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THE ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COMMUNICATOR IN PRESS INSTITUTIONS TO CONSOLIDATE THE VALUES OF TOLERANCE: A Study of the Communicator in the Newspapers (Al-Zaman, Al-Sabah, Al-Mada) For the period: 1/5/2020 to 1/10/2020
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This research deals with the role that the media can play in spreading awareness, culture and sound behavior among members of society, due to its ability to reach the largest number of individuals; its wide spread within society; and the moral responsibility of the media in consolidating the components of civil peace. The media works on forming intellectual convictions and behavioral attitudes by publishing opinions and ideas, introducing them to people's awareness and enhancing them in the practice of their daily lives, he was its media medium. Sociologists and psychologists confirm that the media. The significance of the research comes due to the broadening of violence and sectarian fighting; the absence of a culture of civil social peace; and the inability of state institutions, civil society organizations and the media to establish a culture of tolerance and acceptance of the other. Therefore, the national media had to take the initiative to promote a culture of tolerance to reach a state of stability and civil peace. The researcher followed the descriptive approach to reach accurate and useful analytical results in the field of enriching the presented descriptive research studies that depend on content analysis in revealing the topics in question. The spatial domain of research with regard to the moral responsibility of the media is to consolidate the elements of civil peace for the communicator in the media institutions. Whereas, the temporal domain is determined in the period from May 1st, 2020 to October 1st, 2020. As for the human domain, it is 2 represented by the communicator in the Iraqi newspapers (Azzaman, Al-Sabaah, Al-Mada) combined for research. The research reached a set of conclusions, including that the moral responsibility and the promoting of civil peace is one of the most important moral responsibilities of the media; as well as alerting society to the dangers, and employing the media to contribute to civil peace. The effectiveness of publishing issues of coexistence and civil peace is linked to not publishing what is related to race, religion and sect. Highlighting press issues, political and dialogue issues, as well as social ones, all contribute to establishing professional features and transparency for the press away from dealing with sensitive issues such as violence, extremism and rivalry

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Detection of Serum Levels of IL-17 and CCL-5 in a Sample of Iraqi Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients
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      Cytokines and chemokines are small-secreted proteins involved in many aspects of cell development, differentiation, and activation functions. A prominent characteristic of these molecules is their effect on the immune system in relation to the development of cell trafficking and immune tissues and organs. Furthermore, they play an important role in initiating and coordinating the organized and sequential recruitment and activation of cells into Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected lungs. We aimed to evaluate the levels of interleukin -17 (IL-17) and the chemotactic chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 (CCL5) in the sera of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) patients. About 90 subjects were included, involving 5

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 28 2024
Journal Name
Bmc Medical Education
Pharmacy faculty experiences with student academic entitlement: a multinational study from the Arab world
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Abstract<p>Academic Entitlement (AE) is the expectation by students to receive high grades or preferential treatment without significant effort. Exploring AE from faculty perspective has not been investigated in Arab colleges of pharmacy. The aim of this study was to explore experiences and perceptions towards student AE among pharmacy faculty in the Arab World. A cross-sectional, self-administered, anonymous, electronic survey was sent to pharmacy faculty across pharmacy colleges in Arab countries. The survey collected demographic data, an AE measure including 17 items reflecting seven AE components, and faculty perceptions and perceived reasons for AE. A total of 345 responses were collected. The AE level wa</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The impact of exceptional circumstances on personal freedoms: دراسة مقارنة
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The safety of state may be threatened by the exceptional circumstances such as the wars and normal disasters. Those circumstances make the state unable to protect the general system by using public rules. So the authority of control organization should expand to control such circumstances. Those authorities should report hasty and definitive steps to encounter such issues. The exceptional circumstances may directly affect the personal rights and freedom that were warranted by the constitution. So the legislator should determine the constraints that were adopted upon them and showed the guarantees of those liberties in order to avoid the unfair decisions and orders. 

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences
Equivalent between the Criterion and the Three Open Set's Conditions in Disk-Cyclicity
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A vector in a separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space is called disk-cyclic for bounded operator if the orbit α : 0, α∈;|∝| 1is dense in. The useful tool used to discover codisk-cyclic operation is called the disk-cyclic Criterion. In this paper we will show that some equivalent conditions of the

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Clinical Evidence: The Prolonged Dust Exposure The Disorder In Serum Oxidant - Antioxidant Balance
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Dust can  be considered as  an  important factor in  environmental

pollution which has a direct eOect on human health. In this study ,we

attempted to eval uate serum oxidant -antiox idant balance in workers dust exposed continuously and also the effect of iron and silicon content in exposed dust on the mentioned balance .The study included tbrcc groups: A group  included 20  workers of  building block factories, B  group included 20 workers in general company of grains production and C group included 15 healthy' subjects which represented control group. !ron and  silicon  contents in  dust samples of  two  studied  regions were measured. Higher levels o

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 04 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Techniques
Comparison Between the Kernel Functions Used in Estimating the Fuzzy Regression Discontinuous Model
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Some experiments need to know the extent of their usefulness to continue providing them or not. This is done through the fuzzy regression discontinuous model, where the Epanechnikov Kernel and Triangular Kernel were used to estimate the model by generating data from the Monte Carlo experiment and comparing the results obtained. It was found that the. Epanechnikov Kernel has a least mean squared error.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
The problems faced by First-grade intermediate students in studying the Arabic language
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This study investigates the challenges encountered by first-grade intermediate students in learning the Arabic language. It aims to identify specific obstacles that hinder language acquisition and proficiency among this demographic. Through qualitative and quantitative methods, including surveys and interviews with students, teachers, and parents, the research highlights key issues such as limited vocabulary, difficulties in grammar, lack of engagement with the material, and inadequate teaching resources. The findings reveal a complex interplay between cognitive, social, and educational factors that contribute to these challenges. The study underscores the need for targeted interventions, such as enhanced pedagogical strategies and improved

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Standard Levels of Modern Administration for the Iraqi Central Olympic Committee's Olympic Federations
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The problem of the research lies in the lack of standard levels for modern administration as a guide for evaluating weaknesses and strengths as well as finding solutions. The aim of the research lies in identifying standard levels for modern administration in Iraqi central Olympic committee and international federations. The subjects were (24) Olympic committee' federations. All procedures were standardized to fit our modern administration work. The data was collected and treated using proper statistical operations. The researcher concluded standard levels for modern administration in international federation of the Iraqi Olympic committee, in addition to that he concluded that most administrations levels ranged within four levels (good, fa

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
An In Vitro Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) on Inhibiting the Growth of Selected Microorganismsin Human Saliva
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Background: Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) has been used as a traditional medicine for many years to cure different kinds of diseases. Studies have been reported that Gotu Kola extracts might be used as a cure for oral diseases such as periodontal disease. In the present study, Gotu Kola leaves extracted with water will be used to evaluate its effect on some microorganisms living in the human saliva using minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) method. Material and Method:Gotu Kola fresh leaves extract have been used with water as a solvent, a rotary evaporator was used to separate the solvent from the extract. The following microorganisms: Streptococci, Lactobacilli, and Staphylococcus aureus have been isolated fromthe Saliva of ten voluntee

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 04 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Role of Sox17 Gene Expression in Early Definition of Anterior Pole of the Rabbit Embryo at Early Pre-Gastrulation Stages
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The primitive streak and notochord and previously the anterior marginal crescent (AMC), anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) and the anterior hypoblast (AHB) are embryonic entities which identify main body axes and thus establish body plan in the early stages of embryonic development. All of the anterior pre-gastrulation differentiation structures are addressed terminology as anterior pre-gastrulation differentiation (APD). These structures are defined morphologically and are called in mouse (AVE), in rabbit (AMC) and in the pig (AHB). The anterior hypoblast cells of APD are higher and denser than at the opposite pole of the embryo. Moreover, the APD stretches variously between species and has different shapes in the mammalian embryos, for exam

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