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ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS IN TV CHANNELS : (A Research Drawn from A Master Thesis)
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Television culture has become the most dangerous of our time. It manipulates with minds and hearts together; and forms consciousness. It transforms societies into actual forces rejecting certain principles by guiding the media landscape through visible connotations acceptable to the public; or provokes the citizen against elements that put a burden on the viewer or the public in order to create a positive reaction to the subject of combating terrorism by combining these ads in line with what the public wants of security and tranquility and a decent living after suffering from terrorism in the past years.

Therefore, this research deals with television advertisements as one of the most important forms of media which display advertisements on terrorism; renounce violence; create awareness and peaceful coexistence among the Iraqi people; enlighten the minds to the suffering caused by terrorism and create a public opinion through emotional and mental uses. How the public dealt with it and what kind of impact it had on the general population.

Are the reactions positive or negative? Thus, the requirements of the research required to be divided into two searches, the first of which titled (advertising campaigns: types and methods), while the second was under the title (characteristics of television as an advertising medium).

This research dealt with advertising campaigns, definition and concept; and planning of advertising campaigns and their objectives; types of campaigns and functions of advertising communication; and evaluation of advertising campaigns and their relationship to other communication patterns. While the second section addressed (the characteristics of television as a means of advertising) which referred to the types of television advertising and formats of editing methods; as well as ethics broadcasting and advertising industry in television channels.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
the marketing strategies and their role in increased productivity of the insurance companies: دراسة تطبيقية في شركة التامين العراقية
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Search procedures on the treatment research has tended include what cam followers Astaratejaat available to the business organizations to achieve competitive advantage and continued benefits of the form in which the organization can maintain its success in the race competitive and increase production efficiency. 

The objectives of the study , the study came with  the number of goals and the most important one the  knowledge of the relationship and the influence between the variables of the study and review of the latest literature frameworks intellectual and philosophical to the variables of the study and come up with recommendations that could help the organization improve its performance .

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Military Arrangements for the Battle of Kadesh in 1274 BC During the Era of the New Kingdom
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The Battle of Kadesh is replete with many military arrangements that reflect the tremendous development of war preparations in the thirteenth century BC; where the expressive pictures the Egyptians left on some of the walls of their temples show the tremendous ability to organize and divide the forces and the great development that affected the war machine. Furthermore, the text accompanied these pictures reveal some news about that battle, which is considered one of the most important wars in the ancient world. Thus, the importance of the study lies in the fact that it examines one of the most important battles of the ancient Near East, the results of which had great repercussions on the region. This is because it is the most abundant B

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2006
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Messenger’s approach to preaching (the Meccan stage in light of the Qur’an and Sunnah)
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First: People’s need for advocacy:

Calling for a legal necessity for all people, regardless of their races, colours, tongues, and culture, to explain the truth, spread fear, bring benefits, ward off evil, regulate a person’s relationship with his Lord, and his relationship with creatures, so that he knows his money and what he owes.

All of creation is in dire need of the call to God’s religion with insight due to their inability to reach out to goodness, righteousness, guidance, and success on their own. Man is limited in thinking in this universe, limited in his resolve, unable to know what will improve his affairs in the two worlds. His need for religion is one of the necessities of his life, and one of the comple

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 06 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Nurses’ Knowledge and Practices concerning Physiotherapy Protocol at Intensive Care Units in AL-Nasiriyah City
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Objective (s): This study aims to assess nurses' knowledge and practice regarding physiotherapy protocol at intensive care units

Methodology: descriptive cross-sectional study design executed at the ICU in the city hospitals of AL- for the time of 13th October/ 2021 to 7th April /2022. Questionnaire filled by 75 nurses who work in ICU who had chosen by non-probability (purposive) selection collected the data. Then the researcher used an observational checklist to evaluate nurses’ practice. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and SPSS.

Results: the study found a deficit in nurses’ knowledge and pra

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Proposed Measure for Effect Size in Mediation Analysis with Solution to Some Mediation Process Problems
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In this paper, the effect size measures was discussed, which are useful in many estimation processes for direct effect and its relation with indirect and total effects. In addition, an algorithm to calculate the suggested measure of effect size was suggested that represent the ratio of direct effect to the effect of the estimated parameter using the Regression equation of the dependent variable on the mediator variable without using the independent variable in the model. Where this an algorithm clear the possibility to use this regression equation in Mediation Analysis, where usually used the Mediator and independent variable together when the dependent variable regresses on them. Also this an algorithm to show how effect of the

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Effect of Active Learning Strategy on Mathematical Concepts Acquisition in Mathematics for Fourth Grade Primary
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Learn new methods of teaching mathematics contribute to raising the level of pupils to acquire mathematical concepts primary stage
Attempt advancement in the level of mathematics teaching for the better through the use of modern teaching strategies. The research aims at the progress in the acquisition of mathematical concepts schoolgirls after subjecting the fourth grade to teach in active learning strategies, the number of research sample (60) schoolgirl, by (30) schoolgirl experimental group and 30 pupils of the control group. Clear from the results shown the presence of a statistically significant difference between the acquisition of concepts of schoolgirls two groups (experimental and control) for the benefit of pupils of the exp

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Disease Patterns and outcomes of Neonatal Admissions at Raparin Pediatric Teaching Hospital in Erbil City
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Objectives: This study aims to determine the disease’s patterns and outcomes of admission among neonates hospitalized at the neonatal care unit in Erbil City, and using the findings as a baseline for neonate’s morbidity and mortality assessment in the future. Methodology: A retrospective study carried out at neonatal care unit of Raparin pediatric teaching hospital. An instrument for data collection developed by researcher included (age, gender, cause of admission, diagnosis and outcome upon discharge and causes of death). Content validity of the instrument was determined through the use of panel ex

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of applying resource consumption accounting technology on rationalizing pricing decisions in economic units
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The aim of the research is to demonstrate the extent of the impact of resource consumption accounting technicality as an administrative technique that is compatible with the rapid developments and changes in the external environment, with the information it provides and scientific foundations in the allocation of indirect costs, and the identification and measurement of idle energy and its costs in a way that contributes to the rationalization of pricing decisions in economic units. In light of the intense competition and the multiplicity of alternatives, and to achieve this goal, a random sample was chosen.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Heavy Metals Concentration in Commercial Rice Available at Erbil City Markets, Iraq and Soaking Effects
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Heavy metal (HM) pollution has long been a significant source of environmental deterioration and a problem for the safety of food. Iraqis prefer rice over any other food, and since heavy metals have a direct impact on health, their traces in rice have drawn particular attention. Before cooking rice, it is usual in Iraq to wash and soak it. Some 55 varieties of imported and local rice were sampled from Erbil city markets in 2022 with the aim of determining the concentration of As, Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb before and after soaking. Standard procedure of acid digestions was applied on the raw and soaked samples. The solutions were analyzed using ICPE-9820 Shimadzu. The mean concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb (in mg/kg) in the rice samples bef

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
Journal Name
Structural mechanisms formative (Goldman) reading done Studio talk And their role in raising Criticism knowledge
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Facing the receiver (critic) problematic understanding of modern art done, which turned positive professional image to symbolic language, which gave it authenticity previous Arts advantage, and this latest progress in critical reading contemporary and several mechanisms for analyzing literary texts and plastic, including textural fabric. And we suffer from the absence of cash the recipient culture (learner), so the current search goal focused on detecting structural mechanisms formative (Goldman) reading done modern art and its role in raising criticism knowledge (learner). Defining the theoretical framework of chapter II by discussing it; the first episode dealt with the textural fabric, while the latter was accomplished Studio talk, an

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