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MEDIA AND CUSTOMERS: (An analytical study of the opinions and attitudes of a sample of industrialists in the role of media in directing consumers to national industries)
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The talk about the relationship between the media and industrialists can be the core of a bigger and deeper subject which is the role of these means in increasing sales : First, increasing the customer’s awareness of the importance of goods and the result of the promotion of products. Secondly, increasing investments which do require continuous studies and deep research in order to understand the constantly changing market conditions, and the public’s taste. In this research, we try to find out how industrialists see the role of media in the promotion of products in Iraq today, and how it develops in the future.

There was a reluctance of the industrialists to advertise in the local media, also industrialists see the role of the local media in advertising products as ambiguous. Therefore, the following questions demand answers:

1- What media channels do industrialists prefer to promote their products ?

2- What are the reasons for the reluctance of local producers to advertise in the local media?

3- Does the local media provide appropriate facilities for industrialists ?


The search aims to:

1- Disclose the industrialists’ opinions in the role of media in promoting local products.

2- Bring to light the reasons behind the reluctance of producers to advertise in the local media.

3- Determining the problems of the industrialists regarding their opinion of the role of the media in promoting local products and their vision for the development of the role of the media and their proposals in this regard.


The research was divided into a methodological framework that includes the research problem and its procedures, and also into a theoretical framework that deals with the concept of economic media and its features. Then, the concept of advertising and its characteristics in the three types of media, the press, radio and television, and finally the global media’s interest in funding advertisements, while the applied framework was an analysis of the questionnaire forms prepared by the researchers to reach and discuss the results.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Degree possession of secondary teachers for effective teaching skills from the perspective of the teachers themselves in the Mafraq Governorate
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This study aimed to reveal the degree possession of secondary teachers for effective teaching skills from the perspective of the teachers themselves in the Mafraq governorate .To achieve the objective of the study(45) teachers were chosen randomly, also a questionnaire composed of 17 was prepared spread over three skill areas (planning, implementation, evaluation).
After application of the tool on the sample results of the study showed that the degree of ownership ranged between medium and high.
The results showed no differences in the degree of ownership due to the variables of sex in favor of females and variable qualification for the benefit of people with qualified Master higher, while differences are attributed to the experien

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The development of literary style in the work of the writer Fyodor Dostoevsky: Эволюция литературного стиля в творчестве Ф. Достоевского
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Style of Dostoevsky - it is a style that clearly emerges the desire for stimulating thought reader stage. It's a style calculated to provoke the reader to their findings, conclusions and reflections. Dostoevsky hints, expressed as like inaccurate and at the same time with some startling sophistication. It makes the readers think and draw their own conclusions.


    Стиль Достоевского - этостиль, в которомясноотмечаетсястремлениек стимулированиюзаконченного мыслячитателя

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculation of the Concentrations of Depleted Uranium in The Diyala River Sediment Samples Using The Nuclear Track Detector CR-39
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   In this study,  depleted uranium concentrations were calculated  in  sediments  Diyala River samples , where 14 samples of sediment along the Diyala River were collected , starting from the Rustumiya area and ending with the Tuwaitha area after its confluence with the River Tigris , using the solid - state nuclear track detectors technique (SSNTDs).        We found that the highest concentration of depleted uranium was in the sample (A-13), and was taken from the Tuwaitha area with the specific activity of the amount (78.1 ± 8.5 Bq/kg ) and the lowest concentration of the depleted uranium was in the sample  (A-7), and was taken from the Azwaip area with  the

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Evaluation the Safety and Security Procedures used In X-ray Clinics in Al-Harthiya-Baghdad
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Abstract<p>Radiation is a form of energy, its emitted either in the form of particles such as α-particles and β-particles (beta particles including the electron and the positron) or waves such as sunlight, X-rays and γ-rays. Radiation found everywhere around us and it comes from many different sources naturally or man-made sources. In this study a questionnaire was distributed to people working in the field of X-rays that used for a medical imaging (X-ray and CT-scan) to evaluate the extent of awareness and knowledge in estimate the damage of ionizing radiation as a result of wrong use. The questionnaire was distributed to medical clinics in Al-Harithiya in Baghdad, which it’s considered as</p> ... Show More
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Scopus (2)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Oct 14 2021
Journal Name
Kufa Medical Journal
The Relationship between Knowledge and Practice in Clinical Breast Examination among Women in Baghdad, Iraq
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Aim: This study aims to determine both the level  of knowledge, attitude, and practice  in clinical breast examination in women and the relationship between knowledge and practice.Data collection was performed within a three-month period starting from February 2019 on.  Subjects and Method: A cross-sectional analytical study included 657 non-randomly selected women visiting primary health care centers in Baghdad city with an average of age between (20-59) years old.  Results: Only 51.8% ever heard of clinical breast examination. The mean knowledge score for clinical breast examination was (51.2±44). Only 5.5% of women performed regular clinical breast examinations. Participants who adequately practice clinical breast examinatio

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2007
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad, College Of Education For Pure Science (ibn Al-haitham), Department Of Mathematical
Thesis.On Solvability of an Operator Equation-
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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
The Third International Conference On Mathematical Sciences
On Solvability of an Operator Equation
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2007
Journal Name
On Solvability of an Operator Equation-
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Meta Gene
Association analysis of FTO gene polymorphisms rs9939609 and obesity risk among the adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis” Meta Gene (2020) 7–7/100832
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Background: Obesity typically results from a variety of causes and factors which contribute, genetics included, and style of living choices, and described as excessive body fat accumulation of body fat lead to excessive body, is a chronic disorder that combines pathogenic environmental and genetic factors. So, the current study objective was to investigate the of the FTO gene rs9939609 polymorphism and the obesity risk. Explaining the relationship between fat mass and obesity-associated gene (FTO) rs9939609 polymorphism and obesity in adults. Methods: Identify research exploring the association between the obesity risk and the variation polymorphisms of FTO gene rs9939609. We combined the modified odds ratios (OR) as total groups and subgro

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
The effectiveness of the constructivist learning model in acquiring the Institute of Fine Arts' students of artistic analysis skills: اخلاص عبد القادر طاهر
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The constructivist learning model is one of the models of constructivist theory in learning, as it generally emphasizes the active role of the learner during learning, in addition to that the intellectual and actual participation in the various activities to help students gain the skills of analyzing artistic works. The current research aims to know the effectiveness of the constructivist learning model in the acquisition of the skills of the Institute of Fine Arts for the skills of (technical work analysis). To achieve the goal, the researcher formulated the following hypothesis: There are no statistically significant differences between the average scores of the experimental group students in the skill test for analyzing artworks befor

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