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The public's reliance on satellite channels to get information about human rights issues
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The research aimed to study the role that the media play in shaping the public knowledge of human rights issues among the people of Kirkuk, which will be the focus of the study. The research was conducted by applying a survey panel to a random sample of the city's audience. The research dealt with the theoretical aspect of a theory that relied on the media, and the loans provided by the theory, on the basis of which the research was conducted and the research problem was determined based on a major question: What is the role that the mass media play in developing the knowledge of members of the public on human rights and the relationship between the intensity of view in that, as well as the identification of the effect of two variables Gender and education based on that and the research relied on the descriptive approach that uses the survey method by applying a questionnaire form to a random sample of town audience of 250 individuals, and the researcher used the median frequencies and annual ratios, and the application of square (2) to treat the statistical results and determine the relationship between the variables and the role of television in Water the public's knowledge of human rights.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
(الاستدامة في الحصول على الخدمات الحضرية (حالة تطبيقية على مدينة النجف الأشرف
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The rights of non-Muslims in the Islamic state
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The Islamic religion is a religion of tolerance and is pleased with worship and other legislation and the idea of peace is an authentic and profound idea related to the call for coexistence with all religions. The Prophet (PBUH) was keen to organize his relations with non-Muslims on the basis of cohabitation, On the basis of love and intolerance, God Almighty says: "If your Lord wants to make people one nation and they are still backward." Surah Hud: 118 Islam has taken care of the people and made them tolerant brothers who sympathize with their different beliefs. Which means that everyone has the right to live, believe and believe what he sees right and have the freedom to perform the acts of worship and beliefs he deems correct. The di

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 25 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
War Reporters In Iraqi Satellite Channels And Its Role In Increasing Understanding Of The Audience Of The News .: Field Study For The Reporters And The Audiences In Baghdad For The Period From 1/07/2014 Till – 1/11/2014
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The importance of media coverage in the war remains dependent on many indicators for its success, the most important is to have qualified reporters who carry the war news professionally. The idea of this research is to determine the role played by war correspondents working on Iraqi satellite channels during the war against ISIS.
The researcher has chosen ( 40 ) reporters those who was able to contact them and prepared a questionnaire for them to study their situations. Also, he chose an intentional sample from Baghdad audience on condition they should be informed by the performance of the reporters in the satellite channels applying the hypotheses of the theory of depending upon media.
The most important results reached by the re

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
حولیات کلیة الآداب جامعة عین شمس
اعتماد الجمهور العراقي على الصحف وعلاقته بمستوى معرفته العامة
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يدرس هذا البحث مشكلة اعتماد الجمهور العراقي على الصحف، باعتبارها إحدى وسائل الإعلام التقليدية، في تكوين معلوماته ومعرفته العامة. وهي دراسة وصفية اعتمدت المنهج الوصفي المسحي الذي يصور الظروف أو الاتجاهات الحالية للظاهرة قيد الدراسة ويحاول تفسيرها. استخدم الباحث الاستبانة في المقام الأول كأداة بحث، حيث تم تصميمها وتوزيعها على عينة مكونة من 150 باحثا قصديا من قراء وقراء الصحف. وينتهي الباحث بالنتائج التالية: إ

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Influence of Turkish Soap Operas in the Behavior and Trends of the Iraqi Audience (A Field Study on Iraqi University's Students)
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This research seeks the effects of dubbed Turkish TV series on Iraqi audiences. The chosen sample is about 600 Iraqi students at Baghdad and al-Anbar Universities. This study consists of four sections: section one deals with the theoretical framework of the study. Section two studies the dubbed Turkish TV series. The third section explores the role of mass media in forming tendencies, and the last section seeks the field study by analyzing the tendencies if Iraqi viewers of these series.
The goal of this study is to know the role these series played in affecting the behavior and attitudes of Iraqi people and how it can change their morals.
The research ends with the number of results like the negative effect of these series on the

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The role of public relations in educating the Palestinian public about the issue of prisoners under the occupation An applied study on the employees of the Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Prisoners Affairs
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The issue of Palestinian prisoners inside the prisons of the Israeli occupation is considered
a humanitarian issue par excellence، as it affects every Palestinian family as a
result of the absence of a husband، wife or son.
Almost no Palestinian house is vacant without one or more prisoners، and even women،
children and the elderly are not spared from these arrests.
The problem of the study was to identify the role of public relations in the Ministry
of Detainees and Ex-Prisoners Affairs in educating the Palestinian public about the
issue of prisoners، the nature of this role and the means used to bring support and
solidarity with this important and sensitive issue through the applied study on the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Digital Presence of Algerian Females via Virtual Satellite Channels: Analytical Study of Women Issues through Facebook
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The platforms of social networking sites, with their distinctive communication and technological features, create a social movement that led to the establishment of a new pattern of communication in a modern context. This allows the users on the internet to carry out many social interactions based on the interests and commonalities among them. Algerian women have a share of this digital presence by representing their views and discussing their issues on several sites like Facebook, for example.
In this research, we have analyzed the pages of Algerian women on Facebook site to find out the most important issues addressed by Algerian women so that we can organize their concerns in the digital channels and discover their different orie

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Forensic accounting role in governance and its impact on the quality of accounting information
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That the structural changes in the environment, business and finance and the spread of business and the diversity of transactions between economic organizations and breadth of a commercial scale in the world have left their clear on the need to keep up with the accounting for these variables as one of the social sciences affect and are affected by the surrounding environment because of the various economic and social factors, technical, legal and others.

As a result of these variables emerged a new field of accounting called Forensic Accounting, which involves the use of expertise of multiple pour in the end to the accounting profession, where the Forensic Accounting cover a large area of ​​disciplines including strengthening

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 22 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The current study aimed to identify key consumer rights and the nature of the work of organizations and traders in the Algerian market through the opinions of the study sample. To prove the hypotheses the researcher depended on the data obtained by the questionnaire prepared for this purpose. She distributed 384 questionnaires out of which only 300 were returned.
The data were analyzed using several statistical techniques such as the Statistical Package for Social Studies system, in addition to percentages, frequencies, and standard deviation.
And a number of conclusions and recommendations were presented. The most important results are:
- There is a strong correlation between safety and compensation rights.
- There is a st

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The use of green accounting information systems in the oil sector and its impact on reporting on sustainability - an applied study
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                  The research seeks to shed light on green accounting information systems, analyze them, identify sustainability reporting and how to improve it, as well as study the importance of the Iraqi oil sector, analyze it, and work on applying green accounting information systems in order to improve the quality of sustainability reporting. Oil as a branch of the General Corporation for the Distribution of Oil and Gas Products to apply the practical aspect and prove the hypothesis of the research. Explaining the company's role in improving environmental conditions

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