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The stories of children in Iraq during the past two decades have received a number of important scientific studies. Despite tyranny of the historical study method on most of these studies, they have been and still are very important, because they have established a chronicle of this literary style that has been neglected and based not only on the academic level and serious in-depth university studies but also on the enclosed sight that doesn’t consider studied art as an innovation with its specificity and its typical technical components. While many of the public impressions and self-reflections contributed to the dominance of some of the provisions and concepts that were circulated as critical remarks and adopted by some writers and accusers in as conclusive judgments, which are even more so because they did not result from a specific monetary approach or clear critique. 

It is likely that the historical aspect of the emergence of this story in Iraq and its evolutionary pathways has been adapted to disallow any new study to add something to what was founded and built on, because of the diminishing opportunities to find new texts that contribute to changing some of the convictions or extending them to correct the evolutionary track of the history of this story, as well as its study according to a critical approach ensures that the researcher can reach critical results by monitoring the transformations of the artistic structures of this story until it reaches an advanced stage of maturity and completeness as presented by some contemporary models of this story. 

Through the texts that are written - today - is to write them in a way that puts it in the ranks of creative developed works ... this research attempt in this direction.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
The aesthetics of employing the Cap Cut program in the montage and effects of digital content on the Internet
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Traditional programs and the tedious and financially costly processes they require are no longer the best choice for content makers. The continuous development and development have led to the emergence of competitive software that offers capabilities that are more suitable for aesthetic needs, as it breaks down stereotypical frameworks from the familiar to the unfamiliar to be more suitable for graphic subjects in terms of dealing with the requirements of the digital content industry. Video for communication platforms, as it has more advantages than traditional software and the flexibility and high quality it offers at the level of the final product, All of this contributed to supplementing the image with aesthetic employments with data

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Treasury bills to the most important monetary variables in Iraq for the period 1990 – 2013
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The treasury bills one internal government debt instruments in iraq that were used to finance temporary deficits in the government budget, There fore the government resorted to issuing for the purpose of providing liquidity, As well as to invest in productive progects, After that it was financing the budget deficit by the monetary authovity of  the central baalpennek  [the new cash velease] which led to negative effects on the Iraqi econome, Thus we find that the treasury transfers have formed alarge proportion of the gross domestic government debt to finance the deficit ayear ago 2003.                      &nbs

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The reality of manufacturing industries and ways to reduce the rent economy in Iraq (Future Vision)
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Manufacturing industries are at the beginning of the thinking of those who put economic policies in developed countries and also more in developing countries, where manufacturing is the engine of industrial and economic development through its performance and its effective role in the formation of GDP, as well as the great advantages that characterize this sector and affect Largely on sustainable development, as well as its importance in its influential role in protecting national industry through increased exports and reduced imports.

      Iraq is one of the countries that rely on its oil economy to rely entirely on the provision of needs and requirements of the state, and this

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Strategic Effects of Mubarak Great Port on Iraq
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The Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations represent a great issue for the Arab-Arab relations. This relation is characterized by specificity for the tension since the foundation of the State of Kuwait until late. There are many factors that prevented the fulfillment of the aspiration towards the development of the relations, perhaps the most important of which is the issue of Mubarak Great Port which is a difficult issue as far as the relation between the two states is concerned. One year after Iraq put the cornerstone of the Great Faw Port. This is considered as the most important hurdle in front of constructing the relations with the neighbor Kuwait

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
content Analysis for Some Type of Pillows used in Iraqi houses
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content Analysis for Some Type of Pillows used in Iraqi houses

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Creative accounting practices for supply contracts and the role of internal audit in reducing them: An exploratory study on a sample of industrial companies in Iraq
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                The internal control is the tool through which it is possible to verify and ensure the implementation of tasks in accordance with the established plans and programs and to evaluate the level of performance that is implemented within the different companies.

A guarantee from the supplier with the absence of a specialized technical committee that follows up the stages of implementing the contract and disbursing all amounts of financial dues to the supplier before completing the implementation of the contract and overlooking the non-implementation of some clauses of the contract by the committee in charge of

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Supporting the Microfinance Industry In Iraq
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The Economist opinion (views) gathered on the great Importance’s of small enterprise on the production sectors at Developed or in developing countries, statistics indicate that these enterprise represent almost 90% of the total enterprises in most economies in the world.

Many of these enterprises have originated in Iraq since the beginning of last century and the question of financing these enterprises remained an issue facing the most of workers in this sector, because of the peculiarty of which are characterized by which as a lack of financial abilities and the difficulty of obtain the sources of financing in Iraq and considered the enterprise as the guarantor of fulfilling Financial obligations. Afte

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Forced displacement in Iraq its causes and its effects on displaced families (A field study of displaced families to the city of Baghdad)
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After a temporary halt to forced thghebr in different cities of Iraq this methodlogy
opeations returned directiy in the areas of political conflict on the ground which are translated
operations and forced displacement violence es they operations aimed at completing the
forced displacement that occurred after the occupation in(2003)which took an upward curve
publicly after these events and some of which are aimed at the liquidation of some provinces
than any demographic diversity of religious or sectarian or alhens and others aimed at
redemographic distribution within the province itself to produce a net sectarian zones as is the
case in Diyala Nineveh and Babylon Baghdad has the epicenter of sectarian violence and th

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Saba is a semantic study of examples of pronouns
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which is much useful in the Arabic Language generally in the Holly Quran especially. It is the pronoun  I have taken in the semantic aspect from it and I have done on the surra sabba which varities  the semantical pronoun in it among the pronoun of the speaker the conscience of the addressee the absent  such the the siprat pronoun that comes in it with the explanation for its importance and its work and this is the subject of the first unit which I advanced it from the concept of the pronoun Linguistically and convention. After that I have lighten in some meanings which I have done in the surrat as a semantic , magnification , proud, reprimand and others which I ended my research I have reached the results from it

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 25 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The rule (it is desirable to leave the dispute) and its importance in the life of a Muslim
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Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Master of Messengers, and upon his family and companions

And whoever follows his guidance until the Day of Judgment. As for what follows: Islamic law commands Muslims to unite, reject disagreement, and not dispute, and to spread the spirit of tolerance and love among them. God Almighty said: “And hold fast to the rope of God all of you and do not become divided, and remember the favor of God upon you when you are enemies and He has joined your hearts.” So, by His grace, you became brothers (1), and He said: (And You will be like those who became divided and disagreed after the clear proofs had come to them. It is they - for them is a great punishment.) (2

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