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The Media Image of Afghan Women as Reflected by News Websites in 2021: an Analytical Study of Russia Today site
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International news websites, including Russia Today, pay special attention to the media image of Afghan women, especially after the Taliban movement took control of Afghanistan. Therefore, it was necessary to know the image of the Afghan woman, the fate of the rights she acquired in recent years, and the transformations that affected her after the Taliban took control of the government, and studied them on international news sites, specifically Russia Today.

          The researcher summarized the problem of this study in the following question: What is the media image of the Afghan woman on the Russia Today news site?

          The researcher followed the survey method in order to reach the results, the most important of which were: The determinants of the media image of Afghan women lie in the journalistic treatment provided by the contact person on the Russia Today website in focusing on highlighting the international media and political perception of the situation of Afghan women and on raising international concerns about the future of Afghan women Under the rule of the Taliban, as it is threatened with exclusion from society, and the demand for its rights through the demands of states, international organizations and activists.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 27 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Verbal joint in the Holy Quran A descriptive analytical study
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The research paper talks about one of the topics that deals with one of the high-style styles in the Holy Qur’an that carries with it a high and influential style in directing the Qur’anic context, as the verses are singled out with certain words, each of which came out to other meanings, which is what was called in the past “what the wording agreed and the meaning differed Or the so-called “faces and analogues” and the meaning of analogues in the language and the Qur’an; To mention a word in a place and it means a meaning other than the other, and to interpret each word with a meaning other than the other meant by the faces, and accordingly the goal of the research is in the linguistic significance, in order to reveal the tr

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Manufacturing the Functions and Responsibilities of the Press Photo: The Photo of the Child Elian as a Model
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The theory of the psychologist’s Piaget states that man passes through four stages; other says that mankind passes through five. At each stage, human learn new characteristics, values, skills, and cultures from different environment that differ from one society to another. Therefore, the cultures of societies vary according to the diversity of the environments. These environments also vary depending on the circumstances surrounding them, e.g., in war environment, the individual learns what he does not learn from living in safe environment. As the environment changes, the communicative message also changes. This message is subject to person, groups, organizations and parties and directed to a diverse audience in its orientations and bel

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Neomycin Sulfate as Corrosion Protection for Titanium in Acid Media
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        The experimental and theoretical methods were studied for inhibition of the corrosion titanium in HCl by using neomycin sulfate drug. The results of neomycin sulfate drug had good corrosion protection for titanium in hydrochloric acid and the inhibition efficiency (%IE) increasing with increasing concentration of drug because the neomycin sulfate drug had adsorption from acid solution on surface of titanium metal. The program of hyperchem-8.07 was used for theoretical study of the drug by molecular mechanics and semi-empirical calculations. Quantum chemical was studied drug absorption and electron transferred from the drug to the Titanium metal, also inhibition potentials of drug attachment with the (LUMO-HOMO) energy gap,

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Scopus (5)
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Anxiety of death among pregnant women in the light of some Demographic variables Governorates Bethlehem and Tulkarm as a model
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This study aims to identify the anxiety pregnant women have of dying, in the light of some Demographic variables in Bethlehem (age, residence, and the mother's job). The descriptive method was used in this study. To achieve the study purposes, the researchers developed a questionnaire as a tool of study, which consisted of (19) paragraphs ,after been verified of its validity & stability.

The researchers distributed questionnaires, and then analyzed them. Results illustrated that the levels of anxiety pregnant women in Bethlehem had of dying was average,  with a mean total score of (3.11),  and with a standard deviation that had the total score of (0.476). Results also illustrated statistical differences in the pregn

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
Aesthetics of the Sufi Image and its Representations in Post-Modern Theater Show: فرحان عمران موسى
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  Sufism has aesthetic signs linked to the human spirit and adopts a set of spiritual, motor and tonal practices, let alone the philosophical aspects that have been tackled in the epics, novels and theatrical texts, the theatrical show can recall the Sufi image and its aesthetics within the operating and image system of the theatrical show.. The research problem resides in how to employ the Sufi image in the theatrical show. The research consists introduction of the research subject, the problem, the importance, and objectives represented by uncovering the aesthetic and intellectual representations of the Sufi image in the theatrical show. the theoretical foundation within two sections: the first highlighted the concept of (Sufism a

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial performance evaluation using some indicators of value creation (Analytical study of selected sample of Iraqi banks)
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The research of three-based financial indicators to create value for shareholders, have been identified research problem in a number of the questions revolved around the extent to which it can express its based performance metrics to create value for the essence and the reality of the surveyed enterprises performance, Can the departments surveyed companies to choose the scale or the most harmonizing index and an expression of the actual performance of the company, has the goal of research is to diagnose the strengths and weaknesses in the performance of the surveyed enterprises through the use of a number of based on the concept of creating economic value and the search for the most suitable indicator to the reality of the perfor

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The impact of population density in sustainable housing - An applied study in the city of Baghdad (Mahalla 817), Al-Bayaa as a model
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Population density represents an important indicator for determining the growth of the size of urban areas. Population density has a direct impact on the quality of life, and its excessive rise may lead to the deterioration of basic service facilities. The problem of the research is that the increase in the total population densities of the residential neighborhood may reflect negatively on the nature of the services provided to the residents in these shops, and thus the failure to achieve sustainability in the residential locality. The research assumes that the increase in population densities negatively affects the achievement of sustainability in the residential neighborhood.



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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the Use of Social Media Networks (SMNs) in Knowledge Sharing, by Using Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) A Study Conducted in Some of Iraqi Universities
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   SMNs like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, WhatsApp,..etc. are among the most popular sites on the Internet. These sites can provide a powerful means of sharing, organizing, finding information and knowledge. The popularity of these sites provides an opportunity to measure the use them in knowledge sharing, which needs a special scale, but unfortunately, there is no special scale for that. Thus, this study supposes to use SCT as a scale to measure the use of SMNs in electronic knowledge sharing due to it has been used to measure knowledge sharing with its traditional form. This study can help the decision-makers to use these SMNs to share the academics’ knowledge in educational institutes to the communi

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Inhibition Effect of Amoxicillin Drug for Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Saline Media
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          Potentiostatic polarization and weight loss methods have been used to investigate the corrosion behavior of carbon steel in sodium chloride solution at different concentrations (0.1, 0.4 and 0.6) M under the influence of temperatures ( 293, 298, 303, 308 and 313) K. The inhibition efficiency of the amoxicillin drug on carbon steel in 0.6 M NaCl has also been studied based on concentration and temperature. The corrosion rate showed that all salt concentrations ( NaCl solution) resulted in corrosion of carbon steel in varying ratio and 0.6 M of salt solution  was the highest rate (50.46 g/m².d). The results also indicate that the rate of corrosion increases at a temperature of 313 K.. Potentiodynamic polarization studi

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Scopus (8)
Crossref (3)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Albahith Alalami
The Role of Social Media in Changing Media
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Media theories and studies have provided many diligences on the concept of social media and the circle of influence, including the theory of social marketing which deals with how to promote ideas espoused by the elite in a society to become a recognized social value. The emergence of social networks provided a revolutionary breakthrough, taking the media to unprecedented horizons; and giving its users great opportunities to influence and move across borders without restrictions and censorship, except in a relatively limited manner. So, the emergence of social media has created channels of live broadcasting from its audience in a method of development that changes the essence of the known communication theories; and stops the monopoly of th

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