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ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS IN TV CHANNELS : (A Research Drawn from A Master Thesis)
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Television culture has become the most dangerous of our time. It manipulates with minds and hearts together; and forms consciousness. It transforms societies into actual forces rejecting certain principles by guiding the media landscape through visible connotations acceptable to the public; or provokes the citizen against elements that put a burden on the viewer or the public in order to create a positive reaction to the subject of combating terrorism by combining these ads in line with what the public wants of security and tranquility and a decent living after suffering from terrorism in the past years.

Therefore, this research deals with television advertisements as one of the most important forms of media which display advertisements on terrorism; renounce violence; create awareness and peaceful coexistence among the Iraqi people; enlighten the minds to the suffering caused by terrorism and create a public opinion through emotional and mental uses. How the public dealt with it and what kind of impact it had on the general population.

Are the reactions positive or negative? Thus, the requirements of the research required to be divided into two searches, the first of which titled (advertising campaigns: types and methods), while the second was under the title (characteristics of television as an advertising medium).

This research dealt with advertising campaigns, definition and concept; and planning of advertising campaigns and their objectives; types of campaigns and functions of advertising communication; and evaluation of advertising campaigns and their relationship to other communication patterns. While the second section addressed (the characteristics of television as a means of advertising) which referred to the types of television advertising and formats of editing methods; as well as ethics broadcasting and advertising industry in television channels.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Philosophy of resolving the forces of contradiction in the theory of the organization
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The current research aims to provide a philosophical and knowledge framework  to explain the issue of organizations dealing with Paradox phenomena by focusing on five main aspects. The first deals with the concept of paradox, and the second aspect deals with the types of forces paradox. While the third aspect regards subject of the philosophy of paradox in organization theory and the fourth side deals with methods of   solving the paradox. Finally, the last side is exposed to the subject of the paradoxes of the three provided by the study (L

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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The effectiveness of prediction and clairvoyance and its functions in the inner space
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The research dealt with the effectiveness of prediction and foresight in design as a phenomenon that plays a role in the recipient's engagement with the design, as it shows the interaction between the recipient and the interior space. The designer is keen to diversify his formal vocabulary in a way that secures visual values that call for aesthetic integration, as well as securing mental and kinetic behavioral understanding in the interior space.
As the designer deals with a three-dimensional space that carries many visual scenes, the designer should not leave anything from it without standing on it with study and investigation, and puts the user as a basic goal as he provides interpretive data through prediction and foresight that le

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 18 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of Attitudes in the ethics of the public job of the individual
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Attitude is an important subject that has attracted researchers and thinkers in organizational theory and organizational behavior because of its great importance in various field studies. Field evidence suggests that individuals in their daily lives or careers respond to specific events through a set of internal tendencies Internal tendencies are negative or positive and systematic. These trends tend to be invisible, not limited to certain boundaries, and involve a significant number of individuals within organizations or society.

 The research aims to identify the impact of trends in the ethics of public service workers for individuals, through a sample of (72) doctors and (60) administrative staff

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
השירה החילונית לשמואל הנגיד בספרד Hebrew religious poetry to Shmuel Hnagad In Spain
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השירה החילונית  זו מיזגה בין התרבות היהודית והתרבות הערבית השלטת. התרבות הערבית השלטת  השפיעה על היהודים בשירה, בספרי פילוסופייה ועיון, בהגות דתית, ביצירה של פרשנות המקרא, במחקר בדקדוק עברי, ברפואה ועוד. ספרי המדע המחקר והעיון נכתבו כולם בערבית. זו היתה שפת הדיבור בקהילות היהודיות. אבל השירה שהתפתחה, שירה אשר קבלה את יסודותיה מן השירה הערבית, שהגיעה לשיא בתקופה זאת – נכתבה כולה בעב

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Peace For Humanities And Social Sciences Jphsc
The role of the contract Duration in the pre-contract stage " Comparative study"
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Time crosses one of the most important principles that are agreed upon in contracts, because the temporal dimension has a significant impact on all contract provisions and is not limited to a certain group of them. French and Arab legal jurists alike called for this dimension to be given special attention. That is the term of the contract term; To try to limit the temporal elements, clarify their provisions and distinguish between them, but in the Arab world it did not receive the same attention that it received in the West.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 28 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Meta – Recitation in the story of Hussein Rahim La'nat Al Hakawaty (storyteller's curse)
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This research was carried out to reveal the the technique of the recitation in this story including a preface, introduction, two chapters and the conclusion. the introduction consisted of the problem, significance , purpose and limitations of research. The preface included two paragraphs. The first included a meta-recitation of terminology and semantic. The second paragraph devoted to show the cultural identity of Hussein Rahim. The first chapter aimed to reveal the reality and the imaginary in the story of Na'lat Al Hakawaty (storyteller's curse). The second chapter aimed to study the strange arguments in the story. The research concluded the conclusion by presenting the results for attaching them with the margins, and the references

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of deficiencies in the standards and tools used for the management of the banking system in the emergence of the financial crisis by focusing on the Basel 1and 2
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The banking industry, as a result of the great challenges it faced, required continuous development of the principles of management, control and mechanisms used. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has played a leading role in legalizing many of these developments and has been able to contribute significantly to establishing a common framework for banking supervision, The central role in the various countries of the world is based on coordination between the various regulatory authorities and thinking about finding mechanisms to confront the risks faced by banks, recognizing the importance of the banking sector in the stability of domestic and international banking systems or the danger of this sector in the emergence of F

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation the Role of Clinical Pharmacist on Prevents or Reduced the Medication Error in Emergency Department
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Objective: To identify the role and importance of the clinical pharmacist in the Emergency Department on prevent
or reduced the medication error.
Methodology: We collected the medical file of 3400 patients, 1400 patient's file in (A) hospital, and 1000 patient's
file in each of (B and C) hospital, who admitted to the ED, at primary weekdays between 8 am to 2 pm, and
recorded all the intervention made by clinical pharmacist through an active search in clinical charts, with analysis
of the daily medical prescription. The potential severity of harm of the medication error judged by two reviewers,
a permanent emergency physician, and clinical pharmacist based on the National Coordinating Council (NCC) of
Medication Error

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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The transition states that Iraq economy lived it after 2003, and the change in tools used by monetary policy based on C.B.I law 56 in 2004, under the especially situation for the economy (structural imbalances and the weakness of banking & financial sector).

The monetary policy adopted the inflation targeting policy to mantain the monetary stability in the economy and considered it an incubator for future growth. It used the exchange rate as a nominal anchor to achieve the goal (because the rentier of economy, finance Shallowness & separation between real sector and finance sector, all this cause the normal channel to transfer the effect of monetary policy (interest rate) ineffective.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of the market knowledge to improve marketing performance an empirical study for mobil communication companies in iraq
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       The study aimed to determine the extent of market knowledge in the companies researched, as if market knowledge is qualified to lead the companies researched to achieve marketing performance , for this purpose, formulated hypotheses of the study in three hypotheses, the first major hypothesis "there is a correlation with significance of market knowledge to improve the marketing performance  , "while the second major hypothesis, "there is a significant moral influence of market knowledge to improve the marketing performance  " these hypotheses targeting to determine the role played by market knowledge in the leadership of companies researched to achieve improvement in marketing perfor

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