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HUMAN MODELING IN THE IRAQI PRESS: (A Survey of Human Modeling for March And April 2011)
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This research deals with what so called concept of The Human Model and how Iraqi Media concerns of this concept practically as it plays a key role in attracting readers, on the first hand. On the second, it is important to shed light on the scientific desire of the Iraqi Media and how it deals with this contemporary trend especially in editorial media.

The importance of the research stems from the fact that it alerts to a new stream of modern trends in journalistic writing, according to many modern Arab and foreign media studies; and to the importance of employing human modeling in dealing with facts, events, issues and problems in various editorial arts within their effective influence in conciliation.

If this trend can contribute to the use of the largest number of readers to follow the events and benefit from the use of human modeling in the delivering the required media message.

This study has ended by many conclusions:

  • The Iraqi press has embraced human modeling in social subjects rather than in other political and cultural issues.
  • The art of the column as the most prominent art employing human modeling was adopted. Then, it followed by the art of investigative journalism. Next, the art of news report, followed by articles in order.
  • Iraqi Media has adopted this concept especially in dealing with social events more than any other ones, i. e.; political and cultural. In principle, the study used columns to functionalize this concept. And, in a way or another, it also used features, stories and essays.
  • Emphasizing the use of known and unknown human models, as well as the employment of men and women of various functions and practical names, as models for the presentation of problems and events and facts and use them within the various press arts, in order to woo the reader towards this issue or that. This allowed readers to follow the issue or the incident without boredom, but recommends fans to use human modeling in journalistic writing should be taken care of and used in order to persuade the reader towards this event or that problem positively or negatively.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 16 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance of a Mobile Robot based on GWO Algorithm
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planning is among the most significant in the field of robotics research.  As it is linked to finding a safe and efficient route in a cluttered environment for wheeled mobile robots and is considered a significant prerequisite for any such mobile robot project to be a success. This paper proposes the optimal path planning of the wheeled mobile robot with collision avoidance by using an algorithm called grey wolf optimization (GWO) as a method for finding the shortest and safe. The research goals in this study for identify the best path while taking into account the effect of the number of obstacles and design parameters on performance for the algorithm to find the best path. The simulations are run in the MATLAB environment to test the

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Schema Theory and Text- worlds: A Cognitive Stylistic Analysis of Selected Literary Texts
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Cognitive stylistics also well-known as cognitive poetics is a cognitive approach to language. This study aims at examining literary language by showing how Schema Theory and Text World Theory can be useful in the interpretation of literary texts. Further, the study attempts to uncover how readers can connect between the text world and the real world. Putting it differently, the study aims at showing how the interaction between ‘discourse world’ and ‘text world’. How readers can bring their own experience as well as their background knowledge to interact with the text and make interpretive connections.       

Schema and text world theories are useful tools in cognitive stylistic stud

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 30 2021
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A Past, Present, and Prospective Review on Microwave Nondestructive Evaluation of Composite Coatings
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Recent years have witnessed an increase in the use of composite coatings for numerous applications, including aerospace, aircraft, and maritime vessels. These materials owe this popularity surge to the superior strength, weight, stiffness, and electrical insulation they exhibit over conventional substances, such as metals. The growing demand for such materials is accompanied by the inevitable need for fast, accurate, and affordable nondestructive testing techniques to reveal any possible defects within the coatings or any defects under coating. However, typical nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques such as ultrasonic testing (UT), infrared thermography (IRT), eddy current testing (ECT), and laser shearography (LS) have failed to p

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 27 2021
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An Insight into Geometries and Catalytic Applications of CeO2 from a DFT Outlook
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Rare earth metal oxides (REMOs) have gained considerable attention in recent years owing to their distinctive properties and potential applications in electronic devices and catalysts. Particularly, cerium dioxide (CeO2), also known as ceria, has emerged as an interesting material in a wide variety of industrial, technological, and medical applications. Ceria can be synthesized with various morphologies, including rods, cubes, wires, tubes, and spheres. This comprehensive review offers valuable perceptions into the crystal structure, fundamental properties, and reaction mechanisms that govern the well-established surface-assisted reactions over ceria. The activity, selectivity, and stability of ceria, either as a stand-alone catalyst or as

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preparation and Characterization of (Hyacinth plant / Chitosan) Composite as a Heavy Metal Removal
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In this study, the preparation and characterization of hyacinth plant /chitosan composite, as a heavy metal removal, were done. Water hyacinth plant (Eichhorniacrasspes) was collected from Tigris river in Baghdad. The root and shoot parts of plant were ground to powder. Composite materials were prepared at different ratios of plant part (from 2.9% to 30.3%, wt /wt) which corresponds to (30-500mg) of hyacinth plant (root and shoot) and chitosan. The results showed that all examined ratios of plant parts have an excellent absorption to copper (Cu (II)). Moreover, it was observed that 2.9% corresponds (30mg) of plant root revealed highest removal (82.7%) of Pb (II), while 20.23% of shoot removed 61% of Cd (II) within 24 hr

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Bandwidth Improvement of a Cone-Inverted Cylindrical and Cross Hybrids Dielectric Resonator Antennas
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In this work, two cone-inverted cylindrical and cross-hybrid dielectric resonator antennas are stacked and excited by the coaxial probe method with an operating standard resonant frequency of 5.438 GHz. A drawback of these standard Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRAs) is their narrow bandwidth. For good antenna performance, a stacked DR geometry and a thick dielectric substrate having a low dielectric constant are desired since this provides large bandwidth, better radiation power, reduces conductor loss and nonappearance of surface waves. Many approaches, such as changing the shape of the dielectric resonator, have been used to enhance bandwidth. Using DRA, having the lowest dielectric constant, increases the bandwidth and the electroma

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 12 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Inverse Kinematics Analysis and Simulation of a 5 DOF Robotic Arm using MATLAB
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Kinematics is the mechanics branch which dealswith the movement of the bodies without taking the force into account. In robots, the forward kinematics and inverse kinematics are important in determining the position and orientation of the end-effector to perform multi-tasks. This paper presented the inverse kinematics analysis for a 5 DOF robotic arm using the robotics toolbox of MATLAB and the Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) parameters were used to represent the links and joints of the robotic arm. A geometric approach was used in the inverse kinematics solution to determine the joints angles of the robotic arm and the path of the robotic arm was divided into successive lines to accomplish the required tasks of the robotic arm.Therefore, this

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
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Horizontal pushout tests and parametric analyses of a locking-bolt demountable shear connector
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A ‘locking-bolt’ demountable shear connector (LBDSC) is proposed to facilitate the deconstruction and reuse of steel-concrete composite structures, in line with achieving a more sustainable construction design paradigm. The LBDSC is comprised of a grout-filled steel tube and a geometrically compatible partially threaded bolt. The latter has a geometry that ‘locks’ the bolt in compatible holes predrilled on the steel flange and eliminates initial slip and construction tolerance issues. The structural behaviour of the LBDSC is evaluated through nine pushout tests using a horizontal test setup. The effects of the tube thickness, strength of concrete slab, and strength of infilled grout on the shear resistance, initial stiffness, and du

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Attitude and Altitude Control of Quadrotor Carrying a Suspended Payload using Genetic Algorithm
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The need for quick airborne transportation is critical, especially in emergencies. Drones with suspended payloads might be used to accomplish quick airborne transportation. Due to the environment or the drone's motion, the slung load may oscillate and lead the drone to fall. The altitude and attitude controls are the backbones of the drone's stability, and they must be adequately designed. Because of their symmetrical and simple structure, quadrotor helicopters are one of the most popular drone classes. In this work, a genetic algorithm with two weighted terms fitness function is used to adjust a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller to compensate for the altitude and attitude controllers in a quadrotor drone with a slun

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Clinical And Experimental Dental Research
Prevalence and factors influencing reporting of true periodontal chief complaints: A retrospective analysis
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To investigate the prevalence of true periodontal chief complaints (CC) and the factors affecting their reporting by patients with periodontal diseases (PD).

Materials and Methods

This cross‐sectional study was based on retrospective analysis of available periodontal records. Different personal and demographic variables were obtained from these records including CC, age, gender, working status, past medical/dental history, smoking status and diagnosis. In addition, clinical parameters of plaque index, gingival index, probing pocket depth (PPD), and number of missing teeth. Periodontal CC were r

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