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Skills of Media Marketing of the Public Relations Staff: (University of Baghdad as a Model)

Departments and offices of public relations and media in any institution or company is the most important departments that reflect the results of their work negatively or positively on their reputation. This goes beyond the trust and credibility that its internal and external audiences will give it. Where such matter requires the staff, working in these departments and offices, to have communication skills that qualify them to do the role of marketing the communication message. Yet, the communication skills of public relations and media staff vary from person to person depending on the communication position. This skill has two criteria: Achieving the communication goal and the speed in achieving it as a number of skills control some factors:

Theoretical and innate preparations represented by the total personal, psychological, social and mental qualities acquired by the individual genetically and self-perception and mental abilities.

An individual who is characterized by social intelligence and good linguistic ability can achieve successful communication with the institution's internal and external audience.

Hence, this research sheds light on the skills of media marketing for public relations staff. The researcher selected the Department of Media and Public Relations at the University of Baghdad as a model to survey the level of communication skills in marketing the media message when working in this theoretical field.

The research consists of the methodological framework in terms of identifying and formulating the research problem; and the objective that this study aims to reach; as well as the two-part descriptive and analytical survey method adopted in this study.

The researcher designed the questionnaire as a major tool for collecting information and data in order to achieve the objectives of the research to identify the level and types of media marketing skills possessed by public relations workers at the University of Baghdad.

Whereas, the theoretical framework dealt with the first topic in the concept of communication and marketing skills, while the second section took care of the skills of media marketing.

The field study included two axes: the first data of the respondents representing their characteristics in terms of sex, age, academic achievement, specialization and social status. The second investigates questions related to media marketing skills. Public relations staff resort to the media marketing of university messages, and the research has produced a number of important results.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 11 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Well placement optimization: A review

Optimization of well placement plays a considerable role in the production and maximizing the net present value of the investment of oil field developments. However, the application of the optimization techniques in well placement developments is so complicated because many decision variables, objective functions, and constraints are involved in the well placement optimization case. Furthermore, many computational techniques; conventional and non-conventional, have been utilized to optimize well placement operations. This study displays the advancement of the optimization methods applied in the well placement. Subsequently, the study assorted the applied optimization methods, and it demonstrates the restriction and the range of implementati

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The importance of cash flow statement in reducing credit risk and liquidity: بحث تطبيقي في مصرف الرشيد

Banks face different types of banking risks that limit the performance of its functions and achieve its objectives, including the financial risk that is based on current research into two types including a credit and liquidity risks. And established credit risk due to the possibility of delaying the borrowers to fulfill their obligations to the bank when due or non-payments on according to the terms agreed upon, while liquidity risk arises as a result of the inability of the bank to fund the financial needs, any inability to provide cash to pay its obligations short on credit without achieving tangible loss or the inability to employ the funds properly and show the liquidity risk in the event of inadequate cash inflows to the bank for an

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The History of Multi Parties and its Effect on Political System in India

The History of Multi Parties and its Effect on Political System in India

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Affect of Financial Development on Poverty in Iraq for the Period 1980-2010

There are many applied Economic studies that have found positive nexus between financial development and poverty reduction in developing countries. Iraq has witnessed an increasing rate of poverty during the period 1980-2010 due to many internal and external factors such as wars, economic sanctions, inflation, a high rate of unemployment, and political and security instability. Therefore, the investigation about the solutions to reduce poverty becomes very necessary, and enhancing the financial development in Iraq is one of these options. This is due to that the financial development could reduce the poverty rates through two channels: the first is direct via the offering of the loans and other financial facilities to the poor, a

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Improving the Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Network for Internet of Thing Applications

Mobile Wireless sensor networks have acquired a great interest recently due to their capability to provide good solutions and low-priced in multiple fields. Internet of Things (IoT) connects different technologies such as sensing, communication, networking, and cloud computing. It can be used in monitoring, health care and smart cities. The most suitable infrastructure for IoT application is wireless sensor networks. One of the main defiance of WSNs is the power limitation of the sensor node. Clustering model is an actual way to eliminate the inspired power during the transmission of the sensed data to a central point called a Base Station (BS). In this paper, efficient clustering protocols are offered to prolong network lifetime. A kern

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Symbolic values and aesthetics in the design of interior spaces: بان أحمد إبراهيم

The current research deals with studying the aesthetics of symbolic values in the design of internal spaces and their connotations through their existence as a material value, as well as the symbolic meanings and their connotations that touch the spiritual and emotional side of the human being as an intangible value, and the research included four chapters, so the research problem was embodied by the following question (What is the role of values Symbolism and aesthetics in the design of interior spaces)? Therefore, the aim was to clarify the role of symbolic values and their aesthetics in the design of internal spaces. The first chapter included the importance of research, the need for it, the limits of the research and its terminology.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Compensation those affected by technological development risks within the scope of medical works

those affected by technological development risks within the scope of medical works. The unprecedented technological development the world witnesses nowadays has been providing brilliant medical service to the human being including examination, diagnosis and the treatment or follow up. However, such works hide behind potential risks threatening people's lives and such risks my be discovered within the limits of now – how and technical knowledge prevailing the time of rendering the medical service. Also this the question is raised on how to keep up between the safety of the patients and such risks are being unknown by the provider and questioning them contradicts the justices. subsequently, can the patients (affected) acquire the compensat

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Function of Diction in Conveying the Meaning in Radio Drama: أحمد محمد محسن

Arabs knew the art of diction and elocution as part of their life in peace and war and in lamentation, satire, narration and description, as they were distinguished by influential and meaningful speeches in war and battle times, and the most prominent topics of the pre-Islamic rhetoric were pride, enthusiasm, bravery and other meanings related to heroism and call for war. It was not a long time when Arabs paid more attention to this great phonetic phenomenon, as they see that it elevates the status of the word and shows its meanings and significances. The current research aims to reveal the function of diction in conveying the meaning in radio drama.
The research methodology: the researcher adopted the analytic descriptive method gui

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Impact of Agile Methodologies and Cost Management Success Factors: An Empirical Study

Software cost management is a significant feature of project management. As such, it needs to be employed in a project or line of work. Software cost management is integral to software development failures, which, in turn, cause software failure. Thus, it is imperative that software development professionals develop their cost management skills to deliver successful software projects. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of cost management success factors with project management factors and three agile methodologies – Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum and Kanban methodologies which are used in the Pakistani software industry. To determine the results, the researchers applied quantitative approach through an extensive survey on

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Historical Paths of the Political Conflict in Iraq and its Development After 3002

Following the political development in Iraq Since 7112 exposed kind of political traditions about how to manage the conflicts that have different Iraqi powers .That what was clear since the formation of permanent government since in 7112 .
The case of conflict between political powers in administrating Iraq state and the withdrawal of American Forcesintroduces questions:
0-Is it possible that that the beginning of Iraq state building shall ease this conflict and peacemaking in the post-conflict period?
7- To what extent the Iraqi powerswas to manage their disputes in non-military like elections which was held in 7112?
2- What is the range of the extent of the political operation after the American withdrawal?
The important

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