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HUMAN MODELING IN THE IRAQI PRESS: (A Survey of Human Modeling for March And April 2011)
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This research deals with what so called concept of The Human Model and how Iraqi Media concerns of this concept practically as it plays a key role in attracting readers, on the first hand. On the second, it is important to shed light on the scientific desire of the Iraqi Media and how it deals with this contemporary trend especially in editorial media.

The importance of the research stems from the fact that it alerts to a new stream of modern trends in journalistic writing, according to many modern Arab and foreign media studies; and to the importance of employing human modeling in dealing with facts, events, issues and problems in various editorial arts within their effective influence in conciliation.

If this trend can contribute to the use of the largest number of readers to follow the events and benefit from the use of human modeling in the delivering the required media message.

This study has ended by many conclusions:

  • The Iraqi press has embraced human modeling in social subjects rather than in other political and cultural issues.
  • The art of the column as the most prominent art employing human modeling was adopted. Then, it followed by the art of investigative journalism. Next, the art of news report, followed by articles in order.
  • Iraqi Media has adopted this concept especially in dealing with social events more than any other ones, i. e.; political and cultural. In principle, the study used columns to functionalize this concept. And, in a way or another, it also used features, stories and essays.
  • Emphasizing the use of known and unknown human models, as well as the employment of men and women of various functions and practical names, as models for the presentation of problems and events and facts and use them within the various press arts, in order to woo the reader towards this issue or that. This allowed readers to follow the issue or the incident without boredom, but recommends fans to use human modeling in journalistic writing should be taken care of and used in order to persuade the reader towards this event or that problem positively or negatively.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 26 2013
Journal Name
Astronomy & Astrophysics
High-resolution observations of SDSS J080800.99+483807.7 in the optical and radio domains
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Ecology
Effect of sedimentary source on the properties of sphericity and roundness of feldspar minerals in some soils of the alluvial plain
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This study was conducted on the effect of the sedimentary source (the sediments coming from both the Iraqi-Iranian borderline and the Tigris river) on the optical and textural features, especially sphericity and roundness of feldspar minerals (potassium and plagioclase types) in soils of the southern part of the alluvial plain. Eight pedons were selected to represent the study area, five of them represented sediments coming from the borderline, which included pedons of (Badra, Taj Al-Din, Al-Shihabi, Jassan, and Galati), while two of them represent the sediments of the Tigris River (Essaouira, Al-Dabouni), the pedon of Ali Al-Gharbi was represented the mixing area of sediments of all the floods coming from the borderline and the sediments o

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The features of the linguistic and cultural component in teaching Russian language to Arab students: Особенности лингвокультурологической составляющей в преподавании русского языка арабским учащимся
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The author addresses the issue of the linguoculturological component in the process of teaching Russian to Arabic students, focuses on the peculiarities of the national character of students. The author also refers to the long-standing ties of Russian and Arab cultures, thus emphasizing the relevance of this aspect for the current state and situation of the Russian language in Arab countries.

Автор статьи обращается к вопросу лингвокультурологической составляющей в процессе преподавания русского языка арабским студентам, останавливается на особенностях национального хара

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Language Studies
Investigating the Difference between the Conditionals (In) and (Itha) as Mentioned in the Holy Qur'an with Reference to Translation: Selected Verses
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According to grammarians In ( نإ) and Itha (اذإ) are conditionals and sometimes they may be used interchangeably. However, when they are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, they have their own specific use. This paper attempts to investigate their meanings in the source language as well as investigate their translations and find out any differences or similarities. The translations that are adopted in this research are as follows: Pickthall, Al-Hilali & Khan, and Shakir.

Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Strategic Training and its impact on The Performance of the inspectors General offices
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The research aims  to study strategic training and its impact on improving the performance of the inspectors general offices in Iraqi ministries, through two variables strategic training Which include Four Dimensions ( Strategic analysis , Formulation of Training Strategy , Implement the Training Strategy , Evaluation ) and Performance included Three dimensions ( Efficiency , Effectiveness , Added-Value).

This research problem is that the Offices of Inspectors rely on pre-made training Programs  received from training centers without designing the training programs that provide the employees with the skills and abilities that lead to the implementation of the current and future goals of the orga

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Qualitative and Quantitative Composition of Epiphytic Algae on Ceratophyllum demersum L. in Tigris River within Wassit Province, Iraq
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 The present research was performed to study the qualitative and quantitative composition of epiphytic algae on the aquatic host plant Ceratophyllum demersum L. Four sites in Tigris River, at Wassit Governorate were covered, during the seasons of Autumn 2017, winter 2018, Spring 2018, and Summer 2018. The study also included measuring the physiochemical parameters (temperature of air and water, pH , water level, EC, salinity, TDS, TSS, dissolved oxygen,  BOD5, alkalinity, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, total nitrogen, total phosphourus). The total number of species of epiphytic algae was145 species, 98 species belonging to Bacillariophyceae, followed by 27species of class Cyanophyceae, 19 species of class Chloroph

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 10 2023
Journal Name
Linguistics And Translation Studies
Comparative analysis of zoomorphic metaphors of the Russian Arabic language as a method of studying cultural linguistics
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: zonal are included in phraseological units, form metaphorical names for a person, give him various emotional and evaluative characteristics. This article examines the topic of zoomorphic metaphors that characterize a person in the Russian and Arabic languages in the aspect of their comparative analysis, since the comparative analysis of the metaphorical meanings of animalisms is an important method for studying cultural linguistics, since zoomorphic metaphors are a reflection of culture in a language.

Publication Date
Tue Sep 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Analytical study of high absorption region of the absorption edge of a-Si:H using nonlinear regression method
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This research is concerned with the re-analysis of optical data (the imaginary part of the dielectric function as a function of photon energy E) of a-Si:H films prepared by Jackson et al. and Ferlauto et al. through using nonlinear regression fitting we estimated the optical energy gap and the deviation from the Tauc model by considering the parameter of energy photon-dependence of the momentum matrix element of the p as a free parameter by assuming that density of states distribution to be a square root function. It is observed for films prepared by Jackson et al. that the value of the parameter p for the photon energy range is is close to the value assumed by the Cody model and the optical gap energy is which is also close to the value

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Mathematics Trends And Technology (ijmtt)
Some Statistical Properties of the Solutions of a System of two dimensional Integral Equations contains Beta distribution
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Extent of Implementing the Strategy of Solid Waste Management in Baquba City - Poll search
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The research aims to identify the reality of the management strategy followed in the treatment of solid waste in the city of Baquba, and what strategies are used to treat solid waste, and the extent of the application of these strategies, through personal interviews with leading cadres in the Directorate of Baquba Municipality, their assistants and heads of departments, they numbered (55) Individuals. The descriptive method was adopted through a questionnaire prepared to measure the extent of the implementation of the strategy of solid waste management in the city of Baquba and using statistical tools including (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, relative importance, the gap). The research reac

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