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The uses used in the political implications of Arabic-speaking foreign website

This research is intended to high light the uses of political content in foreign Arabic / speaking websites, such as “ CNN “ and” Euro News“, The research problem stems from the main question: What is the nature of the use of the websites in the political content provided through them? A set of sub-questions that give the research aspects and aims to achieve a set of objectives , including the identification of topics that included , the political content provided through , the sample sites during the time period for analysis and determine that the study uses descriptive research based on the discovery of the researcher, describing it accurately and defining the relations between the components.
The research conducted the descriptive survey method, it is an analytical approach, which provides access to the required data ,and information that provided answers to research questions, the research methodology required the use of content analysis tool , which provided analytical political content provided through the sample sites to identify the inclination which was used in these content was divided into three topics dealt with the first methodological framework of the research dealt with the second types of inclinations used in the political implications of the websites while the third sections specialized in the results of the analytical study and reached the search to a set of conclusions , the most prominent of which is the following , focusing on the contents of the political implications presented in both locations depending in the first place on the situation in the Arab region , especially the Qatari crisis with the Gulf states and the adoption of both locations of the three basic types of inclinations implicated in the political content presented through them , namely , rationality and intimidation with clear contrast in their use with in each of the site sample , as the site of CNN has relied primarily on emotional inclinations that address the conscience while the site of Euro News clearly based on intimidation, zero 0

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 09 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmacy Practice
Factors influencing the degree of physician–pharmacist collaboration within Iraqi public healthcare settings†
Abstract<sec> <title>Objectives

Medication safety and effectiveness can be improved through interprofessional collaboration. The goals of this study were to measure the degree of physician–pharmacist collaboration within Iraqi governmental healthcare settings and to investigate factors influencing this collaboration.


This cross-sectional study was conducted in Al-Najaf Province using the Collaborative Working Relationship Model and Physician–Pharmacist Collaborative Instrument (PPCI). Four phar

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The science of premeditation for Islamic scholars: Its causes, controls, etiquette, scientific effects


This study came to clarify the redemption in terms of being a method and a subject of knowledge that has its causes, controls, etiquette and scientific implications for Muslim scholars.

The science of redemption has a historical extension, starting from the era of the Companions - may God be pleased with them - and through the stages of codification and classification of works in an effort to document it and diversify its methods at the inductive, analytical, critical and argumentative levels, and to determine its causes and from the completion of the research conclude it with evidence of its scientific effects because it is a science that enriched the Islamic library in general, and hadith in particular.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improving the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Fireclay Refractory Bricks by Added Bauxite

In this study, the investigation of Local natural Iraqi rocks kaolin with the addition of different proportions of bauxite and its effect on the physical and mechanical properties of the produced refractories was conducted. Kaolin/bauxite mixture was milled and classified into various size fractions, the kaolin (less than 105 μm) and the bauxite (less than 70μm). The specimens were mixed from kaolin and bauxite in ranges B1 (95+5)%, B2 (90+10)%, B3(85+15)%, and B4 (80+20)%  respectively. The green specimens were shaped by the semi-dry method using a hydraulic press and a molding pressure of 7 MPa with the addition of (9-12) %wt. of PVA ratio. After molding and drying, the specimens were fired at (1100, 1200 and 13

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Thyroid Hemiagenesis with Ipsilateral Parathyroid Adenoma; Case report with Review of the Literature

Thyroid hemiagenesis (THA) is a rare congenital anomaly in which one lobe of thyroid gland fails to develop during embryological stage. Agenesis may be unilateral, total or isthmic. Left thyroid lobe is more commonly involved than right lobe in hemiagenesis. Agenesis of the isthmus was seen in 50% of cases. Left sided hemiagenesis is more common than right sided hemiagenesis with a Left to right ratio of 4:1. Clinically patients can be euthyroid, hypothyroid or hyperthyroid. Often it is diagnosed as an incidental finding during ultrasonography (USG) study of neck, which can easily diagnose this condition.

Actual incidence of THA is unknown; most cases are diagnosed in patients admitted for thyroid scan or thyroid surgery because

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Environment of the Shiranish Formation, Duhok region, Northern Iraq

The Shiranish Formation is cropped out in several areas in northern Iraq. A stratigraphic and facies study was conducted within the Duhok region to determine the sedimentary environment. Three microfacies, reflecting the various subenvironments within different shelf parts of the deep sea, have been identified within the Shiranish Formation. Four depositional environments are identified: slope, the toe of slope, deep shelf, and deep-sea or cratonic deep basin. The Shiranish Formation in the Duhok region, Northern Iraq, was deposited in an open shelf carbonate platform. The Shiranish Formation sequence is divided into six third-order cycles in the study area. These asymmetrical cycles reflect an imbalance between the relative level of the

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2004
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

Two EM techniques, terrain conductivity and VLF-Radiohm resistivity (using two
different instruments of Geonics EM 34-3 and EMI6R respectively) have been applied to
evaluate their ability in delineation and measuring the depth of shallow subsurface cavities
near Haditha city.
Thirty one survey traverses were achieved to distinguish the subsurface cavities in the
investigated area. Both EM techniques are found to be successfiul tools in study area.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The emission spectra and hydrodynamic properties of Al plasma using Nd-YAG laser

In this work, the emission spectra and atomic structure of the aluminum target had been studied theoretically using Cowan code. Cowan code was used to calculate the transitions of electrons between atomic configuration interactions using the mathematical method called (Hartree-Fock). The aluminum target can give a good emission spectrum in the XUV region at 10 nm with oscillator strength of 1.82.
The hydrodynamic properties of laser produced plasma (LPP) were investigated for the purpose of creating a light source working in the EUV region. Such a light source is very important for lithography (semiconductor manufacturing). The improved MEDUSA (Med103) code can calculate the plasma hydrodynamic properties (velocity, electron density,

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The efficiency calibration for local manufacturing gamma scanning systems of radioactive waste drums

The Local manufacturing scanning gamma system designed in Tuwaitha site for nondestructive assay method of radioactive waste drums, where it consist of two main parts with their belongings for controlling the of detector and drum movements up-down and rotation respectively. The volume of the used drum is 220 L with 85 cm height. The drum filled with Portland cement. Six cylindrical holes were made within cement drum and distributed in radial arrangement.The152Eu source inserted in these holes individually, to measure the average angular count rate of gamma radiation. The full energy efficiency value for geometry of drum and detector is computed for thirteen photo peaks. The average efficiency represented by the curve of these peaks indic

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 21 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Investigate The Different Effect Of Nicotine On H460 And H441 Lung Cells Viability

Background: Nicotine is the foremost chemical constituent responsible for addiction in tobacco products, in the non-ionized condition can be easily absorbed via epithelial tissue of the lung, the mouth, the nose  and across the skin

Objective:The study examines the harmful effect of   the nicotine which is an important component of cigarette in vitro.

Type of the study: Cross-sectional study.

Methods: Examines the harmful effect of   the nicotine which is an important component of cigarette in vitro by using two types of lung cancer cell lines (H460 TP53+/+, H441 TP53-/-).

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Hydrogeochemistry of the Umm er Radhuma Unconfined Aquifer, Western Desert Iraq- Saudi border

      The Umm Er Radhuma unconfined aquifer Hydrogeochemistry in the Saudi – Iraq border desert was studied to identify the main hydrogeochemical processes and rock-water interaction. The measurements were done using standard APHA procedures. The results indicated that Na+ and Cl- are the dominant ions in the groundwater. The average contribution of cations in the aquifer is Na+ + K+ ( 26 %), Ca2+ (14 %), and Mg2+ (10%) ; whereas anions contribution is Cl- (24 %) , SO42- (20 %), and HCO3- (6 %).  The results reflect that the examined water is hard water of neutral to slightly alkaline, slightly brackish, with m

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