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ADDRESSING THE GOALS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE ARAB PRESS:: (An analytical study in the newspapers (Al-Sabah Iraqi newspaper, Algerian ech-chaab Newspaper, and UAE Al-Ittihad Newspaper) (A Research Drawn from Master Thesis)
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The problem of this research is:

What are the sustainable development goals that received the priority in the press addressing of the newspapers under study?

What are the journalistic arts adopted by these newspapers in addressing the sustainable development goals?

What are the journalistic sources that Arab newspapers depended on when addressing the sustainable development goals?

What are the geographic range the Arab newspapers adopted in addressing the sustainable development goals? The research is categorized into descriptive research, adopting the survey method, and using the content analysis method.

The sample of research was determined by the preparation of the Arabic newspapers (Al-Sabah Iraqi newspaper, Algerian ech-chaab Newspaper, and UAE Al-Ittihad Newspaper) issued from January 1 to June 30, 2018, and extracted according to the system of regular random sample. The research tools were (Content Analysis Form).

The research reached the following conclusions:

The sustainable development goal: the eleventh "sustainable local cities and settlements" and the eighth goal "economic growth and decent work" and the sixteenth goal "peace, justice and institutions" won the priority of press treatment in the Arab newspapers in question. These goals occupied the first three ranks consecutively, after having an acceptable treatment ratio compared to other targets.

Most of the SDGs were addressed by the report's technician and journalist, which is consistent with the data and results of previous scientific research, according to which the treatment of issues related to sustainable development is often done through news arts.

The Arab newspapers in question obtained most of their information dealing with the sustainable development goals from their own sources, followed by academics and researchers, and the anonymous sources recorded a clear presence. This indicates the diversification in the sources' dependence, despite the apparent occupational deficiency of the unknown sources.

Addressing the SDGs on the basis of geographical scope showed that the highest percentage of journalistic issues addressed were within the local, then international, and finally Arab domain.

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Publication Date
Mon May 09 2022
Journal Name
International Academic Journal Of Economics
Analysis of the Relationship between Fiscal Policy Shocks and Monetary Stability in Iraq's Economy for the Period 1990-2018
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The research aims to measure the impact of positive and negative fiscal policy shocks on monetary stability in Iraq, which represents monetary stability as an indicator of real and price stability. Fiscal policy shocks are quantitative changes in public spending and public revenue affecting the output and price cycle, and fiscal policy despite the accompanying time gaps, but it remains a policy Influential and has a significant degree of impact on economic growth and development in developing countries. The fiscal policy represents a numerical translation of the economic and social objectives planned in the state's general budget tool consistent with the GDP cycle. The economic and social goals stem from the core of the functions and the ma

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
skills and its relationship to the with concept of self in social The chidren kindergarten age (4-6) years
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 The interest in Multi social skills and self-concept is extremely  important for many of the scholars of education and psychology has taken a great deal in their writings and their interests as they see that social skills training is to make sure of the same, and that whenever enable the individual from acquiring social skills whenever asserted itself.The research aims know social skills and self-concept and their relationship to the children Riyadh age (4-6 years), and the research sample consisted of(200) boys and girls from kindergarten in the city of Baghdad Bjanbey Rusafa second and Karkh second.And to the objectives of the research realized the researcher has built two measures of social skills a

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Energy Storage
Intensifying the thermal response of PCM via fin-assisted foam strips in the shell-and-tube heat storage system
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Ecology
Effect of sedimentary source on the properties of sphericity and roundness of feldspar minerals in some soils of the alluvial plain
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This study was conducted on the effect of the sedimentary source (the sediments coming from both the Iraqi-Iranian borderline and the Tigris river) on the optical and textural features, especially sphericity and roundness of feldspar minerals (potassium and plagioclase types) in soils of the southern part of the alluvial plain. Eight pedons were selected to represent the study area, five of them represented sediments coming from the borderline, which included pedons of (Badra, Taj Al-Din, Al-Shihabi, Jassan, and Galati), while two of them represent the sediments of the Tigris River (Essaouira, Al-Dabouni), the pedon of Ali Al-Gharbi was represented the mixing area of sediments of all the floods coming from the borderline and the sediments o

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Uptake of Fluoride from Water Using Recycled Raw Beef Bone as an Environmently Freindly Waste
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Excessive intake of fluoride, mainly through drinking water is a serious health hazard affecting humans worldwide. In this study, the defluoridation capacities of locally available raw waste beef bones have been estimated. Several experimental parameters including contact time, pH, bone dose, fluoride initial concentration, bone grains size, agitation rate, and the effect of co-existence of anions in actual samples of wastewater were studied for fluoride removal from aqueous solutions. Results indicated excellent fluoride removal effeciency up to 99.7% at fluoride initial concentration of 10 mg F/L and 120 min contact time. Maximum fluoride uptake was obtained at neutral pH range 6-7. Fluoride removal kinetic was well described by the ps

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The relationship between the muslim authorities and prominent Christian personalities within their territories
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The prophet said that it anybody burdened any of the people or the book more than they could endure he would ben his opponent until the day of judgment.

-under the rightly guided caliphs the Christians had much freedom .this is shown by a letter attributed to ishu-yab III. The Nestorian catholics.

-The third caliph,Uthman favoured the Christians either because of the spcial skills or abilities which they possessed or through the imfluence of his Christian wife Na'ila.

-Under the early Umayyade,the christiansins the Isalamic umma had as much freedom as they had previously enjoyed under the best of their Christians governments because they restorted their churches and appointed many Christians to the

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Forms of post-modernism in performance of Iraqi theatre "dream of Baghdad exam": عمار عبد سلمان محمد
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  The effects of postmodernism on theatrical form was managed by the director (Anas Abdul Samad) to be employed in the Iraqi play (Dream in Baghdad) and the researcher sought to study this problem and divided it into four chapters dealt with in the first chapter the problem of research and its need, the importance of research, As well as the definition of terminology, either Chapter II theoretical framework divided by the researcher to the first two is the postmodernism in the theater is the most prominent reference references and the second most important postmodern applications in the world play and then the researcher concluded the second chapter of the most important indicators. In the third chapter, the researcher identified th

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of Turkish Delight Prepared With Pigments And Essential Oils Extracted From Clementine (Citrus Clementine) Peels As Natural Antioxidants
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This experiment presented essential oils by GC/MS, pigment content, and their antioxidant activities as well as sensory evaluation of delight samples. Limonene (66.88%) was the most prevalent yield. The peels of clementine had DPPH and ABT Scavenging activity. All levels of pigment extract had better scores for all sensory values and recorded acceptable scores in terms of appearance, color, aroma, and overall acceptability compared to control delight. Besides, delight samples containing 15 mg astaxanthin pigment extract showed maximum sensory scores compared to other samples and control delight. On the other hand, the product was less acceptable to the panelists compared to control in the case of the addition of 3.75 mg astaxanthin pigme

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Experimental Study of Iraqi Light Naphtha Isomerization over Ni-Pt/H-Mordenite
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Hydroisomerization of Iraqi light naphtha was studied on prepared Ni-Pt/H-mordenite catalyst at a temperature range of 220-300°C, hydrogen to hydrocarbon molar ratio of 3.7, liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV) 1 hr-1 and at atmospheric pressure.

The result shows that the hydrisomerization of light naphtha increases with the increase in reaction temperature at constant LHSV. However, above 270 0C the isomers formation decreases and the reaction is shifted towards the hydrocracking reaction, a higher octane number of naphtha was formed at 270 °C.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Effectiveness of Modern Media Techniques in Developing Good Citizenship Values among Students
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This research aims to identify the effectiveness of modern media technologies represented by satellite TV in the development of good citizenship values when students. To achieve this purpose were selected a sample of 44 students in the Department of Electrical technologies in Technical Institute in Nasiriyah in southern Technical University during the school year (2015-2016).
Was determined the general objectives of the use of modern media techniques represented satellite TV is to promote the values of good citizenship among the sample of students in order to make them good citizens in the community could contribute to the development and upgrading it. And put the general plan of research. Promising researchers measure of good citizen

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