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The Interactive Relationship between the Formation Elements and their Implications in the Structure of the Television Image
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The image of television dominates the cognitive and artistic motivations. It is the formulation of ideas and visions along with its documentary ability. It is the main element in television work as it is a story that is narrated in pictures. Therefore, attention to image building is a major point of gravity in the work structure as a whole. On the image is the element carrying all aesthetic and expressive values of news and information directly to the hints that work to stimulate and stir the imagination of the recipient to evoke mental images added to the visual images to deepen the meanings.
All visual arts carry elements and components that follow in a particular pattern to give special meanings and specific connotations. However, a person is more responsive to the images resulting from a certain consistency of the surface, shape, and blocks of objects because this harmony creates a sense of pleasure while the lack of such harmony causes with discomfort and indifference or even dissatisfaction and dislike as Herbert Reid put it. Therefore, the harmony in the arrangement and organization of the elements of television image leads to the creation of the state of engagement and autism with them and thus accept television work as a unit. From these facts, this research, which deals with the plastic structure of television image, is launched in an analytical study of the television work (bioot alsafeeh)

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 06 2021
Journal Name
Comparison of the Genetic Structure of Invasive Bigheaded Carp (Hypophthalmichthys spp.) Populations in Central-European Lacustrine and Riverine Habitats
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Bigheaded carps (bighead carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, and silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) and their hybrids play an important ecological and economic role in their original habitat, while their introduced stocks may pose serious ecological risks. To address questions about the persistence and invasiveness of these fish, we need to better understand their population structures. The genetic structures of bigheaded carp populations inhabiting Lake Balaton and the Tisza River were examined with ten microsatellite markers and a mitochondrial DNA marker (COI). The Lake Balaton stock showed higher genetic diversity compared with the Tisza River stock. Based on hierarchical clustering, the Tisza population was characterized o

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effects of copper doping and annealing on the structure and optical properties of ZnxCdx-1S thin films
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Effect of copper doping and thermal annealing on the structural and optical properties of Zn0.5Cd0.5S thin films prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis have been studied. Depositions were done at 250°C on glass substrate. The structural properties and surface morphology of deposited films were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photomicroscope (PHM) techniques. XRD studies reveal that all films are crystalline tetragonal structure. The film crystallinity are increased with 1% Cu-doping concentration and also increased for the films annealed at 300°C than the other studied cases. The lattice constant 'a' and 'c' varies with doping concentrations from 5.487Å to 5.427Å and 10.871Å to 10.757Å respectively. The grain size attained

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 28 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Emergency of Edge city between Regeneration and Acclimatization Urban
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           In the nineteenth century, a new type of cities appeared, known as new cities located on the edges of major cities, and these cities began to  decentralization, urban studies turned to this type of cities to find out the most important reasons for the emergence of new cities and find out what those cities will become . Therefore, we will discuss in this research how the urban emergence of these cities (edge cities) occurs, so the research formulates its problem : The need to know the stages that edge cities go through, ending with their emergence, and the mechanisms that cities take within their context  ( regeneration or adaptation ), Assuming that edge cities are a

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The majority of statisticians, if not most of them, are primarily concerned with the theoretical aspects of their field of work rather than their application to the practical aspects. Its importance as well as its direct impact on the development of various sciences. Although the theoretical aspect is the first and decisive basis in determining the degree of accuracy of any research work, we always emphasize the importance of the applied aspects that are clear to everyone, as well as its direct impact on the development of different sciences. The measurements of public opinion is one of the most important aspects of the application of statistics, which has taken today, a global resonance and has become a global language that everyone can

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The degree of using electronic educational alternatives in education from the teachers 'and female teachers' point of view Intermediate stage in southern border schools and its relationship to some variables
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The aim of the current research is to know the degree to which middle school teachers and female teachers in the southern border schools use electronic educational alternatives in the field of education from their point of view and its relationship to some variables, and to achieve this goal, a random sample of (200) teachers was selected in southern border schools, and a questionnaire was prepared to collect The data, as well as the descriptive approach was used to achieve this goal. T-test and analysis of variance were used for the statistical treatment. The results concluded that the educational courses provided to male and female teachers are not sufficient. It has also been concluded that the use of electronic educational alternativ

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of integration between the earned value management model and the value flow map in rationalizing the costs of construction projects: applied research in Al-Rasheed General Company for Construction Contracting
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The research problem is that most of the construction projects exceed the planned value, due to the failure to implement the plans on time. The current study aims to monitor the implementation of the project and for each of the executed tasks of the table of quantities in order to detect deviations at the time they occur, evaluate the time and cost performance, and then identify the areas of waste and analyze the implementation of each task in order to diagnose the underlying problems and find possible and applicable solutions in the environment Iraqi. The research was applied in one of the companies specialized in the field of construction projects, and one of the most important conclusions reached is the possibility of applying

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Nano Materials on Lost Circulation Control of Azkand Formation in Khabaz Oil Field
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Experimental tests were carried to control lost circulation in the Khabaz oil field using different types of LCMs including Nano-materials. A closed-loop circulation system was built to simulate the process of lost circulation into formations. Two dolomite plugs were used from different depths of the formation of Azkand in Khabaz oil field. The experimentations were carried out to study the effect of different types of LCMs, cross-linked copolymer (FLOSORB CE 300 S), SiO2 NP, and Fe2O3 NP, on mud volume losses as a function of time.

The rheological measurements of the nanoparticles-reference mud system showed that both of the SiO2 NP and Fe2O3 NP w

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
The dialectic of the familiar and the unfamiliar in Islamic photography
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This research is concerned with the study of (the dialectic of the familiar and the unfamiliar in Islamic photography), and it consists of four chapters.
If you dealt with the problem of the research subject (the dialectic of the familiar and the unfamiliar in Islamic photography, as it appeared realistic, familiar forms and strange and strange unfamiliar forms represented in many of the main schools of Islamic photography that emerged in Iraq and Persia and then the Ottomans and the However, Islamic painting still retains those previously witnessed and unseen images, which pose themselves forcibly in the form of many questions that must be faced and studied by investigation, observation, extrapolation and conclusion through scientifi

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 25 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Shapes of Nuclei for Heavy Elements with Mass Number Equal to (226≤A≤252) through Determination of Deformation Parameters for Two Elements (U&Cf)
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   The current paper focuses on the studying the forms of (even-even) nuclei for the heavy elements with mass numbers in the range from (A=226 - 252) for  isotopes. This work will consist of studying deformation parameters  which is deduced from the "Reduced Electric Transition Probability" which is in its turn dependent on the first Excited State . The "Intrinsic Electric Quadrupole Moments" (non-spherical charge distribution)  were also calculated. In addition to that the Roots Mean Square Radii (Isotope Shift) are accounted for in order to compare them with the theoretical results.

The difference and variation in shapes of nuclei for the selected isotopes were detected using &

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluating the level of organizational commitment and its relationship to discipline doctors: an analytical study of the opinions of a sample of doctors in Teaching Remade Hospital
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The aims of this reserch is identify  evaluate the organizational commitment level of (emotional, standard, continuous) and the level of discipline dimensions (functional duties, professional responsibility and ethics) for medical doctors in Ramadi Teaching Hospital due to their relationship with the organization effectiveness the level of completion work and the importance of the expected results in the field respondent

sample of (50) doctors has from all branches and specialties, including specialist doctors consultants and practitioners as well as branches of residence and senior the most prominent results reached are the emotional and the  st

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