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The role of Iraqi newspapers in instilling political culture among the public after 2003, a field study on the audience of the city of Baghdad
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The role of Iraqi newspapers in instilling political culture among the public after 2003, a field study on the audience of the city of Baghdad, University of Baghdad, College of Information, Department of Journalism, 2019,
The problem of research is to investigate the role of Iraqi newspapers in instilling the political culture of individuals after 2003, and monitor this role Through the contents and messages provided by the Iraqi newspapers to the public. the research is classified within descriptive research, it adopts the survey methodology and used the questionnaire tool. In fact, the questionnaire was distributed to a sample of 400 individuals that was selected according to the method of multi-stage cluster sample of those who read the Iraqi newspapers in paper and electronic format.
The research reached a number of results, most notably:
1) Concerning the research on the concept of political culture from the viewpoint of the respondents: "the development of political awareness in all political" ranked first with (37.3%), followed by "the process of political participation in various
2) The results of the research indicate that the overall average of the degree of knowledge achieved by reading the Iraqi newspapers was (2.45) and (61.2%) .
3) The largest number of respondents confirmed that the most prominent political information and knowledge covered by the Iraqi newspapers is "political knowledge regarding the daily events of the country" as reached 27.4%.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 08 2019
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Xylenol orange removal from aqueous solution by natural bauxite (BXT) and BXT-HDTMA: kinetic, thermodynamic and isotherm modeling
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Sorption is a key factor in removal of organic and inorganic contaminants from their aqueous solutions. In this study, we investigated the removal of Xylenol Orange tetrasodium salt (XOTS) from its aqueous solution by Bauxite (BXT) and cationic surfactant hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide modified Bauxite (BXT-HDTMA) in batch experiments. The BXT and BXT-HDTMA were characterized using FTIR, and SEM techniques. Adsorption studies were performed at various parameters i.e. temperature, contact time, adsorbent weight, and pH. The modified BXT showed better maximum removal efficiency (98.6% at pH = 9.03) compared to natural Bauxite (75% at pH 2.27), suggesting that BXT-HDTMA is an excellent adsorbent for the removal of XOTS from water. The equ

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Publication Date
Sun May 17 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
دراسة تحليلية مقارنة، لبعض المتغيرات الكينماتيكية، في أداء مهارة(Nick shot) الأمامية العكسية، بين لاعبي المنتخب العراقي والمصري، للشباب في الإسكواش
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هدفت الدراسة الى التعرف على مستوى استخدام إدارة المعرفة و تكنولوجيا المعلومات لدى القيادات الإدارية تُعدّ لعبة الإسكواش من الألعاب الفردية، وواحدة من ألعاب المضرب، والتي تمتاز بالسرعة والحركة الدائمة في داخل القاعة، ولعل أهم ما يميز هذه اللعبة المتعة التي يشعر بها اللاعبون الممارسون لها، لأنها تجبر ممارسيها على الحركة المستمرة عن طريق تبادل لعب الكرة، وتتميز بالتحدي المباشر، وتتطلب اليقظة والحرص وال

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2015
Journal Name
فعالية استخدام تدريبات القوة الدافعة الذاتية في تطوير القوة الخاصة و بعض القدرات الوظيفية و المهارية للاعبين الشبابا بالكرة الطائرة
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الادارة والاقتصادللدراسات الاقتصادية والادارية والمالية
تصميم الترتيب الداخلي األمثل باستعمال تقنية التخصيص النسبي المحوسب للتسهيالت )CRAFT)بحث تطبيقي في الشركة العامة لصناعة الزيوت النباتية – مصنع المأمون
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The facilities layout are among the most important of the most influential factors in the efficiency of the production system, and represents the systematic layout of the various work centers, tools, persons, and other auxiliary services within the factory. Careful selection of the technique that would be used in Re-layout, represents an important step in reaching to the optimum layout that keeps on reducing handling costs and reduce unnecessary movement of materials, as well as the regularity and functioning of the flow of materials through the facilities. The research aims to propose a new layout of (Al-M'ammon Factory / The General Company for Vegetable Oils Industry), and then re-layout according to the new propose layout by using of te

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Publication Date
Sun May 06 2007
Journal Name
كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة/جامعة بغداد .
تأثير التمرينات الاوكسجينية واللاأوكسجينية في الوحدة التدريبية لتطوير بعض القدرات الوظيفية والبدنية للاعبي كر ة القدم بعمر (13-14)سنة. رسالة ماجستير
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الاديب الكاتب والمؤرخ الفقيه يحيى بن خلدون (ت 780هـ/ 1379م) كاتب ديوان الانشاء في دولة بني زيان (633-962هـ/ 1235-1554م) بتلمسان
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    A prominent figure such as Yahya bin Khaldoun and a scholar of the moroccan countries in the medieval era, and had a special place in the history of the country and the state of Bani Zayan, and the positions he occupied in it and left his scientific, literary and historical traces, leaving him an imprint in the course of history and its events, and in this study
I dealt with the research: his personal life : his name and lineage, then his upbringing and his family.

    The aim of the study is to know this character in the details of his personal and scientific life, according to the historical descriptive research method, including description and presentation of events, and linking them in a

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تعيين عنصر الزئبق السام بتراكيز نزرة في نماذج غذائية ومائية مختلفة باستخدام منظومة بخار الزئبق البارد المرتبطة مع جهاز الامتصاص الذري اللهبي
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     يتضمن البحث تعيين عنصر الزئبق السام بتراكيزنزرة عالية الدقة (نانوغرام) باستخدام منظومة يخار الزئبق البارد لنماذج غذائية (لحوم حمراء ، لحوم بيضاء ) مختلفة ونماذج مائية (ماء النهر، مياه صناعية ، ماء الشرب) وربط المنظومة بتقنية الامتصاص الذري اللهبي.

     ان عنصر الزئبق من اشد العناصر سمية وان التراكيز المسموح بها عالميا لايتعدى جزء واحد

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
معوقات تطبيق الإدارة الإلكترونية في وزارة التربية والتعليم بسلطنة عمان(البوابة التعليمية الإلكترونية أنموذجاً) من وجهة نظر موظفي المديرية العامة لتقنية المعلومات
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Drawbacks of Implementing Electronic Management in the Ministry of Education (A sample: Oman Educational Portal) from the Point of View of IT Staff. The study aimed at discovering the drawbacks of implementing electronic management in the Ministry of Education (a sample: Oman Educational Portal) from the point of view of IT staff, and that is by answering the following questions: - What are the main drawbacks (administrative, financial, technical and drawbacks related to human resources) that hinder implementing the electronic management in the Ministry of Education (a sample: Oman Educational Portal) from the point of view of IT staff? - Are there any statistical significance differences at the level (0.05) between study samples on the

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Dissolving Precipitated Asphaltenes Inside Oil Reservoirs Using Local Solvents
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There are several oil reservoirs that had severe from a sudden or gradual decline in their production due to asphaltene precipitation inside these reservoirs. Asphaltene deposition inside oil reservoirs causes damage for permeability and skin factor, wettability alteration of a reservoir, greater drawdown pressure. These adverse changing lead to flow rate reduction, so the economic profit will drop. The aim of this study is using local solvents: reformate, heavy-naphtha and binary of them for dissolving precipitated asphaltene inside the oil reservoir. Three samples of the sand pack had been prepared and mixed with a certain amount of asphaltene. Permeability of these samples calculated before and after mixed with asphaltenes. Then, the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
جهود جُهُودُ عُلَمَاءِ العِرَاقِ في تَدْوِينِ الف هَ ا رِسِ والكَ ش ا فَاتِ والمَ جَ ل تِ المعْ ن يةِ بال ت راثِ
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The scholars of Iraq in the modern and contemporary era have been interested in the definition of tremendous knowledge treasures left by the successive Iraqi civilizations on Mesopotamia and around the cities, through the census and extrapolation of manuscript heritage and even printed, they compiled indexes,evidence

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