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Qualitative Research in Public Relations An Analytical: Study of Public Relations› Researches in Iraq from 1989 to 2016
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In the mist of developments in the course of scientific research in general and humanities in particular and the accompanying changes in the visions and policies inspired by the need for these sciences to follow the qualitative methods in dealing with many of the topics or problems that require for their solution to obtain qualitative information which can be provided by resorting to quantitative research. Therefore, a new trend has emerged in many public relations› researchers who believe that qualitative research methods should be used by establishing scientific foundations and methodological classification based on the use of these methods and determining the nature of the subjects applied in them to reach results that are characterized by flexibility, depth and accuracy.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
Inspiring heritage and symbols of local identity in contemporary Omani Graphic Art
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The research aims to monitor and analyze the visual and symbolic features, derived from the Omani heritage, and inspired by the concept of local identity, for a selection of contemporary Omani graphic art works, which represent a mixed, multi-category of research sample, comprising three levels: the works of professional Omani artists, and the works of young artists and specialized students, as well as the work of a number of active academics in the field of graphic theorizing and teaching. The sample is also divided - in terms of technical classification - into a category of works executed using traditional engraving and printing media, and a category of works executed using modern and digital graphic printing media.
Through the da

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Blindness and the Critique of Society: Dystopia in “Blindness” by José Saramago""
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This paper addresses the new coloring in the concept of dystopian society as represented by the positive role of one of the characters vs. the passive role of the government and its mutual effect on the people of the society. In addition, it describes how all men in the dystopian society victimize and degrade the other through unlawful acts, like: stealing, rape, and fear, which are the lowest points in a moral decay. However, it offers hope by illustrating a positive sense, as exemplified by the doctor's wife out of Saramago's optimistic view that men may be descended from good women. Accordingly, the paper aims to examine the effect of the government’s role in the lives of the people who have later turned into blind in a dystopian so

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Prediction of Cutting Force in Turning Process by Using Artificial Neural Network
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Cutting forces are important factors for determining machine serviceability and product quality. Factors such as speed feed, depth of cut and tool noise radius affect on surface roughness and cutting forces in turning operation. The artificial neural network model was used to predict cutting forces with related to inputs including cutting speed (m/min), feed rate (mm/rev), depth of cut (mm) and work piece hardness (Map). The outputs of the ANN model are the machined cutting force parameters, the neural network showed that all (outputs) of all components of the processing force cutting force FT (N), feed force FA (N) and radial force FR (N) perfect accordance with the experimental data. Twenty-five samp

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Science Processes Included in the Teacher's Handbook of Middle School Science Experiments
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The aim of this research is to uncover the science processes included in the teacher’s guide to scientific experiments for science books for grades (first-second) for the intermediate stage, The research sample included all the scientific experiments contained in the teacher’s guide for scientific experiments for the intermediate stage, The researcher used the descriptive and analytical method, and designed an analysis tool, The content of science operations, and verified its validity and consistency, and after using percentages and ranks for statistical treatment, the research reached the following results: The number of practical experiments varies from one class to another in the intermediate stage, where the highest percentage ap

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Historical School in Medina             Until the end of the second century AH
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Medina was according to its importance and religious status the basis for the emergence and emergence of historical schools, it is the emigration of the Prophet  and the presence of the companions , and it was natural to shine the beginnings of historical codification, whether in the process of collecting and codification of the verses of the Koran or the Hadith, and once the pillars settled Islam in the Islamic areas until the Muslims began to go to the city to provide a broader knowledge of the Islamic religion and everything related to the biography of the Prophet and the significance and actions, and in return took the jurists and preservation and readers of the companions and followers to undertake the task of teaching in work

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Effective indicators of healthy cities in facing natural disasters (epidemics and diseases)
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The excessive and rapid urban growth witnessed by most cities in the world can be a cause of diseases and epidemics, especially those problems related to population, which include problems of transportation and increase in density in the centers, in addition to the lack of interest in planning and designing those cities to take into account the health aspect of the city and obtain The health well-being of the population, and each of these problems has negative effects on health in general and on human health in particular through its prevalence. Therefore, many concepts that serve as a tool for achieving public health and the physical health of the population have emerged, including the concept of city health, which is defined as cities

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Publication Date
Tue May 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture
The Ability of Cities to Withstand the Disasters of Pandemic
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This study examines the opportunity presented by the COVID-19 pandemic for city planners and leaders to learn from the crisis and build resilient cities with long-term societal, economic, and environmental resilience against future disasters. The research focuses on the relationship between urban planning and policies and the extent of their resilience, particularly in response to pandemic-related disasters. The study evaluates the ability of the city of Baghdad to respond to the pandemic and identifies gaps in its resilience. The study uses the scorecard measurement instrument to examine the disaster resilience of cities, with a focus on governance and financial capability, disaster planning and preparedness, and disaster response

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The statistic structure of the title in the poetry of Muhammed Ali Kazim Haider
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In this research, we attempt to show the extent of harmony in an aspect of the text according to the stylistics for the Knowing of the stylistic value of the title threshold, and the pathways of titles that suggest and support the meaning when the recipient reads the literary text, in addition to the interpretations that reflect the purposes of the poet who contributed to the drawing of his poetic achievement. The research presented a brief about the poet and his most important works, because they are the text which will be studied according to the stylistics. The research also explained the concept of style and the stylistics in the preface , because of the stylistic is the method adopted by the research to study the title thresholds in

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The phenomenon of advertising In the poetry of Ali bin Abdul Rahman Balnopi Sicilian
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The phenomenon of advertising In the poetry of Ali bin Abdul Rahman Balnopi Sicilian

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Obstacles of banking insurance and its affection analysis of financial ratios in insurance companies
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Find the impediments Activity vital and important, but focuses a bancassurance activity, diagnosis and its impact on the financial ratios indicators for insurance companies. The researcher has adopted in his research on several financial ratios used to analyze the financial performance of a (relative profitability, liquidity ratio and the ratio of solvency) of the company Iraqi insurance for a period of one year (2009) to a year (2015), based on the annual reports and financial statements (balance sheet revealed income), financial statements for insurance premiums for banks research sample of this research has addressed several topics of theoretical and practical body through which the researcher obstacles to banking and insurance experi

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