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Qualitative Researches in Media and Communication Sciences: Theoretical Highlights and Applied Pathways

The debate on the methodology of media and communication research is no longer subject to the logic of the contradiction between the quantitative and the qualitative approach, nor the logic of the comparison between them. The nature of the topics presented for research, the problems they raise, the goals to be achieved from the research, and the epistemological positioning of researchers are among the critical factors that dictate the appropriate approach or methodological approaches to conduct their research. This positioning means the implicit philosophical principles upon which any researcher relies and which determine the path he/ she takes to produce scientifically approved knowledge. The method of the researcher's access to the phenomenon considered and the aim of its study are what controls his/ her epistemological position.
Therefore, it can be said that we reduce the debate concerning the methodology of scientific research if we limit the difference between the quantitative and qualitative approach to saying that the first depends on numbers and the second depends on words. The difference between them is philosophical and epistemological.
If we are satisfied that the qualitative research allows for a comprehensive understanding of phenomena and delves deep into the analysis of social data; and that quantitative research is a form of scrutiny of the surface of social facts, then defining the specificity of qualitative research requires approaching more of its philosophical and epistemological framework

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Measurements of Radon-222 and its Daughters Concentrations in Buildings of Department Physics in College of Sciences of Baghdad University

The present work aims to investigate approaches, measures and detection of indoor radon level in buildings of the department of physics in college of science of Baghdad University. CR-39 solid state nuclear track detectors were used to measure the radon concentrations inside the rooms, including five laboratories and five workplace rooms in ground and first storey of the department. The average radon concentration at first storey was found to be 43.1±13.2 Bq/m3 and 40.1±13.4 Bq/m3 at the ground storey. The highest level of radon concentration at the first storey in the radioactive sources store was 87.5±29 Bq/m3 while at the ground storey in room(2) was 70.2±24 Bq/m3 which is due to the existence radioactive sources in some selected

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The economic implications of the housing problem In Iraq and ways to address it - a theoretical research

The problem of housing in Iraq is a long-rooted and rooted problem, and it needs a great effort to find out its causes and thus give essential points that contribute to alleviating and addressing it, and it is worth noting that research into the housing problem and the housing sector in Iraq is not done in isolation from other sectors and studies. As well as the economic policies pursued and the social and political conditions. It is known that the Iraqi economy is a unilateral (rentier) economy, that is, it depends almost entirely on exporting oil and obtaining revenues, and that the economic decision and economic policies followed in Iraq are greatly affected by several factors, including the economic, social and political fact

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The problem and its manifestations with the modernists through the Iberissian systems in modern terminology (applied study): (Applied study)

Islamic law has relied on a number of sources in order to denote the rulings issued by them, including what is original and what is sub, and it is known to all scholars, that the Prophet's Sunnah is the second major source after the Koran, which separated the overall and devoted its year and restricted absolute. God Almighty obeyed the owner and his followers, and that his obedience of obedience to God Almighty said: (Who obeys the messenger has obeyed God) (women: 80), and then between the peasant who believes in him and his victory and follow him, he said: (and he said: And the one who was revealed with them were the successful ones (al-A'raf: 157).
     It is known that the Sunnah commanded to follow is the

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami

Language is the realistic and sensitive basis for any communication between two or more parties. It is an important workshop that prepares meanings and coding them according to a linguistic structure governed by agreed rules that speak to and coexist with everyone.

Whereas the forms of communication are: personal, mediator and mass, none of them can move away from language in their dealings and communication patterns. Since each has its own characteristics and skills, it must be launched in its fields through verbal and non-verbal symbols and wears the elements of influential language as intended.

It makes the recipient face two things: whether he fails to understand those symbols hence its purpose fail, or he meditates s

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Accounting Thought Direction of Fair value on the Relevance: An Applied Study of a Sample of the Listed Banks Listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange

In accounting studies, more than one method is used to measure income and balance sheets elements. One of these methods is called the fair value, which use to determine the assets and liabilities ad it includes the benefits or self-satisfaction ability. This paper aims to focus on the importance of fair value as a basis of accounting measurement and its effects to achieve the relevant characteristics by using the equation is used by (Kythreotis) in his research, And Also , Editing this equation depending on the financial data and information of Iraqi Banks as a case.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the relationship between the skills required for the labor market and the employment of graduates of community colleges in KSA: An applied study on a sample of faculty members at KKU

This study has aimed to measure the relationship between the skills required for the labor market and the employment of graduates of community colleges at King Khalid University. For gathering the required data, a questionnaire has been designed and distributed to the faculty members of community colleges at King Khalid University in a random sample method. The chosen sample size has covered (123) individuals. Questionnaire forms have been distributed and retrieved from (117) participants. Therefore, the estimated response has reached 95 % of the total sample size. The results of the study have shown that there is not any significant relationship between the skills which the graduates   acquire and the requirements of employmen

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Science International (lahore)

The study aimed to identify the importance of time in the Faculties of Physical Education and Sports Sciences atthe University of Baghdad, as well as to identify the relationship between time management and the level of staff functionalperformance. The research population consisted of the staff members who work in the Faculties of Physical Education andSports Sciences for Girls in Al-Jadriya for the academic year 2017-2018. A random sample of 50 staff members from eachfaculty were selected, that is the total number was (100) staff members. The researchers identified the concept of timemanagement and functional performance, after that a questionnaire consisting of (39) statements and (6) parts presented to aspecialized group of experts. The

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 03 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Public Affairs
Ethnographic research method for psychological and medical studies in light of COVID ‐19 pandemic outbreak: Theoretical approach

Ethnographic research is perhaps the most common applicable type of qualitative research method in psychology and medicine. In ethnography studies, the researcher immerses himself in the environment of participants to understand the cultures, challenges, motivations, and topics that arise between them by investigating the environment directly. This type of research method can last for a few days to a few years because it involves in-depth monitoring and data collection based on these foundations. For this reason, the findings of the current study stimuli the researchers in psychology and medicine to conduct studies by applying ethnographic research method to investigate the common cultural patterns language, thinking, beliefs, and behavior

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Investment in higher education and its impact on the labor market: Applied Research in private colleges

      Investment in high education is considered to be most important factors of production which the return an individual and social than economic returns found by searching the growing problem of unemployment, especially among youth graduates, where the unemployment rate in 2010 (50%) of these high rates have led to increased migration of scientific minds graduate recently, "to search for job opportunities outside Iraq for not hiring functions and this is in vain" clear "in the human and financial resources lead to structural imbalances in the Iraqi economy.  When calculating the correlation coefficient between the graduates and the unemployment rate where it reached (0.21) emerged from the results of

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Theoretical bases of women's rights in Islamic shariate

The Theoretical bases of women's rights in Islamic shariate

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