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paratexte in specialized literary journals : AL ADEEB AL IRAQI magazine is a model
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Post-structural critical studies highlighted the importance of studying the texts surrounding the text as an important part in the process of receiving and understanding texts, and although this topic was dealt with by the ancient Arabs and Europeans, interest in it appeared clearly after the appearance of Gerard Genet's book (SEUILS), which separated it Text Thresholds. Or what he called paratexte, and dealt with them with interest as he reads them on books. With the development of semiotic studies, interest in paratexte studies began in a broader way and in various literary and non-literary texts, including journalistic texts. And since specialized magazines are one of the press releases that enjoy their privacy in terms of topics and recipients, and are distinguished by the presence of the cover that bears features indicative of the identity of the magazine, the researcher worked on studies of the components of the magazine cover as being parallel texts that the reader/recipient must pass through before accessing the texts published on the pages the number. Literary magazines are specialized magazines that manufacture their paratexte in a way that makes them indicative of specialization, which makes the cover perform a communicative function, informing the recipients of the nature of the topics included in the magazine.

The study dealt with the components of the cover of AL ADEEB AL IRAQI(Iraqi literary) magazine issued by the UNION OF Iraq WRITRS, from the semiotic side, to identify the parallel texts that it contains, namely the name of the magazine, the information related to it, the issuer, and the accompanying image, in addition to the titles chosen to appear on the cover.

The researcher concluded that the cover of the magazine bears signs indicative of its specialization in one of the fields, and these signs include paratexte (SEUILS) through which the reader passes to the topics published in the magazine, belonging to what is known as the peritetfe editorial text, that is, the text related to the publishing body and not the text writers Published in the magazine.:

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
Journal Name
Representations of puns in the cover designs of Der Spiegel magazine
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 Pun concept the design discourse for the cover of magazines the researcher chose the German magazine Der Spiegel as a model for that, as the research problem was manifested by the following question: What are the representations of puns in the covers of the German magazine (Der Spiegel)? The researcher has identified four chapters for this study as follows: The first chapter is devoted to research procedures, and the theoretical framework, which is like the second chapter, included the literature related to the topic of research according to the two interlocutors. A review of the concept of pun in the field of typographic design and the functions that puns achieve in that field, leading to the third chapter, which included the analysis

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
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The human intellect and his ability to complex thinking is a characteristic that Allah has given him above all his creatures. Islam came to encourage the utilization of the mind by thought, contemplation and consideration of the kingdom of Allah, His signs and religion, and He gave us a set of legislation that preserves the mind and protects it from falling into error or deviation.

This research deals with one of the most important components of civilizations in general and Islamic civilization in particular, which is thinking and what is related to it. It is an essential and influential component in man's dealing with life around him and the for

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Electronic media and social issues in Algeria The podcast technique is a model
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This study we have made a subject of fanny podcast in electronic media, as a new way to express different issues by the public, This study focuses started on how to address social issues in Alegria by ANAS TINA vidéo on the youtube network , you are to know the trends of young amateur about the various issues dealt with as well as the most important methods used to convince browsers.
The researcher used the survey method based on studying 10 episodes videos of blogger ANAS TINA.
The result of the study found that the most important issues are the abduction of children, teaching in Algeria; women in Algeria, The negative aspects of the issues addressed have been established in order to direct public opinion and awareness of ph

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Trends of poetic purposes towards praise: Dabal al-Khuzai's poetry is a model
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Poetic objects may go towards a specific purpose and dissolve and interact with them to produce
A purpose characterized by the title but belongs to the U from afar.
The yarn goes towards praise with a purely horizontal relationship that mentions virtues but crowns them towards women.
In lamentation remember the virtues but crown them towards the dead.
In wisdom remember the virtues but crown them towards time.
In the description remember the virtues but crown them towards nature. All objects are inline
Horizontal We will prove this in the axes of research has required the plan to be a blind, five
The preamble, a brief overview of the life of Dabal All Khuzaie and the works and poets of the first axis
The direction

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Building a mathematical model for measuring and analyzing the general equilibrium in the Iraqi economy through the IS-lm-BP model
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In order to achieve overall balance in the economy to be achieved in different markets and at one time (market commodity, monetary and labor market and the balance of payments and public budget), did not provide yet a model from which to determine the overall balance in the economy and the difficulty of finding the inter-relationship between all these markets and put them applied in the form of allowing the identification of balance in all markets at once.

One of the best models that have dealt with this subject is a model
(LM-BP-IS), who teaches balance in the commodity market and money market and balance of payments and the importance of this issue This research tries to shed light on the reality

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Albahith Alalami
Tendencies of Scientific Research in the Specialized Journalism the Media Researcher Magazine A survey study
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Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Preferences of the Iraqi Public towards Arab News Channels Programs and Materials (Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Al Ekhbariya Satellite Channels: a field Study)
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Broadcasting across satellites has become an important media phenomenon and largely available for watchers. As the receiver can see the events at the very moment and at any spot in the world. This study aims to discover the degree of the extent of exposure of Iraqi people to the news broadcasting satellites in Arabic language, (Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Al Ekhbariya Satellite Channels) as one of the media that serves the public; and to discover the range of these Satellite Channels in covering the local Iraqi situation in different sides and aspects; and to know the significance of the Iraqi people in watching those news programmers; and state the motives behind the Iraqi public's dependence on these channels.


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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Scientific Journals in the websites of the colleges of University of Baghdad on the web
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The aim of the research is the knowing of the academic Scientific Journals of the colleges of University of Baghdad , through searching in the University of Baghdad website and the websites of colleges and thus studying the presentation of these journals in those website , and this is done by surfing the main pages of the websites for the colleges included in the research , and by analyzing the research made a menu for all the academic Scientific Journals for all institutes of the University of Baghdad , which simplifies the way for the researchers to publish these researches in the specific journals for their specialties .

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Objectivity of the Liaison in the Iraqi Media Institutions (Al Mada, Azzaman, Al-Sumaria, Aletejah Instituations & Satalite Channels as a Model)
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Objectivity is the common denominator between the qualities and elements of a news story that is described as the mother of journalistic arts. When there is doubt about the authenticity of the information contained in the press, whether readable, audible or visual, it means that there is an imbalance in objectivity. When, furthermore, there is an incorrect and intentional use of words in order to influence readers, it means to move away from objectivity as a necessary element in the success of the media institution; and the success of its editorial material.

But the objective interpretation may take several dimensions to the liaison. For the purpose of grasping the interpretation of objectivity among those liaisons working in the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
SPECIALIZED JOURNALISM IN IRAQ : (After The Events of 09-04-2003)
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The specialized Journalism plays an important role in our daily lives using all of its different ways, including news, caricature, commentary and dialogue. The specialized Journalism deserves vigilance and interest for it is caring about having a new media system. It is meant by “specialization”, first: identifying the areas of work in which the person concerned possesses great knowledge in the specialty resulting from a long experience, it also means being able to continuously develop required skills in that specialty. The specialization is not only a feature of the press, but also a feature of human development; thousands of years ago, the primitive society consisted of people from different specializations: fishermen, farmers, her

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