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Guidelines for covering online surveys
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Media and communication's research are varied in accordance to research approaches' variety which seeks to reach convergent social, psychological, political, economic, and technical point of views. Its main aim is to assimilate all the new variables in the communicative method, especially, social media sites research; concerning their methodology, tools and theories. It is due to their diverse - developed applications and their increased rates of public use becoming irreplaceable in our daily life. It is well reflected by their consequent impact on the the public beside their role in changing its views.

This clarifies the notable increase of scientific research that concern them manifesting the dialectical relations and interference between the digital tools and domains of humanities. It, also, concerns their role in broadening the horizons of humanities research shifting from being software’s, only, to tools of textual and visual analysis.
Communication studies follow the nature of the method dedicated to convey the communicative message. Hence, the development of the method must be parallel to that one of the studies. In fact, the communicative method adds new dimensions to the communication process revealing the relations and ties that connect communication's process with other processes within the society's cultural structure.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economic And Administrative Science
On Shrinkage Estimation for Generalized Exponential Distribution
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 21 2021
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The 3rd Al-noor International Conference Of Science And Technology 2021 Muscat-oman
Gama Platform Survey for Agent-Based Modelling
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The agent-based modeling is currently utilized extensively to analyze complex systems. It supported such growth, because it was able to convey distinct levels of interaction in a complex detailed environment. Meanwhile, agent-based models incline to be progressively complex. Thus, powerful modeling and simulation techniques are needed to address this rise in complexity. In recent years, a number of platforms for developing agent-based models have been developed. Actually, in most of the agents, often discrete representation of the environment, and one level of interaction are presented, where two or three are regarded hardly in various agent-based models. The key issue is that modellers work in these areas is not assisted by simulation plat

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Applied Mechanics And Materials
Artistic Techniques for Developing Creativity in Design
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The design of future will still be the most confusing and puzzling issue and misgivings that arouse worry and leading to the spirit of adventures to make progress and arrive at the ways of reviving, creativity and modernism. The idea of prevailing of a certain culture or certain product in design depends on the given and available techniques, due to the fact that the computer and their artistic techniques become very important and vital to reinforce the image in the design. Thus, it is very necessary to link between these techniques and suitable way to reform the mentality by which the design will be reformed, from what has been said, (there has no utilization for the whole modern and available graphic techniques in the design proce

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Modern Applied Science
New Combined Technique for Fingerprint Image Enhancement
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This paper presents a combination of enhancement techniques for fingerprint images affected by different type of noise. These techniques were applied to improve image quality and come up with an acceptable image contrast. The proposed method included five different enhancement techniques: Normalization, Histogram Equalization, Binarization, Skeletonization and Fusion. The Normalization process standardized the pixel intensity which facilitated the processing of subsequent image enhancement stages. Subsequently, the Histogram Equalization technique increased the contrast of the images. Furthermore, the Binarization and Skeletonization techniques were implemented to differentiate between the ridge and valley structures and to obtain one

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Novel Approximate Solutions for Nonlinear Blasius Equations
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The method of operational matrices based on different types of polynomials such as Bernstein, shifted Legendre and Bernoulli polynomials will be presented and implemented to solve the nonlinear Blasius equations approximately. The nonlinear differential equation will be converted into a system of nonlinear algebraic equations that can be solved using Mathematica®12. The efficiency of these methods has been studied by calculating the maximum error remainder ( ), and it was found that their efficiency increases as the polynomial degree (n) increases, since the errors decrease. Moreover, the approximate solutions obtained by the proposed methods are compared with the solution of the 4th order Runge-Kutta meth

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 05 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Isosorbide mononitrate versus mesoprostol for cervical ripening
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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Photodynamic Therapy for Leiomyosarcoma: In vitro study
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Leiomyosarcoma (smooth muscle tumor) is a rare type of a malignant neoplasm of smooth
muscle. It is a resistant cancer, generally not very responsive to chemotherapy, radiationand surgery.The
aim of this study was to evaluate photodynamic therapy (PDT) as a possible basis for treatment using
(650 nm)diode laser with methyleneblue (MB) as a photosensitizer on leiomyosarcoma (LMS)cell line
(L20B) in vitro. The cytotoxic effects of 650nm diode laser 0.052 W/cm2 (power density) at different
exposure time (10, 20, and 30 min) with methylene blue at different concentrations (0.01% ,0.1 % ,1%)
was investigated on LMS cell line (L20 B). The cytotoxic effect of laser was increased with increasing
irradiation time for a certai

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Double probe for measuring the plasma parameters
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In this work the diode planer magnetron sputtering device was
designed and fabricated. This device consists of two aluminum discs
(8cm) diameter and (5mm) thick. The distance between the two
electrodes is 2cm, 3cm, 4cm and 5cm.
Design and construction a double probe of tungsten wire with
(0.1mm) diameter and (1.2mm) length has been done to investigate
electron temperature, electron and ion density under different
distances between cathode and anode. The probes were situated in
the center of plasma between anode and cathode.
The results of this work show that, when the distance between
cathode and anode increased, the electron temperature decreased.
Also, the electron density increases with the increasing

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Modified Key Scheduling Algorithm for RC4
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Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4) is an efficient stream cipher that is commonly used in internet protocols. However, there are several flaws in the key scheduling algorithm (KSA) of RC4. The contribution of this paper is to overcome some of these weaknesses by proposing a new version of KSA coined as modified KSA . In the initial state of the array is suggested to contain random values instead of the identity permutation. Moreover, the permutation of the array is modified to depend on the key value itself. The proposed performance is assessed in terms of cipher secrecy, randomness test and time under a set of experiments with variable key size and different plaintext size. The results show that the RC4 with improves the randomness and secrecy with

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 10 2018
Journal Name
Aro-the Scientific Journal Of Koya University
Membrane Computing for Real Medical Image Segmentation
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In this paper, membrane-based computing image segmentation, both region-based and edge-based, is proposed for medical images that involve two types of neighborhood relations between pixels. These neighborhood relations—namely, 4-adjacency and 8-adjacency of a membrane computing approach—construct a family of tissue-like P systems for segmenting actual 2D medical images in a constant number of steps; the two types of adjacency were compared using different hardware platforms. The process involves the generation of membrane-based segmentation rules for 2D medical images. The rules are written in the P-Lingua format and appended to the input image for visualization. The findings show that the neighborhood relations between pixels o

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