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Role of the Iraqi Media Organizations in Promoting The Sense of Citizenship among Iraqi University Youth
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    This study examines the role played by the Iraqi media in promoting the values ​​of citizenship and the dimensions of the various sectors of Iraqi society, an important segment namely university youth section.
 The study intended to identify “the role of the Iraqi media organizations in promoting The sense of citizenship among young Iraqi university”, through: -
1. Identifying the most important Iraqi media, which works to promote the dimensions of citizenship and values.
2. To identify the extent of the contribution of the Iraqi media in promoting citizenship in dimensions (patriotic belonging, legal, political, economic, social, cultural).
The study provided a set of hypotheses, namely:-
First hypothesis: There are significant differences between the study sample Ahsaúba according to gender (male / female) to identify the role of the Iraqi media organizations in promoting a sense of citizenship through dimensional (belonging to the homeland, legal, political, economic, social, cultural).
The second hypothesis: There are statistically significant differences between the study sample according to specialization academic (Humanist my knowledge) to identify the role of the Iraqi media organizations in promoting a sense of citizenship through dimensional (belonging to the homeland, legal, political, economic, social, cultural).
The third hypothesis: Is there a statistically significant correlation between the intensity of exposure to Iraqi media (read, listen, watch, surf), and follow-up issues of citizenship by the study sample.
In order to achieve the objectives of the study the researcher used the descriptive approach in this study, and as a researcher relied on the questionnaire, a tool to collect information and data, which relates to the problem of the study, and the study consists of:
The systematic study explaining the problem the study and its importance, and its objectives, and questions, and hypotheses and sample type, size, and data collection tools, and style dump data, and statistical transactions, in addition to the validity and reliability, and the terms of the study, and previous studies.
The study found several of the most important results:
1. There are significant differences in favor of females from the study sample to estimate the role of the male in the Iraqi media in promoting a sense of citizenship through dimensional calculation (belonging to the homeland, legal, political, economic, social, cultural).
2. There are significant differences in favor of the human specialization of the study sample at the expense of scientific specialization in the estimation of the role of the Iraqi media in promoting a sense of citizenship through dimensional (belonging to the homeland, legal, political, economic, social, cultural).
3.The presence of correlation statistically significant relationship (weak) between the readability of Iraqi newspapers, listen to the Iraqi radio stations, by the study sample, and follow up to see the themes of citizenship, while the study revealed a correlation statistically significant relationship (medium) between View sample channels Iraqi television, and follow-up to see the themes of citizenship, while the study found a lack of correlation statistically significant relationship between the Iraqi browse sample of websites, and follow up to see the themes of citizenship.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Strategic Intelligence in Organizational Success Analytical research in the colleges of the University of Fallujah
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The current research aims to verify the role of strategic intelligence as an explanatory variable in organizational success as a respondent variable in the colleges of the University of Fallujah, the research community. (Dean, Associate Dean, Section Head, Division Officer, Unit Officer), The researcher used the questionnaire as the main tool to collect data that included (50) items, in addition to using personal interviews and field observations as aids in data collection. The researcher relied on statistical programs (SPSS V.25; Excel V (16) In the treatment and analysis of data through the use of the most appropriate statistical methods (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, difference coefficient, determinatio

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The role of media in the fight against terrorism
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كانت وسائل الاعلام- التقليدية والحديثة – وستبقى وسيلة مهمة لتدفق المعلومات والتعبير عن المشاعر ووصف الاحداث وتشكيل الرأي العام المحلي والدولي عن مختلف القضايا التي تهم الافراد والمجتمعات وفي مقدمتها قضايا العنف بمستوياته كافة ،والتطرف الديني والارهاب بكل مسمياته وستحاول هذه الدراسة ان تقدم اجابات عن اسئلة محددة تمثل الاطار النظري لدراسات مسحية ترصد النظريات التي ترسم الاطر النظرية الت

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Philosophical Framework To Intellectual Capital Readiness in Iraqi Organizations
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           This research aim to present theoretical and philosophical framework regards topic of intellectual capital readiness in Iraqi universities. That is, by using strategic map in balanced score card of Norton and Kaplan (2004). This research discusses theoretical content for three main aspects reflect in its nature elements of intellectual capital readiness in organizations. This includes human capital readiness, information capital readiness and organizational capital readiness. To clear each element, the authors relay on mechanism to determine gape per element of intellectual capital elements.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role OF Human Resource managment Strategies In Enhancing Cognitive Skills.
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 In its theoretical farm, the research adobet  the subject of human resource management strategies  and the cognitive skills. It comes as result of the rapid development which considers it human resource. as main axis in organization , the research in includes ,connective analysis  , between  human resource management strategies  and cognitive skills which is considers one of the new concept that should  be  studied widly so that the organization can be able recognize it as concept and type and its importance for people in the organization.The study method was descriptive and  analytics , it identified collation of hypothesis which were by statist too

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 28 2024
Journal Name
Qualitative Research In Education
His job role is in theatrical sports performance in the Iraqi Ministry of Youth and Sports
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The research aimed to identify the level of job security, the level of sports institutional performance, and the relationship, contribution and impact of job security to sports institutional performance from the point of view of workers in the Iraqi Ministry of Youth and Sports. The descriptive approach was adopted in the manner of correlational relationships on a sample of (400) individuals who were randomly selected by (33.333%) of the employees working in the institutions at the headquarters of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, amounting to a total of (2293) individuals for the sports season (2022-2023), and they are naturally distributed among (13) main institutions in the formations of the headquarters of this ministry, and after adopt

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of organizational learning ability to improve the performance of hospital organizations under the accumulation of intellectual capital Study hospital enterprise sector in Algeria
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        This study aims to identify the amount of the effect of the ability to learn the individuals within the organization on the accumulation of intellectual capital and the role it plays in improving the performance of the organization, and to achieve that, the researcher designed a questionnaire to collect data and information from the surveyed respondents and analyzed using SPSS software, the study concluded after testing hypotheses to have a direct impact between the capacity for organizational learning and the accumulation of intellectual capital, which in turn affects the accumulation of intellectual capital as a positive and direct impact on the performance of the organization, al

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Selective Exposure Patterns to the Iraqi Daily Newspapers and Its Motives for Iraqi University Students (College of Mass Communication - University of Baghdad as a Model)
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This study examines patterns of exposure of Iraqi university students to selective daily Iraqi newspapers and the motives of this exposure, as well as its associated factors that affect the average exposure. It tries to answer several questions, including those related to the levels of exposure of Iraqi university students to daily Iraqi newspapers and classification of patterns of selective exposure to daily Iraqi newspapers and the most prominent Iraqi daily newspapers that are selectively exposed by Iraqi university students. It also examines the motives of this selective exposure and factors that increase the degree of exposure to the daily Iraqi newspapers, and the most prominent stages in which Iraqi university students find their

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Two Types of Personality and Achievement Motivation among University Teaching Staff Members
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    Research aimed to:1- Be acquainted to the two types of personality A,B with the members of the teaching staff of Anbar university 2- The level of the motivational achievement among the teaching staff  3- The level of motivational achievement  of the teaching staff  of( A,B). 4- Differences of the abstract implications of A,B type  5- The relationship between A and B and the motivational achievement.

  Research Tools: the researchers  followed  measure  A, B type of  Howard Glaser  1978,and   measure  of Achievement Motivation for Mansoorm1986.

   The Result showed: 1. A tendency of the t

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Communicative Integration in New Media: Building a Communicative Model
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The internet, unlike other traditional means of communication, has a flexibility to stimulate the user and allows him to develop it. Perhaps, the reason for the superiority of the internet over other traditional means of communication is the possibility of change and transmission from one stage to another in a short period. This means that the internet is able to move from the use to the development of the use and then the development of means and innovation as the innovation of the internet is a logical product of the interaction of the user with the network. The internet invests all the proposals and ideas and does not ignore any even if it is simple. This is represented in social networking sites which in fact reflects personal emotio

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Role the media to limit from get games children instigator on the violence
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Violence is a very serious phenomenon affecting the upbringing and culture kids, are playing the most violent forms of development of these Phenomenon, the research aims to determine the role of the media in reducing violence, and conducted a field study on parents Children by 200 form, the results revealed the importance of the media in raising awareness of the risks of violence on the child  Especially television, which hugely increased Show features, as well as the role of parents in guiding the child to buy Useful because the game to play negative impact of violence on children's health, and the media play an important role in raising awareness of these Risks through educational programs and television commercials, and o

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