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HUMAN MODELING IN THE IRAQI PRESS: (A Survey of Human Modeling for March And April 2011)
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This research deals with what so called concept of The Human Model and how Iraqi Media concerns of this concept practically as it plays a key role in attracting readers, on the first hand. On the second, it is important to shed light on the scientific desire of the Iraqi Media and how it deals with this contemporary trend especially in editorial media.

The importance of the research stems from the fact that it alerts to a new stream of modern trends in journalistic writing, according to many modern Arab and foreign media studies; and to the importance of employing human modeling in dealing with facts, events, issues and problems in various editorial arts within their effective influence in conciliation.

If this trend can contribute to the use of the largest number of readers to follow the events and benefit from the use of human modeling in the delivering the required media message.

This study has ended by many conclusions:

  • The Iraqi press has embraced human modeling in social subjects rather than in other political and cultural issues.
  • The art of the column as the most prominent art employing human modeling was adopted. Then, it followed by the art of investigative journalism. Next, the art of news report, followed by articles in order.
  • Iraqi Media has adopted this concept especially in dealing with social events more than any other ones, i. e.; political and cultural. In principle, the study used columns to functionalize this concept. And, in a way or another, it also used features, stories and essays.
  • Emphasizing the use of known and unknown human models, as well as the employment of men and women of various functions and practical names, as models for the presentation of problems and events and facts and use them within the various press arts, in order to woo the reader towards this issue or that. This allowed readers to follow the issue or the incident without boredom, but recommends fans to use human modeling in journalistic writing should be taken care of and used in order to persuade the reader towards this event or that problem positively or negatively.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial Crisis: Forms- Indicators- Models- and Financial Contagion Theoretical - Analytical Study of Asian Crisis
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اسهم تطور ادوات الاسواق المالية والتغيرات العالمية كالعولمة المالية وتحرير الاسواق المالية العالمية في احداث العديد من الازمات ومنها الازمة المالية الدولية التي تعد من اكثر الظواهر ملازمة للاسواق المالية على الرغم من التطورات التي تشهدها تلك الاسواق نتيجة تطور ادواتها المالية وانفتاحها على بعضها البعض. وتتعرض الاسواق المالية الدولية والناشئة  (Emerging Market) منها بشكل خاص ا

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The meaning of the triple verb more with one letter in Diwan al-Shafi'i
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The Diwan of Imam Al-Shafi’i acquires great importance, as Al-Shafi’i is an authority in the language, and when I saw that no one had preceded me in exploring its depths, I took my tool and turned my face towards it intending to study the triple verb in it. I stop at these verbs and the student pauses for their morphological forms, looking at the significance of the triple verb more with one letter, two letters, and three letters, and I found that they are many, and such research cannot contain them all, so the choice came to choose the triple verb more with one letter, and the significance of the increase in it, as the increase in The building necessitates an increase in the meaning, and from here the study was limited to the triple

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Scientific Development For Studies And Research
The Role of E-Learning in teaching the Arabic language to non- native speakers
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After the information revolution that occurred in the Western world, and the developments in all fields, especially in the field of education and e-learning, from an integrated system based on the effective employment of information and communication technology in the teaching and learning processes through an environment rich in computer and Internet applications, the community and the learner were able to access information sources and learning at any time and place, in a way that achieves mutual interaction between the elements of the system and the surrounding environment. After the occurrence of the phenomenon of Covid 19, it led to a major interruption in all educational systems that had never happened before, and the disrupt

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Potential Benefits of Ethanol extract of Anredera cordifolia for Antiobesity of High Fat diet-Induced Obesity in White Male Rat Wistar
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Obesity-related deaths continue to rise, and thus losing weight in overweight and obese patients is critical to prevent complications. Anredera cordifolia (Ten,) Steenis, species of succulent plant of the genus Basellaceae, is widely used in herbal medicine to decrease body weight. This study evaluated the potential benefits of Anredera cordifolia ethanol extract to reduce body weight in high-fat diet-induced obesity rat model. This was an experimental with post-test only control group design study involving 36 obese rats. They were divided into two groups: three control groups (K1, K2, K3) and three treatment groups (P1, P2, P3). All the groups were induced with high-fat diet, except K1 control group that received a standard di

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Influence of Indole acetic acid and Tryptophan on production of Vinblastine and Vincristine of Catharanthus roseous callus cells in the accumulation media of In Vitro tissue culture
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This study on the plant of Ain –AL Bason Catharanthus roseous showed the ability of callus cells that is produced by In Vitro culture technique and transformed to the accumulated media (MS 40gm/L sucrose ,2gm/L IAA Indole acetic acid , 0.5gm/L Tryptophan) to produce Vinblastine and Vincristine compounds. Extraction, purification and quantitive determination of Vinblastine and Vincristine compounds using High performance liquid chromatography technique (HPLC)were carried out. The results showed that the highest concentration of Vinblastine and Vincristine compounds were ( 4.653,12.5 (ppm /0.5 dry Wight respectively from transformed callus cells from MS 40 gm /L sucrose , 2 gm / L NAA Naphthaline acetic acid .

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 14 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Analysis of the Structure of Scientific News Headlines in Online Newspapers
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Newspaper headlines are described as compressed and ambiguous pieces of discourse that represent the bodies of the articles. Their main function is to provide the readers with an informative message they would have no prior idea about. Ifantidou (2009) claims that the function of a headline is to get the readers’ attention rather than providing information because it does not have to represent the whole of the article it refers to. This paper aims at examining this hypothesis in relation to scientific news headlines reported by a number of news agencies. The paper follows Halliday (1967) information structure theory by applying it on ten selected headlines; each two headlines represent one scientific discovery reported by different new

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Directorates of the Ministry of Agrarian Reform Iraq in 1958 - 1968
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After the issuance of agrarian reform first law of 1958 events social economic
accelerating out of sync with political events on the application of the agrarian reform law
issued a government executive branch law number (74) in May 1959 was the introduction of
the ministry of Agrarian reform and the development of a new system of the ministry of
agrarian reform and its department to determine structural ministry the new work started
department of the ministry ptt.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Means of activating the role of civil society institutions in Iraq
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    The concept of civil society is one of the relatively recent concepts that have emerged clearly on the political and social arena especially in European countries, where it effectively contributes to the process of democratic transformation through the multiple roles and functions that it exercises, and acts as mediator between the state and the individual. Civil society in essence works to bring about change in society whether it is political, economic, social or cultural .The civil society appeared in Iraq after 2003, as is the case with many concepts that entered Iraq and took upon themselves the building of a democratic Iraq .Accordingly civil society institutions are the entity capable of rebuilding the Iraqi personal

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Geographical Analysis of Sanitation Workers in the Urban District of Kut
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Cleaning is one of the services provided by the state and its ad hoc institutions. Every developed country is clean due to the good planning and attention given to the staff of all municipalities and service institutions. Beside, the attention paid to this sector is considered one of the windows to maintain the states’ aesthetics. If janirtos stop disposing of all the discarded wastes, the result will be having big piles of waste, affecting accordingly the health and safety of its citizens and the aesthetics of the areas. The janitors and those responsible for them are tha staff that the state must take care of because of their importance to the state in general and to the province in particular. The importance of the research

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
Journal Name
Representations of puns in the cover designs of Der Spiegel magazine
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 Pun concept the design discourse for the cover of magazines the researcher chose the German magazine Der Spiegel as a model for that, as the research problem was manifested by the following question: What are the representations of puns in the covers of the German magazine (Der Spiegel)? The researcher has identified four chapters for this study as follows: The first chapter is devoted to research procedures, and the theoretical framework, which is like the second chapter, included the literature related to the topic of research according to the two interlocutors. A review of the concept of pun in the field of typographic design and the functions that puns achieve in that field, leading to the third chapter, which included the analysis

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