This research dealt with the subject of negotiation skills of employees in public relations departments which is one of many skills supposed to be available to these employees. These skills combined help in the success of the job of public relations departments; and give them an important and vital role within the roles distributed in the departments of any government institution wither is governmental or non-governmental.
Negotiation is a skill that requires intelligence, tact, culture, information, intuition, and knowing to use the means of communication to access the information that is useful in reaching satisfactory results in any negotiations the Department would be involve in.
On this basis, the researcher addressed this issue because such a case had not been in spot light and attention of public relations employees as they used to occupy roles away from their basic job. While the other departments are charged with negotiating processes without involving the employees of public relations to follow-up the negotiations.
For this purpose, the researcher tried to draw the attention of researchers engaged in the field of public relations to the need to teach this skill. Then, she highlighted the importance of the skill application practically when students are immersed in the scientific life.
In order to reach accurate information on the subject, the researcher adopted the survey method by preparing a questionnaire form containing a set of questions formulated in a scientific way and addressed to the employees in the Ministries of Transport and Electricity, which numbered (45) employees representing the research community.
The researcher reached important conclusions in this regard. The most of the employees, as a result, did not participate in negotiations. As most of them realized that the reason for this is the lack of conviction of senior management to the significance of their job as Departments deliberately keep them away from these important roles.