for issuance and spread And the lack of regulation by the Central Bank will lea
... Show Moreتعد ظاهرة النخبة من اهم الموضوعات التي يعنى بها دارسو العلوم السياسية، اذ تشكل هذه الظاهرة محور نشاطات الجماعة السياسية، وبالرغم من تباين النظريات المتعلقة بتفسير وجود هذه الظاهرة ونشأتها، فان هناك اتفاقا على ارتباط هذه الظاهرة بتوزيع القوة داخل المجتمع الانساني فبعد ان كانت هذه الكلمة )النخبة( تستخدم في القرن السابع عشر لوصف سلع ذات تفوق معين امتد استعمالها فيما بعد ليشمل الاشارة الى فئات اجتماعية متفوقة ك
... Show MoreRobert Nozick is an American thinker who formulated his political theory in his book (Anarchy, State, Utopia) in 1974, which included his most important main ideas represented in the emergence of (The Minimal State) as well as (Entitlement Theory), through which he expressed his rejection of stereotypical distributive justice theories such as equality In Marxism and social liberalism, his ideas were characterized by a very extreme individualist tendency, and his ideas contributed to supporting the neo-liberal trend.
Abstract Rationality and freedom are fundamental elements of Western modernity. Although modern and contemporary Islamic thought has established its intellectual foundations on the fundamentals of intellectual thought that are at the core of its Islamic intellectual system, at the same time many of its intellectual products have been a response In spite of the fact that this Islamic intellectual response stands out from Western modernity as a negation or a positive attitude. The Islamic intellectual response differed in determining its position on Western modernity, depending on the nature of the historical stage that was The Islamic nation, as well as the nature of the challenge posed by Western civilization to other nations and other c
... Show Moreالعلمانية في الفكر الصهيوني المعاصر
The subject of divine attributes is one of the most important Islamic tenets, which must be
To stand up to its accuracy and multiplicity unlike the difference of speech, which led the teams to disbelieve
The other, when they were engaged in the issue of divine attributes, but they are agreed and assembled on
That God is one in himself and his qualities and actions. It is not similar to Himself and does not have two qualities of sex
One . It has no similar or real similarity between its qualities and the qualities of the creatures, as well as the acts of God
God is one in His actions and does not share it with anyone, and they have based their consensus on belief
In the unity of God and the unification of Raboubiya and t
النشاطات العلمية لفرع الفكر السياسي