تضمن البحث التعريف بالإمام البزازي، وحياته العلمية، ومشايخه، وتلامذته، ومؤلفاته، ووفاته، وأربعة مسائل مختارة من ترجيحاته في الحدود والجنايات، والإمام محمد بن محمد بن شهاب بن يوسف (ت827هـ)، يُكنَّى بالكَردَرِيِّ الحنفي الخوارزمي الشهير بالبزَّازي، ويُنسب إلى كَرْدَر، وقد عرض في كتابه كثيرًا من كتب الحنفية، وذكر الكثير من آراء علمائهم مع تعرضه لبعض آراء المذاهب الأخرى. ولم يعتمد على التعريفات اللغوية والاصطلاحية، وقلَّما يذكر الأدلة الشرعية التي اعتمدها العلماء في آرائهم، واقتصر على ذكر الآراء فقط، واعتمد في كتابه على مصادر من سبقه من علماء الأحناف، وجعلها الأساس الذي اعتمد عليه في كتابه. أَمَّا تَرْجِيْحَاته الفِقْهِيَّة فَقَد رَجَّحَ الإِمَام الْقَوْلَ بِاشْتِرَاطِ إِخْرَاجِ المَسْرُوْقِ مِنَ الْحِرْزِ لِوُجُوْبِ الْقَطْعِ، وَعَلَيْهِ لَا يُقَامُ الحَدَّ عَلَى السَّارِقِ إِلَّا إِذَا أَخْرَجَ المَالَ المَسْرُوْقَ مِنَ الحِرْزِ، وَرَجَحَّ الْقَوْلَ بِأَنَّ النِّصَابَ الَّذِي يُوْجِبُ الحَدَّ عَلَى السَّارِقِ مُقَدَّرٌ بِعَشَرَةِ دَرَاهِمَ مِنَ الفِضَّةِ أَوْ دِيْنَارًا مِنَ الذَّهَبِ، أَوْ مَا بَلَغَت قِيْمَتُهُ ذَلِكَ، فَلَا قَطْعَ فِي أَقَلِّ مِنْ عَشَرَةِ دَرَاهِمَ، وَأَنَّ الأَصْلَ فِي التَّقْوِيْمِ هِيَ الفِضَّةُ، فَلَوْ سَرَقَ دِينَارًا لَا يُسَاوِي عَشَرَةً دَرَاهِمَ لَمْ يُقْطَعْ، وَرَجَّحَ الْقَوْلَ بِأَنَّ عَاقِلَةَ الإِنْسَانِ الَّتِي تَتَحَمَّلُ الدِّيَّةَ هُمْ أَهْلُ الدِّيْوَانِ، فَإِنْ لَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ عَشِيْرَةٌ وَلَا دَيْوَانٌ فَبَيْتُ المَالِ، وَرَجَّحَ الْقَوْلَ بِأَنَّ مَا كَانَ مُقَدَّرًا فِي جِرَاحِ الحُرِّ وَالجِنَايَةِ عَلَى أَعْضَائِهِ، هُوَ مُقَدَّرٌ فِي الرَّقِيْقِ أَيْضًا، إِلَّا أَنَّ التَّقْدِيْرَ فِي الحُرِّ بِاعْتِبَارِ الدِّيَّةِ، وَفِي الرَّقِيْقِ بِاعْتِبَارِ القِيْمَةِ.
The research included four topics: the definition of Imam al-Bazzazi, his scientific life, his sheikhs, his students, his writings, his death, and selected issues of his weight in the book of prayer. The Imam al-Bazazi is the son of Muhammad ibnShihabibn Yusuf. He is known as al-Khardizi al-Khawarizmi. The author did not adopt the definitions of language and terminology, and rarely mention the legal evidence adopted by the scholars in their opinions, and only to mention the views only, and the author, may God have mercy on him in his book on the sources of m The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) And fall down the order, the third issue, which is to leave the
... Show MoreThe study included three topics, the definition of the personality of Imam al-Bazazi, his scientific biography, his elders, his writings, his students and his death, selected issues of his weightiness related to purity, and the Imam al-Bazazi is Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibnShihabibn Yusuf, known in al-Kardari al-Hanafi al-Balzazi. The other doctrines, the author relied in his book on the sources of the previous scholars of the Hanafis, and make them the basis in his book, the author did not adopt the definitions of language and terminology, and rarely mention the evidence Shariah adopted by scientists in their opinions, and limited to mention only opinions, In front of the first issue spotlessly water user, and the second issue that sleep l
... Show MorePraise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Master of Messengers and his family and companions.
The study of the jurisprudential opinions of scholars, their choices, or their weightings, sheds light on the approach they followed in their choices, and reveals the originality of the scholar or his influence on those who preceded him from among the scholars.
And the commentators of the noble hadith of the Prophet have their important contributions in this aspect, as they undertake the task of explaining the noble hadith, the second source of legislation
Contemporary commentators have their share in the service of the honorable hadith, and the statement of their choices and preferences, and am
... Show Moreإن اختلاف الفقهاء مصدر عظيم لثروة فقهية كبيرة، ومن مظاهر الخلاف الفقهي مؤاخذات علمية يوردها بعض العلماء على علماء آخرين بدعوى مخالفتهم الأدلة الشرعية، أو القواعد المقررة لاستنباط الأحكام الشرعية، ومن تلك المؤاخذات ما أورده الإمام المحدث أبو بكر ابن أبي شيبة رحمه الله تعالى على أبي حنيفة النعمان رحمه الله حيث إنه ساق في مصنفه الكثير من الأحاديث والآثار التي عد الإمام أبا حنيفة رحمه الله مخالفا لما تقتضيه من
... Show MoreScholars have inherited a tremendous wealth in all sciences and knowledge, especially jurisprudence; therefore, the students of forensic science had to execute this precious heritage, achieving a serious scientific investigation; So I opted for the realization of this part of the Book of Leasing for the small book of fatwas of Yusuf bin Ahmed al-Khasi.
Different Arabic and Islamic societies are free of evil instincts. Therefore, certain provisions of legitimacy came to stress the importance of the intentions of sharia to achieve the interests of all people that involve several aspects, including the five fundamental things: religion, oneself, offspring, mind and money. Almighty Allah has specified certain punishments on those who violate these things by imposing punishments on the part of the criminal to preserve souls. He imposes the penalty of theft to preserve property, the Hadd punishment for adultery to preserve the symptoms, the punishment on the drunk to preserve the mind, and the Hadd punishment for the apostate to preserve the religion. By the adherence to these punishments li
... Show MoreThe Imam Ibn al-Mundhir is likely in Shafi'i school. He has outlined some issues and disagreed with his doctrine. And that the vocabulary on which he relied on the weighting is correct and correct and I choose which I say. One of the most likely issues is the delay of Isha prayer to the darkness. And other issues simplified in the folds of research and study.
ملخص البحث تناول البحث دراسة أحد أعمدة فقهاء العالم الإسلامي من حيث العموم والمذهب الحنفي بشكل خاص الإمام محمد بن الحسن الشيباني (رحمه الله تعالى) صاحب أبي حنيفة وفقيه العراق وبعض أحكامه الفقهية المتعلقة بالزروع، ولا يخفى اهتمامه الكبير وباعه الطويل في هذا الجانب، وحرص في الغالب على ذكر وجوه الترجيح، وأسباب الاختيار، واعتمد في ذلك على قواعد وضوابط تؤيد ما يرجحه أو يختاره، مع صياغة ذلك كله بأسلوب علمي رصين، ق
... Show MoreTakbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer" means: the words that the worshiper says to start his prayers, and refrain from anything invalidates it. the findings revealed that the four school jurists agreed that the prayer is not valid without Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer", and they disagreed on its description, so the majority of jurists said that it is a pillar, and some of them called it an obligatory, but Hanafi made it a condition. Likewise, the four jurists agreed that the one who articulates Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer" with the word: “Allahu Akbar,”; his Takbeer is correct, and they disagreed about the one who adds a word, or replaced it with another, where the m
... Show More
Controls Scanning on the slippers a study fiqhiat Comparison
The subject of this research is an important topic, which is frequently repeated, and people need to know its wisdom, and has made it in front and the preface and three detectives, showed through discussion the meaning of the survey on the socks, its wisdom, its rules and conditions, and the duration of the survey on it, spoiled and reasoned and compared to the doctrinal doctrines, And the most correct statement of words I have concluded with a number of things, as follows:
- The need to ensure that the slippers are clean, visible and inwa