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Issues of Iraqi Photojournalists Working in Local and Foreign Institutions in Iraq: Iraqi Photojournalists Association - Case Study 2012
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The issues of journalists and media employees in general and photojournalists in particular have become important issues, especially as those issues are closely linked to the success or failure of the media process.

This research deals with (the issues of Iraqi photojournalists working in local and foreign institutions in Iraq - a case study in 2012), because of the ambiguity in identifying those issues, which focused on the issues of this research.

This was done through the research community of members of the Association of Iraqi photojournalists in Baghdad exclusively of (64) photographers and television photographers to identify the problems encountered in their work in the local and foreign media; and the relationship of those problems with their professional performance; and what the relationship between photographers and existing bodies, whether negative or positive; and how far this relationship affects their performance. These questions were part of the research that the researcher sought to find scientific answers for them.

A preliminary questionnaire was distributed to (10 %) of photographers from the research community containing open questions about the issues facing them. After retrieval, a final questionnaire was prepared based on the answers obtained. This form was presented to a group of arbitrators to certify the truth. The ratio was sufficient to complete the research. Then, the form was distributed to the respondents when it was retrieved and unloaded in tables. Finally, the results were interpreted to interpret the results.

The researcher has reached a set of results, the most important of which are:

  1. Half of the respondents confirmed that they (always) face an issue (not being involved in development courses), which has a negative impact on their work.
  2. More than half of the respondents confirmed that they (always) suffer from the administrative issue of (imposing the institution's policy on them).
  3. Most of the respondents asserted that they are always faced with the problem (mistreatment by security forces at the scene).
  4. The answers of the respondents confirmed that they were (always) looked at by (what the gunmen regard the photographers as spies).
  5. Respondents confirmed that they (always) are (neglected or away from their family and social duties).

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparative Study for Risk Criteria of Al-Qudus Plant between the Present and Planning of MOE
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The main function of a power system is to supply the customer load demands as economically as possible. Risk criterion is the probability of not meeting the load. This paper presents a methodology to assess probabilistic risk criteria of Al-Qudus plant before and after expansion; as this plant consists of ten generating units presently and the Ministry Of Electricity (MOE) is intending to compact four units to it in order to improve the performance of Iraqi power system especially at Baghdad region. The assessment is calculated by a program using Matlab programming language; version 7.6. Results show that the planned risk is (0.003095) that is (35 times) less than that in the present plant risk; (0.1091); which represents respectable imp

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Biochemical Study for Evaluation and Analysis of Serum Protein of Patients with Different Kidney Tumors
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The amount of protein in the serum depends on the balance between the rate of its synthesis, and that of its catabolism or loss. Abnormal metabolism may result from nutritional deficiency, enzyme deficiency, abnormal secretion of hormones, or the actions of drugs and toxins. Renal cancer is the third most common malignancy of the genitourinary system, and accounts for 3% of adult malignancies globally. Total serum proteins were measured in malignant kidney tumor, benign kidney tumors, and non tumoral kidney diseases patient groups, as well as in healthy individuals. A significant decrease (p< 0.001) of total serum protein levels in patients with malignant kidney tumors when compared with those of benign tumors, non tumoral diseases, and hea

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 17 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Study of some physical and mechanical properties of paper sheets treated with different polymeric adhesive solution
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The present researchers are trying to enhance the properties of paper sheet that used widely in many fields such as printing and packaging. The enhancement of paper quality is also possible to preserve paper documents of all kinds, as they are the true record, full of the history, achievements of the human being and the intellectual and cultural of the country. It is possible to improve its physical and mechanical properties and preserve them from damage through the use of some solutions of polymeric adhesives, which act as protective barriers against water and moisture penetration. The paper also has the advantage of porosity, which has been overcome by using three types of polymeric adhesives (Nitro Cellulose, Polyvinyl alcohol acetate, a

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Effect of Thickness on the Electrical Conductivity and Optical Constant of Co3O4 Thin Films
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 In this research the Cobalt Oxide (Co3O4) films are prepared by the method of chemical spray pyrolysis deposition at different thicknesses such that (250, 350, 450, and 550) ± 20 nm.      The optical measurement shows that the Co3O4 films have a direct energy gap, and they in general increase with the increase of the thickness. The optical constants are investigated and calculated such as absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient and the dielectric constants for the wavelengths in the range (300-900) nm.     The electrical conductivity (σ) and the activation energies (Ea1, Ea2) have been investigated on (Co3O4) thin films as a function of thickness. The films

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Synthesis, Characterization and Preliminary Study of the Anti-Inflammatory Activity of New Pyrazoline Containing Ibuprofen Derivatives
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Scopus (7)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the effect of thickness and annealing temperature on the Electrical Properties of CdTe thin Films
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The electrical properties of polycrystalline cadmium telluride thin films of different thickness (200,300,400)nm deposited by thermal evaporation onto glass substrates at room temperature and treated at different annealing temperature (373, 423, 473) K are reported. Conductivity measurements have been showed that the conductivity increases from 5.69X10-5 to 0.0011, 0.0001 (?.cm)-1 when the film thickness and annealing temperature increase respectively. This increasing in ?d.c due to increasing the carrier concentration which result from the excess free Te in these films.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study Of Optimum Conditions For The Removal Of Ruthenium And Cerium Using Freshly Prepared Manganese Dioxide
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 The adsorption of Ru and Ce were carried out using manganese dioxide as adsorbent. The Optimization of the adsorption conditions were studied as a function of shaking time, nitric acid, metal ions, concentrations and temperature effects.      A rapid initial adsorption on MnO2 is followed by a steady and slow increase of metal uptake. The equilibration time is reached after four hours shaking for Ru and Ce and    the adsorption is much better from one molar acidic solution and 90°C.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study of the Structural and Optical Properties of SnS:F prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis technique
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Thin films of pure tin mono-sulfide SnS and tin mono-sulfide for (1,2,3,4)% fluorine SnS:F with Thicknesses of (0.85 ±0.05) ?m and (0.45±0.05) ?m respectively were prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis technique. the effect of doping of F on structural and optical properties has been studied. X-Ray diffraction analysis showed that the prepared films were polycrystalline with orthorhombic structure. It was found that doping increased the intensity of diffraction peaks. Optical properties of all samples were studied by recording the absorption and transmission spectrum in range of wave lengths (300-900) nm. The optical energy gap for direct forbidden transi

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Comparison Study of Some Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Composites usinguncarbonized Orange peel and Carbonized Orange peel
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Abstract<p>Inthis investigation the epoxy was reinforced by orange peel and carbonized orange peel particles with percentages (5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by weight).Mechanical tests like:Tensile, flexural,Hardness, impact and compression were carried out on these natural epoxy composites. The results showed the tensile strength have a higher value by adding (15% by weight )of orange peel and carbonized orange peel particles to epoxy,while the value (10% by weight ) of addition is suitable to get improvement in the other mechanical properties as flexural strength, Hardness, impact and compressive strength. The epoxy / carbonized orange peel powder have the best valuesin all mechanical properties than t</p> ... Show More
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Scopus (2)
Crossref (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of using Mesocyclops hyalinus and Cyclops agilis as A biological Control of Anophles larvae
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The fresh water ecosystem constitute an essential and very important for human life, for this reason it should be kept away from all the chemical pollutants including the pesticides The best way for Fighting harmful insects.(such as Anophles larvae) is by the biological control.


In the present study two species of Cyclopoida: Copepod, Mesocyclops hyalinus and Cyclops agilis Ø¢ were used as predators for Anophles larvae.


The data showed that the percentages of predation were 65% and 56%

forM. hyalinus and C. agilis respectively


and the means of predation were 1.3 larvae/ female and 1.1

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