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The Interactive Relationship between the Formation Elements and their Implications in the Structure of the Television Image
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The image of television dominates the cognitive and artistic motivations. It is the formulation of ideas and visions along with its documentary ability. It is the main element in television work as it is a story that is narrated in pictures. Therefore, attention to image building is a major point of gravity in the work structure as a whole. On the image is the element carrying all aesthetic and expressive values of news and information directly to the hints that work to stimulate and stir the imagination of the recipient to evoke mental images added to the visual images to deepen the meanings.
All visual arts carry elements and components that follow in a particular pattern to give special meanings and specific connotations. However, a person is more responsive to the images resulting from a certain consistency of the surface, shape, and blocks of objects because this harmony creates a sense of pleasure while the lack of such harmony causes with discomfort and indifference or even dissatisfaction and dislike as Herbert Reid put it. Therefore, the harmony in the arrangement and organization of the elements of television image leads to the creation of the state of engagement and autism with them and thus accept television work as a unit. From these facts, this research, which deals with the plastic structure of television image, is launched in an analytical study of the television work (bioot alsafeeh)

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Physics Of Atomic Nuclei
Study of the Halo Structure for Some Light Neutron-Rich Nuclei Using the Cosh Potential
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The radial wave functions of the cosh potential within the three-body model of (Core+ 2n) have been employed to investigate the ground state properties such as the proton, neutron and matter densities and the associated rms radii of neutron-rich 6He, 11Li, 14Be, and 17B exotic nuclei. The density distributions of the core and two valence (halo) neutrons are described by the radial wave functions of the cosh potential. The obtained results provide the halo structure of the above exotic nuclei. Elastic electron scattering form factors of these halo nuclei are studied by the plane-wave Born approximation.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2024
Journal Name
Heritage And Sustainable Development
Job burnout and its relationship to achieving competitive superiority among the employees of the University of Baghdad
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This research focuses on the epidemic of Job burnout and seeks to achieve sustainable preeminence among the employees of the University of Baghdad. It also identifies the meaning of the differences between the two genders of males and females according to the variables, and it also does the correlation between the two variables. First, the two researchers developed a test of job burnout that incorporates 18 items, which has been proven to be statistically fit. Moreover, they developed a competitive superiority measure consisting of 22 items in it, and its psychometric properties confirm their fit. The two tools were applied to a sample of 120 employees who were randomly selected from six colleges at the University of Baghdad, alongside univ

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The responsibility of the administration in compliance with the going concern assumption during the preparation for their financial statements: Research practically at muster of companies
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This research aims to demonstrate the impact of the going concern assumption in different accounting applications to provide a realistic look and more accurate result of activity and financial situation, as well as determining the responsibility of the Company's administration in compliance with the going concern assumption during the preparation for their financial statements, and to clarify the concept of integration between internal audit and external audit about going concern assumption, besides its importance and usefulness on the work of both of the internal auditor and the external auditor, as well as on the company under auditing process.This research purports preparing an internal audit program, including a set of auditing actio

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Employing Leadership Practices in Educational Institutions According to the Organizational Structure of DNA
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DNA, as the basis of every living cell, is one of the most important and influential scientific discoveries. This research aims to identify and compare the organizational DNA to the leadership practices of school principals in the Sultanate of Oman and to reveal the similarity between principals’ leadership practices and the structure of DNA. In addition, it intends to identify any statistically significant differences between the responses of the participants due to the study variables: gender, job title and experience. A questionnaire was designed and data were collected from a randomly selected sample composed of (100) teachers in the Sultanate of Oman. The study found limitless diversity in the characteristics of DNA of leadership

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The reasons for the failure of simple assault and its relationship to the level of levelp performance skill players weapon sword
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The method of analysis is one of the tools the coach to identify strengths andweaknesses of each player, and how to avoid mistakes that in the course ofperformance on the other hand, Voslob analysis is important for the player, as throughthe analysis will determine the capacity enjoyed by both the coach and player, as wellas being the possibility of progress in a scientific manner thoughtful, and also helps inthe evaluation of physical and skill level and tactical, psychological and trainingcapacity of the coach in order to avoid obstacles and make the coach is movingtowards the right track to improve the good level, and then an investigation tocomplete higher education.Hence the importance of research in the analysis of simple attack and n

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 29 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التشكيل التشكيل الجمالي للتراكيب ودلالاتها
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It may come to the mind that every science of the Arabic language is completely separate from the other, but in fact these sciences are like lines have woven the prettiest epigraphy of Arabic and composed of.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
A comparative analysis , for some Elkinmetekih variables , in the performance of the skill (Nick shot the front reverse ) , between the players of the Iraqi team and the Egyptian , for young people in squash
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 08 2023
Journal Name
University Of Thi-qar Journal Of Agricultural Research
A review: Machine relationship with the tractor and its effect on the productivity and compaction of agricultural soil
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The influence of process speed (PS) and tillage depth (TD) , on growth of corn (Zea mays L) yield, for Maha cultivar, were tested at two ranges of PS of 2.483 and 4.011, and three ranges of TD of 15,20 and 25cm. The experiments were conducted in a factorial experiment under complete randomized design with three replications. The results showed that the PS of 2.483 was significantly better than the PS of in all studied conditions. The , slippage ratio (SR) and the machine efficiency (ME), the physical soil characteristics represented by the soil density and porosity (SBD and TSP), and the plant characteristics represented the roots dry weight, PVI and the crop productivity (CP), except adjective of the fu

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Extrapolating working names verb act in the Koran in the books of Iraqi researchers and their theses from 1968-2000 m: (Collection and descriptive study)
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This research deals with an important grammatical section of the Qur'anic grammar, which is the working names the work of acts in the Quranic grammar in the studies of Iraqi researchers from 1968 to 200 AD.
    The study of working names working verb in the Koran of the important studies, especially among Iraqi researchers, the Iraqi researcher has presented detailed studies related to working names particles action verb in the Koran, and my research is studying this important grammatical section of the Koranic grammar, which is the working names working verb in The Holy Quran in the books of Iraqi researchers and their theses from 1968-2000. I studied in the preface working names of the act, and what the Iraqi res

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Environmental Science And Development
Estimation of the Concentrations of Some Pollutants Resulting from the Use of Arabian Bakhour and Their Effect in Patients with Asthma in the City of Baghdad
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This research focus on studying 3 types of Bakhour in the markets of Baghdad city and assessing their impact on the quality of life for asthmatic whom used Bakhour at their houses through investigating particles physical properties, also estimating the levels of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn), Particulate Matter PM2.5, PM10, Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) and formaldehyde (HCHO). The quality of life for asthmatic patients whom use Bakhour was assessing by Mini Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire. The results indicated that shapes of Bakhour particles were irregular or spherical. Burning process generated the higher percent of PM ˂1μm. Type 2 Bakhour showed the highest percent of <1μm which was 73%.The amount of

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