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At the time when many important political events and evolutions took place, the cinema has been pretty active, and witnessed the historical events before and after the two world wars and the cold war. During the first half of the 20th century, the cinema had great interest from the major countries and their politicians, as well as the commercial turnout of large companies to invest in that field for the profits.  In the beginning of the 20th century, the major powers like the Soviet Union, the United States, Germany, Italy, England, and France started to compete in the development of their film industry and the investment of the new medium and the transformation of some famous works of fiction into films that perpetuate their cultural and intellectual heritage, But it went beyond the creative, literary and artistic aspects of the film industry when these countries began to have direct control and provide government support to their film companies to encourage them to produce films dealing with issues that are consistent with the nature of the stage and political trends prevailing in the meantime. Going back to the 20s and 30s of the 20th century, we can find several statements by politicians such as Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler and Goebbels persisting on the importance of cinema and control of its industry, and to point out to the danger of the emerging means in the fields of politics, propaganda and media.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Comparative Study on Association Rule Mining Algorithms on the Hospital Infection Control Dataset
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Administrative procedures in various organizations produce numerous crucial records and data. These
records and data are also used in other processes like customer relationship management and accounting
operations.It is incredibly challenging to use and extract valuable and meaningful information from these data
and records because they are frequently enormous and continuously growing in size and complexity.Data
mining is the act of sorting through large data sets to find patterns and relationships that might aid in the data
analysis process of resolving business issues. Using data mining techniques, enterprises can forecast future
trends and make better business decisions.The Apriori algorithm has bee

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Educational goals of Quranic proverbs
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The research sought to know the educational goals of Quranic proverbs, The first chapter: includes general terms of research, its problem, its importance, its objectives, its methodology, and the definition of terms. In the second chapter: Proverbs in Quranic usage such as simple and complex proverbs, standard proverbs, In the third chapter, the educational objectives of the Quranic proverbs include: bringing the meaning, persuasion, thought provoking ..... the educational characteristics of the Koranic verses, including: accuracy of photography, and the truth of similar, and included the lesson applied lesson, Chapter fourth : Conclusions and Recommendations with abstra

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
موقف موقف المعتزلة من النبوة
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 This research is dealing with Islamic creed faith which would be the prophecy concept. The prophecies subject one greatest creed doors with God’s - high ranking – fortunate - messengers faith is one faith’s six pillars ; though no correct faith to adorer , until the adored completely faith in God’s angels , holly books

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
خروج العراق من الفصل السابع
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       انشأت الأمم المتحدة لتحقيق هدف أساسي هو حفظ السلم والأمن الدولي عن طريق منع  الحروب بين الدول, وتقوية التعاون الدولي في كافة المجالات, لدعم العلاقات السلمية بين الدول وضمان تحقيق تقدم ورفاهية شعوبها. وحملت الأمم المتحدة على عاتقها مسؤولية المحافظة على السلم والأمن الدوليين, وأصبح مجلس الأمن يتمتع من بين أجهزة الأمم المتحدة بأهمية متميزة نتيجة لاضطلاعه بهذا الدور الذي أنشئت من اجله هذ

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
 Sheikh Imam Al-Alai women
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The research aims to introduce the elders of Imam Al-Ala who died in the year 761 AH. The study showed the prominent role of women in the eighth century AH in the sciences in general and in the hadith in particular. The woman did not depart from the call of divine education in the Almighty saying: Read in the name of your Lord who created * created mankind * created mankind * And your Lord, the Most Generous, who taught with the pen * taught man unless he knows the captive of verses 1-5.
        Families in that era had a prominent role in this concern, especially parents. They were attending boys and girls since their childhood, the lessons of scholars, and the benefit of science, and they were

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Colocación del Adjetivo
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Dada la importancia de la gramática en las lenguas hemos tratado en esta investigación manifestar la importancia de la posición del adjetivo en la lengua castellana y hacer una simple comparación con la lengua inglesa y la lengua árabe.
Los comportamientos de los adjetivos en lo referente a su posición respecto del sustantivo no siguen una fórmula fija. En esta cuestión “no se trata de leyes, sino de tendencias”, como dice Gili Gaya1, la inmensa mayoría de los adjetivos del español son susceptibles de ser colocados antes o después del sustantivo al que sirvan de adjunto. Las formulaciones sobre el orden Sust.+Adj. o el orden Adj.+Sust., por muy genéricas que sean, sufren excepciones,según las preferencias contextualiz

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تحقيق القسم الثالث من مخطوطة خبرة الفقهاء
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In fact, the main idea of ​​the manuscript is to take note of a branch of Islamic jurisprudence, which is the science of jurisprudential jurisprudence and this manuscript in its title and subject dealt to the men of knowledge of jurisprudence because of its ambiguity calls for thinking, and the brainstorming mood to test the intelligence of jurisprudence, Of students of knowledge jurisprudence. This section contains (14) questions starting with the question (26) and ending with (39) in the doors of pray.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On S*-Supplemented Modules
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The main goal of this paper is to introduce and study a new concept named d*-supplemented which can be considered as a generalization of W- supplemented modules and d-hollow module. Also, we introduce a d*-supplement submodule. Many relationships of d*-supplemented modules are studied. Especially, we give characterizations of d*-supplemented modules and relationship between this kind of modules and other kind modules for example every d-hollow (d-local) module is d*-supplemented and by an example we show that the converse is not true.

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Crossref (1)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Dec 23 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
جوانب جوانب من الحضارة السىومرية
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An ancient iraq man lived under sever shadow which led him to be creative for providing instruments that ables him to keep his life with who are near to him, this matter led to appear humanity civilization

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Euro-Mediterranean cooperation to partnership
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تقدمت احداث النصف الاخير من القرن الماضي من تاريخ العالم الاقتصادي صور كثيرة من التكتلات والاليات التعاونية والتشاركية القائمة على مصادر مختلفة للتجمع الاقتصادي من اهمها شكل الشراكات التجارية والاقتصادية ولها امثلة كثيرة على المستوى الاقتصادي الدولي ومنها الشراكة الاورومتوسطية التي تمثل منطقة حيوية في حسابات التبادل الدولي تجاريا وراسماليا ولكن هذا التشكيل التكتلي يحتاج الى وقفه تخص

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