First: The entrance to media and democracy
The growth of the media and the development of its technologies are linked to the development of the democratic system and its political and mass institutions. In many cases, the technologies concerned were able to open the closed doors to the spread of democracy and broaden the base of its applications. As Dupre points out, “audio-visual has opened the image and sound after printing has opened the natural language” (1) to democratization. The generalization of the book, due to the development of printing, led to the transcendence of the Church's dominance in Europe, and the direct broadcasting and transmission of information enabled the media to transcend the domination of factional systems. On top of that and that, the development of media technologies has opened the coffers of human and social memory for the purpose of possessing knowledge, and how to translate it into a continuous daily action. It allowed us to see the shape of the earth, see the weather conditions and economic movement, see the political decision directly, and get to know better the data of the scientific and technical achievement (2).
The penalized least square method is a popular method to deal with high dimensional data ,where the number of explanatory variables is large than the sample size . The properties of penalized least square method are given high prediction accuracy and making estimation and variables selection
At once. The penalized least square method gives a sparse model ,that meaning a model with small variables so that can be interpreted easily .The penalized least square is not robust ,that means very sensitive to the presence of outlying observation , to deal with this problem, we can used a robust loss function to get the robust penalized least square method ,and get robust penalized estimator and
... Show MoreJosé Echegaray, dramaturgo español, obtuvo premio Nóbel de literatura en (1904), político, orador, economista y dramaturgo. Con su obra "El gran Galeoto" en 1881, llegó a la cumbre de la popularidad.
Henrik Ibsen, dramaturgo noruega, creador del drama moderno, por sus obras realistas que abordan problemas psicológicos y sociales. Y a que fue el iniciador del teatro de tesis del teatro social. Ibsen, dramaturgo noruega, cuya obra influyó notablemente en el teatro europeo de finales del s. XIX y principios del XIX ; en gran parte en la obra de Echegaray, Galdós (1) y Benavente (2).
Los presentes autores empezaron sus producciones bajo el romanticismo que fue poco a poco añadiendo ide
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أرادة الذات بين الأستلاب والأسترداد في قصيدة البياتي
بعد الانحرافات التي شابت تنفيذ المسؤولية عن الحماية في ليبيا عام 2011، دعت البرازيل الى اتباع التسلسل في تنفيذ الركائز الثلاث للمسؤولية عن الحماية عند معالجة الازمات الانسانية ذات الصلة بجرائم الحرب والجرائم ضد الانسانية وجريمة الابادة الجماعية وجريمة التطهير العرقي، في حين دعا الامين العام للامم المتحدة في العديد من تقاريره السنوية بشأن المسؤولية عن الحماية بانه لاينبغي التقيد بالتسلسل واعتبر ان الركائز ا
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The threat of this crisis is increasing. Terrorism is considered as one of the most serious aspects of that all the countries of the world, currently, suffer from. The terrorism has begun to penetrate deep into society in one way or another starting from the Second World War, which led to the emergence of leftist movements in Western Europe, Japan, France, Italy and other countries as a result of emerging ideas
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