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The social and psychological effects of ISIS in the conductive press An analytical study in the Iraqi newspapers “Economic City” and “Mosul News” for the period from 30/8/2017 until 31/7/2019 : (Research derived from Master Thesis)
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The research seeks to find out the extent of the coverage of the Mosul press to the issues of psychological and social effects of the organization "IS" on the community of Mosul, by analyzing the content of the newspapers “Economic City” and “Mosul News”. As well as to stand at the types of psychological and social effects and their repercussions on the Mosul community including figures, statistics and evidence that were covered in the theoretical study of these topics.

This study is the first scientific diagnosis to reveal the size and types of psychological and social effects of the “ISIS” organization  through what was monitored by the Mosul press. The study seeks to draw the attention of officials, decision-makers in Iraq and the world to these effects to develop the necessary solutions and to repair the destruction caused by "ISIS" in the hearts of the Mosul community and the city.

This research is a descriptive research, which used the methodology of the survey in order to identify the magnitude of the social and psychological effects caused by “ISIS" on the Mosul community during its occupation of the city for nearly three years.

The search found the following results

  • The two newspapers were able to identify a large part of the psychological and social effects of ISIS on the Mosul community through its press coverage, which appeared during the analysis of the content of the newspapers during the study period.
  • ISIS’s control of Mosul has produced negative social effects in the Mosul press.
  • The occupation of "ISIS" to Mosul produced psychological effects, most notably, psychological disorders among the population, especially the most vulnerable groups, children and women.
  • The press coverage of the newspapers showed that they focused on social effects rather than psychological effects. The total number of social antiquities in the newspaper "Mosul news" was 3509 and 2347 in the newspaper "Economic City", while the frequency of psychological effects in the “Mosul news” newspaper was 167 and 136 in the newspaper Economic City

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Employing; Health Awareness, Health Awareness Announcements: (A research takenfrom a master’s degree thesis)
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The goal of health awareness is to familiarize people with health information and facts, and make them realize their sense of responsibility towards their health and the health of others.   And translate that goal in practice through applying healthy and sound behaviors spontaneously. This, the goal, is pursued by health awareness announcements through employing announcement persuasion of health as one of the methods of influencing the masses to adopt ideas, behaviors, and adherence to health advice and guidelines; The study aims to analyze the content of the Ministry of Health and Environment announcements regarding health awareness and to reveal the most employable persuasions in health awareness announcements

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
An analytical study of the reality of chemical industries in Iraq for the period (1995-2007)
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Is the chemical industries of great importance for the economy of any country, through what is borne by these industries is an important part of the changes contained in the industrial output of transfer and, moreover, that these industries are overlaps and intricacies of sector-wide with the rest of the manufacturing sectors, with agriculture and services , through the offering of these industries produce Production requirements intervention such as chemical fertilizer used in the production of agricultural crops, in addition to the various areas for the use of phosphorus in the food industry, to the extent that it is difficult to find material Food preparation is not included i

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Iraqi Press and its Role in Shaping Electoral Awareness (Iraqi Parliamentary Elections on 30 April, 2014 as a Model)
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The parliamentary election is one of the features of democratic systems that give individuals the right to participate in government and political election-making. Typically, the process of parliamentary elections received wide attention from media, as well as attention from large segments of the public because they understand the vast importance to assume political positions and associated fates of people and their destinies. Its importance comes from the fact that it allows citizens the right to participate in managing the public affairs by granting their confidence and voices to the elected president or his representatives in the parliamentary.
Media task is to emerge democratic societies, in particular, in the mission of urging p

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Digital Economy in Iraqi Economic Growth for The Period of 2010-2022 (Analytical Study)
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The research addresses the role of the digital economy in the growth of the Iraqi economy during the period from 2010 to 2022. The research is based on the hypothesis that the digital economy has become one of the primary growth drivers worldwide and has a close relationship with economic development. Therefore, the digital transformation in Iraq can accelerate bridging developmental gaps with other countries.

It has become evident that the Iraqi economy suffers from structural imbalances for various reasons, hindering economic growth. These reasons include political and economic factors, as well as the absence of a well-thought-out policy to promote the agricultural sector, which is considered one of the fundamental sectors capa

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 25 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
War Reporters In Iraqi Satellite Channels And Its Role In Increasing Understanding Of The Audience Of The News .: Field Study For The Reporters And The Audiences In Baghdad For The Period From 1/07/2014 Till – 1/11/2014
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The importance of media coverage in the war remains dependent on many indicators for its success, the most important is to have qualified reporters who carry the war news professionally. The idea of this research is to determine the role played by war correspondents working on Iraqi satellite channels during the war against ISIS.
The researcher has chosen ( 40 ) reporters those who was able to contact them and prepared a questionnaire for them to study their situations. Also, he chose an intentional sample from Baghdad audience on condition they should be informed by the performance of the reporters in the satellite channels applying the hypotheses of the theory of depending upon media.
The most important results reached by the re

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Core competencies and Their Role in Enhancing Organizational flexibility: An Analytical Study of the Views of a Sample of Employees in Presidency University of Mosul
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The study aims to identify the levels of core competencies dimensions and types of organizational flexibility in the investigated organization, as well as to determine the nature of the relationship and the impact of core competencies dimensions with the process of organizational flexibility. Thus, a number of research questions were presented to express the research problem as follows:

  • What is the level of the investigated individuals' awareness to core competencies and organizational flexibility across their dimensions and types in the investigated organization?
  • To what extent are core competencies and organizational flexibility available in the Organiz

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Bahraini Daily Press Coverage of Women Issues): (Analytical Study
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This research is an attempt to assess the extent of coverage given by the Bahrain daily press to Women and related issues. It attempts to determine how important the issues of the Women issues were covered in the Daily Press and whether the press has given enough attention to the Women issues.
The research was conducted by analyzing the coverage “AkhbarAlKhaleej” Daily newspaper gave the Women issues during the period of this study.
Thus, this study aims at assessing the degree to which the Bahraini daily newspapers have dealt with the Women issues. The researcher analyzed the contents of the Bahraini press, “AKHBAR ALKHALEEJ” daily newspaper during 2014, as Bahraini press coverage seems to be stable, and more balanced and

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The economic feasibility of the accident insurance portfolio in the performance of insurance companies : an analytical study
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The research aims to use performance indicators and financial criteria in evaluating the economic feasibility of the company's insurance portfolios. In addition to identifying the strengths and weaknesses in portfolio's performance to enhance the strengths and address the weaknesses. This is consistent with research problem that dealt with the performance indicators, economic feasibility of company's portfolios and contributing to their improvement, reducing the financial and insurance risks associated with company's business. The research’ sample is represented by the Iraqi Insurance Company as it is one of the oldest financial institutions operating in the insurance sector. It has identified (5) insurance portfolios (marine, engineer

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The matter, its wisdom, and models of its applications In Ahmadiyya interpretations Research drawn from a doctoral thesis
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This study examined the tagged (the matter, its ruling, and examples of its applications in Ahmadiyya interpretations), the study of devising formulas of commissioning, especially the matter from the book of interpretation, which is: (Ahmadiyyeh’s interpretations), and the contemplative of the nature of (Ahmadiyya’s interpretations) realizes that the cognitive, linguistic and juristic knowledge product and the verses of judgments And other is the focus of this immortal travel, as it is truly a comprehensive book containing what the students of knowledge, scholars and the general public need in terms of interpreting the legal verses, and it is not possible to reach an understanding of the Book of God Almighty, and to clarify his purpo

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial Depth Measurements / Analytical Study in Selected Countries for the Period 1980-2008
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This research deals with the most important indicators used to measure the phenomenon of financial depth, beyond the traditional indicators, which are called quantitative indicators, which is shown to be inadequate to show the facts accurately, but it may come in the results of a counterfactual, although reliable in econometric studies done in this regard.

Therefore, this research has sought to put forward alternative indicators, is the structural indicators, and financial prices, and availability of financial instruments, and cost of transactions concluded, in order to measure the phenomenon of financial depth.

After using and analyzing data collected from countries the research

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