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Walter Lippmann, speaking about man, says : ” Gradually he makes for himself a trustworthy picture inside his head of the world beyond his reach. “. This means that the picture, whether it was good or bad, it doesn’t happen for nothing, but rather for intentional purposes. Some orientalists make their judgements even before getting to the place concerned with the study.

The mental image is one of the most misused terminology, although the world today has become the world of image, it witnessed the disappearance of the theories that used to consider the media as a reflective mirror for society, also it was confirmed that the media creates what varies from reality and sometimes completely different from reality. The image of the other, does not necessarily represent him or her, as well as for one's self. The image of the other is a reflection of the reality of the relationship with the self that was reflected in the imagination.

This explains the issue of the truth in existence, which is something that does not exist, or as said, the meaning is in the heart of the peot, and here we do not try to find the truth, but we emphasize the need to believe in different ideologies, otherwise there wouldn’t be multiple religions and ideas and the division of public opinion into supporters and opponents. It is worth saying that the mental image has become a theory or a self-contained science because it is studying what exists and not what is imposed. This research is characterized by the diversity of cognitive fields of psychology, sociology, philosophy and media. The research also aims to study the concept of mental image and follow its origins and correlations or its contrast to other concepts and processes of knowledge.


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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The relationship between critical thinking, epistemological beliefs, and learning strategies with the students’ academic performance
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The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between critical thinking, epistemological beliefs, and learning strategies with the academic performance of high school first-grade male and female students in Yazd. For this purpose, from among all first-grade students, as many as 250 students (130 females and 120 males) were selected by using multistage cluster sampling. The data needed were then collected through using California Critical Thinking Skills Test, Schommer's Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire, Biggs’ Revised Two Factor Study Process Questionnaire. The findings indicated that there is a positive significant relationship between critical thinking and academic performance and achievement. Moreover, four fa

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimating Stock Returns Using Rough Set Theory: An Exploratory study With An Evidence From Iraq Stock Exchange
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‎ This research aims to estimate stock returns, according to the ‎Rough Set Theory ‎approach, ‎test ‎its effectiveness and accuracy in predicting stock returns and their potential in the ‎field of ‎financial ‎markets, and rationalize investor decisions. The research sample is totaling (10) ‎companies traded at Iraq Stock Exchange. The results showed a remarkable ‎ ‎Rough Set Theory application in data reduction, contributing to the rationalization of ‎investment ‎decisions. The most prominent conclusions are the capability of rough set theory ‎in ‎dealing with financial data and applying it for forecasting stock ‎returns.‎The ‎research provides those interested in investing stocks in financial

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Indicators of Mental image among Students of the University of Baghdad about Iraqi Political Parties-(a research based on a master thesis)
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Media studies have focused mostly on the issue of the mental image because the image that is formed in the mind has become not only a photo of a human being and having kept for himself. This image has an outside influence which may sometimes up to the formation of the fate of others and it sometimes includes individuals and groups together.
This study comes in the context of identifying the image of Iraqi political parties among Iraqi university students and the nature of the view that students have in their minds about these parties.
Chapter one includes the problem of the research, the importance of the study, the goals and method used. Chapter two is divided into two sections: section one deals with the concept of the mental i

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Personality Types According to Holland's Theory and its Relationship with the Management Changing for some Administrators in the Province of Kurdistan-Iraq
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The figure of personality modes determines its privileged style in the use of modern and advanced technological tools in the process of changing and developing in order to keep up with that. The proses of selection and choosing administrators in the appropriate places are the most important functions of senior management because it is easy to adopt factory buildings or establishments But this is a human world as that of machines world. So it is required to have people in the process of changing those who have a time, Knowledge, skill, ability and strong administrative personal skills, those people (leaders) should to put a clear vision for the selection and application of the change efforts and to create the necessary climate and

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Analytical Study of Cartoon picture AL-Mada Newspaper is a model
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The researcher studies and explains the content of some pictures that are published in al-Mada newspaper. The research is important as it deals with a topic that has a relation with visual culture and its role to transfer the press letter to the audience. The researcher finds that cartoonist exposed the security services through important people who have a major role in state policy and reveals the level of corruption and the weak treatments for this phenomenon and its reflection on the whole society and individuals. In addition to that, cartoonists try to encourage the public for going on the peaceful demonstrations since it is a good tool to make pressure on the government to punish the corrupts.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Gender stereotyping and its relationship to the level of performance of public relations employees
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This article focuses on the relationship of gender to the effectiveness of both women and men in public relations work. Its aim is to identify the extent to which public relations employees are aware of the concept of gender, and to reveal the role of the institution in determining certain roles for both women and men at work, as well as to find out which employees are most effective in public relations activities within the institution.

The researcher uses public relations employees and officials in Iraqi ministries as a research sample to capture the point of view of both parties on the effectiveness of workers in public relations based on the definition of gender. The sample consists of 396 individuals

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 19 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflecting the mental abilities of decision-makers in defining the strategic orientation
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        The purpose of this research is to highlight the nature of the relationship between the mental abilities of decision makers and strategic orientation . The intellectual capacity of decision-makers is the cornerstone for the implementation of all the tasks and duties of the Organization and constitutes the most important of its capabilities. As a result of the sharp changes in the environment in which it operates, this organization must accurately define its strategic directions to ensure its

survival and continuity. The problem of field research was to answer a fundamental question: Is the Iraqi director aware of how to employ mental abilities in strategic direc

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 29 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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This research is considered as the beginning of other studies about the iraqi the public and their relationship with the various state institutions. Recently, such studies used to be almost non-existent. The main characteristic that distinguishes the scientific studies, is the fact that it involves a specific problem that needs to be studied and analysed from multiple aspects, otherwise the definition of problem identification wouldn’t have been narrowing the topic into what the researcher wants to address, also not what the title is referring to as topics which the researcher doesn’t want to address. The problem in this research resides in the lack of well planned scientific programs that aims at building a positive mental picture a

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Relationship between serum Nesfatin-1, Adiponectin, Resistin Concentration, and Obesity with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
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            Diabetes mellitus caused by insulin resistance is prompted by obesity. Neuropeptide Nesfatin-1 was identified in several organs, including the central nervous system and pancreatic islet cells. Nesfatin-1 peptide appears to be involved in hypothalamic circuits that energy homeostasis and control food intake. Adiponectin is a plasma collagen-like protein produced by adipocytes that have been linked to the development of insulin resistance (IR), diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2), and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Resistin was first identified as an adipose tissue–specific hormone that was linked to obesity and diabetes.  The aim of this study was to estimate the relationship between human serum nesfatin-1, adiponect

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Scopus (9)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Augustine’s theory of knowledge
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The issue of epistemology is one of the theological issues that were and still is a relentless pursuit of knowledge, knowing the true knowledge of certainty. Therefore, it formed a main focus because of its great importance expressing the deep desire of the human soul to explore the self and reality and answer all the questions that it may raise. Knowledge is the highest function. For man to exist.

Therefore, the establishment of epistemology was general in knowledge, a characteristic that was distinguished, as it is an ancient and renewed subject that is still being raised and raised, although there are many methods of treating it and sacred solutions to it. To finally prove its potentia

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