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Gender stereotyping and its relationship to the level of performance of public relations employees
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This article focuses on the relationship of gender to the effectiveness of both women and men in public relations work. Its aim is to identify the extent to which public relations employees are aware of the concept of gender, and to reveal the role of the institution in determining certain roles for both women and men at work, as well as to find out which employees are most effective in public relations activities within the institution.

The researcher uses public relations employees and officials in Iraqi ministries as a research sample to capture the point of view of both parties on the effectiveness of workers in public relations based on the definition of gender. The sample consists of 396 individuals, including 197 workers in public relations and 199 ministry officials.

The researcher chose the survey tool, and designed her research form with two annexes, the first for workers in public relations and the second for ministry officials.

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
Journal Name
System formations in contemporary discourse theatrical: حارث حمزة الخفاجي
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System is one of the concepts that fused stages of human thought his contemplations , and the evolution of his ideas and know the universe and existence , was formed several systems and numerous multi- humanitarian field , for example : the political system , the economic system , the system of philosophical , scientific system ... etc. .The current research around trying to find the identity of the system aesthetic in general and theater in particular , the detection of compositions and how Cklath within shifts functional and conceptual , which confirms the importance of Altgria creative as characterized by the following heading towards experimentation and update ongoing , and in particular what we find in the discourse of postmodernism

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Strangeness Concept in Commercial Advertisement Design: يوسف مهدي سعيد -سحر علي سرحان
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  Strangeness in design generally and in advertisement design specifically is manifested in various images and creative propositions and shapes that depart the traditional and conventional framework to elevate design to virtual intellectual worlds related to the inspirational and imaginative range of the creative designer, which makes the forms of strangeness a means for persuasion and astonishment which achieves the functional and aesthetic objectives of the advertisement. The two researchers identified the research question "what is the concept of strangeness in the commercial advertisements design? The research objective has been determined by identifying the concept of strangeness in the commercial advertisement design. Strangen

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
بررسیِ حرکت¬شناختیِ افعالِ متنِ "ما زِ بالاییم و بالا می رویم" مولانا Kinetic Study of Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi's "Mazi Balaeem we Bala Mi Roeem" Text's Verbs
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چکیده­ی بحث

       به نظر می­آید که عالم هستی ، بر مسأله­ی « حرکت» استوار دارد ، و روح ، همیشه دنبال دگرگونی و تکامل و برتری می­گردد. حرکت ، همه­ی چیزها در عالم إمکان را  در بر می­گیرد. حرکت در بنیادهای فکر مولانا جای مهمی دارد .اشعار مولانا مقدار زیادی از پویایی و حرکت برخوردارست، و از آنجایی که فعل ، عنصر تکانبخش جمله ، و کانون دلالت است ، ترجیح دادیم - علاوه بر دیگر عنا

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
المجلة العربية للعلوم التربوية والنفسية
الصحة النفسية وعلاقتها بتقدير الذات لدى عينة من أطفال الشوارع في مدينة بغداد
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هدف البحث إلى الکشف عن العلاقة بين الصحة النفسية وتقدير الذات لدى أطفال الشوارع، تألفت عينة البحث من (50) طفلاَ وطفلة، وتم تطبيق مقياسا البحث - مقياس الصحة النفسية ومقياس تقدير الذات وهما (من إعداد الباحثة)، وقد اسفرت نتائج البحث عن إن أطفال الشوارع اظهروا مستوى منخفض في الصحة النفسية وکذلک الحال بالنسبة لتقدير الذات، فضلاً عن وجود علاقة ارتباطية موجبة دالة إحصائيا بين الصحة النفسية وتقدير الذات. وفي ضوء نتائج

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 07 2021
Journal Name
مجلة لارك للفلسفة واللسانيات والعلوم الاجتماعية
معايير النخبة الاكاديمية العراقية في التعرض للقنوات الفضائية الاخبارية الاجنبية الناطقة باللغة العربية
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
الاحاسيس القومية والوطنية في الادب التركماني من خلال شعر ونثر الشاعر خضر لطفي
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Vatan ve hürriyet aşkının ilk ve en Kuvvetli örneklerinden Türkmen topraklarında yetişen yüzlerce Şairlerden biri Hıdır Lütfü’dür. Düşmana yar, öz evladına ağyar, yumuşak tabiatlı, yardımı ve milletini seven bir insandır. Şairin duygusu her dem yükseklere yücelirdi. O bilgili bir şair olduğu için şiirinde türlü türlü bilgi ile ögütleri arkasında bırakmamış onun duygusu bir bulak gibi her dem durmadan coşardı.
Onun en çok sevdiği varlıklar yurdu ile ulusuydı, ve tek acısı onların ilerleme ile yükselemesi içın bir haykırıydı.
Şair her zaman yurdunun ufukunda dolaşıp ulusunun bugünkü ve geleck torunları için yanıklı duyguları ile bir yol gosterıci gibi olmuştur.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Eyewitnesses’ Visual Recollection in Suspect Identification by using Facial Appearance Model
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Facial recognition has been an active field of imaging science. With the recent progresses in computer vision development, it is extensively applied in various areas, especially in law enforcement and security. Human face is a viable biometric that could be effectively used in both identification and verification. Thus far, regardless of a facial model and relevant metrics employed, its main shortcoming is that it requires a facial image, against which comparison is made. Therefore, closed circuit televisions and a facial database are always needed in an operational system. For the last few decades, unfortunately, we have experienced an emergence of asymmetric warfare, where acts of terrorism are often committed in secluded area with no

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Scopus (3)
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
مجلة جامعة الانبار لللعلوم القانونية والسياسية
تقويم قواعد إدارة الشركات في ضوء قانون الشركات العراقي رقم 21 لسنة 1997،
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تقويم قواعد إدارة الشركات في ضوء قانون الشركات العراقي رقم 21 لسنة 1997،

Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
" أثر استراتيجية الجيجسو في تحصيل مادة الجغرافيا وعمليات العلم لدى طالبات المرحلة الاعدادية"
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The goal of current researcher to know the impact of strategic Jigsaw in the collection of hypertext and geographic operations of science students at the preparatory stage And that by checking the following 1.There is no difference statistically significant at the significance level 0.05 between the experimental group students who were studying strategy Jigsaw and between the control group students who studied in the usual way traditional degrees in the average achievement in the subject of geographical 2.There is no difference statistically significant at the significance level 0.05 between the experimental group students who were studying strategy Jigsaw and between the control group students who studied in the usual way traditional av

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 30 2018
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم النفسية
دراسة تحليلية لمحتوى كتاب الفيزياء للصف الرابع العلمي في ضوء مفاهيم التنمية المستدامة
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ان هدف من هذا البحث هو تحليل محتوى كتاب الفيزياء للصف الرابع العلمي و المقرر تدريسه للعام الدراسي (2018-2017). ولتحقيق هذا الهدف، و بعد مراجعة الادب السابق في ضوء مفاهيم التنمية المستدامة، تم تطوير اداة تتضمن مفاهيم التنمية المستدامة وابعادها، حيث تكونت في صورتها النهائية من 51قضية فرعية موزعة بين المفاهيم الثلاثة الساسية: الاجتماعية، والاقتصادية، والبيئية .وبعد التأكد من صدق الاداة وثباتها، تم تحليل محتوى كتاب

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