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Laser Irradiation Effect on The Optical Properties of CoO<sub>2</sub>Thin Films deposited via Semi-Computerized Spraying System
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Abstract<p>In this paper deals with the effect laser irradiation on the optical properties of cobalt oxide (CoO<sub>2</sub>) thin films and that was prepared using semi computerized spray pyrolysis technique. The films deposited on glass substrate using such as an ideal value concentration of (0.02)M with a total volume of 100 ml. With substrate temperature was (350 C), spray rate (15 ml/min).The XRD diffraction given polycrystalline nature with Crystal system trigonal (hexagonal axes). The obtained films were irradiated by continuous green laser (532.8 nm) with power 140 mW for different time periods is 10 min,20min and 30min. The result was that the optical properties of cobalt oxide thin films affected by laser irradiation where the absorbance, absorbance coefficient, extinction coefficient and the real<italic>ε</italic><sub>1</sub>and imaginary<italic>ε</italic><sub>2</sub>part of the dielectric constant of the films increases after laser irradiation. While the Transmittance and refractive index decrease with laser irradiation. The optical energy gap was decreased from (1.89 eV to 1.6 eV) after laser irradiation, and this is a good variation of bandgap values for photovoltaic applications.</p>
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 05 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The role of educational curricula and teaching methods in the development of environmental
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Described the Arabic language being of genius sets by top models of eloquence , rhetoric and clarity of sounds and developments Moreover , it is an important element of our existence and our identity and our survival . That my methods and best in teaching Arabic language what has pursued the easiest ways to learning and teaching and helped learners to be aware of the function linguistic information , and they need it and its impact on their lives , and contributed to unleashing the potential of activism and led them to make the effort to apply them in the form of examples and uses of new life , as well as fits are the capabilities and tendencies of different learners , so the goal of current research into the importance of the curriculum

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of the Physical and Chemical Treatment of Wastewater for the Dairy Industry
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Dairy wastewater generally contains fats, lactose, whey proteins, and nutrients. Casein precipitation causes the effluent to decompose into a dark, strong-smelling sludge. Fluid waste contains soluble organic matter, suspended solids, and gaseous organic matter, which cause undesirable taste and smell, grant tone and turbidity, and advance eutrophication, which plays an essential role in increasing biological oxygen demand (BOD) in water. It also contains detergents and disinfecting agents from the rinses and washing processes, which increase the need for chemical oxygen (COD). One of the characteristics of dairy effluents is their relatively high temperature, high organic contents, and wide pH range, so the discharge of wastewater into

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
Journal Name
The importance of social acceptability of the universal design: عبد الكريم علي حسين
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The industrial development and raise the level of income that has emerged clearly in the middle of the last century in many rich and medium rich countries has great influence on the risen of the health care level. Which led to a significant increase in the reconstruction of people over 65 years and this in turn has produced markets for products and services through modifications to the existing products to meet their physical needs. The importance of research also has the universal design of a comprehensive actually so that it covers as much as possible from human physical & cultural activities. The importance of research locally is to concentrate on this subject who has not been taken into consideration so far to accommodate the eld

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Study of the marketing supply chain of the fuel oil productUsing transport models
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The marketing logistic chain, as an integrated system aimed to balance the achievement of its main opposite objectives which represented in the access to the best service presented to the customer with lowest possible logistic costs especially the transportation costs, where encourages the researcher to choose the second objective as a field of this study in order to reduce the transportation costs in the final link of marketing logistic chain which related to delivering of fuel oil to the customer that falls within organizational responsibilities of the company under consideration (Oil Marketing Company) and also known in a brief name by (SOMO) through two methods, the first is by functioning quantative techniques by using trans

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Relationship of Noise Pollution to the Mental Health of Among University Students
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The present study deals with the relationship of noise pollution to the mental health of university students, through the researcher field study with the use of descriptive Correlative approach to investigate this relationship. Noise is one of the elements of environmental pollution that people often expose to in their environment. The problem of noise has been exacerbated now because of cultural and technological progress in crowded cities. As a result, the researchers studied noise as an environmental stimulus that affects the mental health of the human being.The researchers, through their current research try to study a very serious problem, which is the problem of noise pollution on the health side of university students as a

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Study the Feasibility of Alumina for the Adsorption of Metal Ions from Water
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The present work describes the adsorption of Ba2+ and Mg2+ions from aqueous solutions by activated alumina in single and binary system using batch adsorption. The effect of different parameters such as amount of alumina, concentration of metal ions, pH of solution, contact time and agitation speed on the adsorption process was studied. The optimum adsorbent dosage was found to be 0.5 g and 1.5 g for removal of Ba2+ and Mg2+, respectively. The optimum pH, contact time and agitation speed, were found to be pH 6, 2h and 300 rpm, respectively, for removal of both metal ions. The equilibrium data were analyzed by Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models and the data fitted well to both isotherm modes as indicated by higher correlation of deter

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Methodology of the Holy Quran Immunizing the minds of intellectuals against intellectual invasion
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The Holy Quran is the greatest motivator for the mind to keep pace with life. The doctrine of faith is a requirement of logic and wisdom, and it cannot be reached by the hand of superstition. The Qur’an destroyed the principle of superstition in the verses of the creation of the universe. The principle of inactivity of the Qur’an is a false accusation that collision with the texts of the Qur’an. The secret of scientific development is to harness the laws of nature, benefit from them, and walk according to its requirements, on which the manifestations of civilization and the Qur’an are based

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The role of relational general policies in achieving the aims of sustainable development
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شهدت العالم منذ نهايات القرن الماضي وبدايات القرن الواحد والعشرين تطورات دراماتيكية على صعيد الادبيات التنموية ، اذ تحولت التنمية من المفهوم التقليدي الذي اهتم بالنمو الاقتصادي الى رؤية جديدة هي رؤية التنمية البشرية ومن ثم الى التنمية المستدامة التي اعطت للتنمية البعد الانساني وجعلت من مشكلات واحتياجات البشر منطلق لها لتحويل الفرد والمجتمع الى مرحلة جديدة تضمن له العيش الكريم وتحقق معه

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Building the Test of Drawing Skill for the Female students of Kindergartens' Department
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The research issue and its importance concentrate on the importance of choosing and
preparing the kindergarten's teacher educationally ,psychologically and artistically ,and other
aspects because of their need for several skills such as the drawing skill for kindergarten
curriculums include a various artistic experiences and activities as well as for the drawing
importance for the child .And from this, the research goals raise from to prepare a test that
measures the drawing skill for kindergarten students and measure the drawing skill in all four
kindergarten students at the kindergarten department and recognize the differences level for
these students . In order to achieve the first goal in the research ,the resear

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
The formal features of horse shapes in the drawings of Amer AL-Obaidi
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 The form imposes its importance in the structure of the artwork through its indication of the type of relationship between the artist and his external world in all its aspects, as well as its manifestation of artistic and aesthetic values, and the multiplicity of experimental means of expression that include the artist's feelings and imagination. The form is also a recording of the events in their temporal and spatial circumstances, and in that it is of value in directing his artistic discourse with the aim of influencing the recipient with its connotations and emotional states. Horses in the drawings of Amer Al-Obaidi, and the research came within two frameworks: The first framework is the methodological framework that represents us t

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