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ADDRESSING THE GOALS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE ARAB PRESS:: (An analytical study in the newspapers (Al-Sabah Iraqi newspaper, Algerian ech-chaab Newspaper, and UAE Al-Ittihad Newspaper) (A Research Drawn from Master Thesis)
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The problem of this research is:

What are the sustainable development goals that received the priority in the press addressing of the newspapers under study?

What are the journalistic arts adopted by these newspapers in addressing the sustainable development goals?

What are the journalistic sources that Arab newspapers depended on when addressing the sustainable development goals?

What are the geographic range the Arab newspapers adopted in addressing the sustainable development goals? The research is categorized into descriptive research, adopting the survey method, and using the content analysis method.

The sample of research was determined by the preparation of the Arabic newspapers (Al-Sabah Iraqi newspaper, Algerian ech-chaab Newspaper, and UAE Al-Ittihad Newspaper) issued from January 1 to June 30, 2018, and extracted according to the system of regular random sample. The research tools were (Content Analysis Form).

The research reached the following conclusions:

The sustainable development goal: the eleventh "sustainable local cities and settlements" and the eighth goal "economic growth and decent work" and the sixteenth goal "peace, justice and institutions" won the priority of press treatment in the Arab newspapers in question. These goals occupied the first three ranks consecutively, after having an acceptable treatment ratio compared to other targets.

Most of the SDGs were addressed by the report's technician and journalist, which is consistent with the data and results of previous scientific research, according to which the treatment of issues related to sustainable development is often done through news arts.

The Arab newspapers in question obtained most of their information dealing with the sustainable development goals from their own sources, followed by academics and researchers, and the anonymous sources recorded a clear presence. This indicates the diversification in the sources' dependence, despite the apparent occupational deficiency of the unknown sources.

Addressing the SDGs on the basis of geographical scope showed that the highest percentage of journalistic issues addressed were within the local, then international, and finally Arab domain.

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Studied Some of the Thermal and Electrical Properties for Particulat Polymer Composites
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  This researchs the preparation of particulate polymer composites from Alkyd resin and Iraqi Burn Kaolin which were added as (20%,30%,40%,50%)and comparing  with the  polymer.  It studied Thermal conductivity and Dielectric strength for both of  the Alkyd resin and  the Composite Material.        The result showed an  increase in Dielectric strength after adding the Iraqi Burn Kaolin , also the Thermal conductivity was  increased by adding the Iraqi Burn Kaolin .

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Improving the Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Network for Internet of Thing Applications
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Mobile Wireless sensor networks have acquired a great interest recently due to their capability to provide good solutions and low-priced in multiple fields. Internet of Things (IoT) connects different technologies such as sensing, communication, networking, and cloud computing. It can be used in monitoring, health care and smart cities. The most suitable infrastructure for IoT application is wireless sensor networks. One of the main defiance of WSNs is the power limitation of the sensor node. Clustering model is an actual way to eliminate the inspired power during the transmission of the sensed data to a central point called a Base Station (BS). In this paper, efficient clustering protocols are offered to prolong network lifetime. A kern

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Employee Performance in Saudi Arabia Banking Sector
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Saudi Arabia’s banking sector plays an important role in the country’s development as it is among the leading sectors in the financial sector. Considering, two main Saudi banks (The National Commercial Bank and Saudi American bank), the present study aims to observe the impact of emotional intelligence on employee performance. The components of emotional intelligence affecting employee performance include self-management, relationship management, self-awareness, and social awareness. A quantitative methodology was applied to analyse the survey results of 300 respondents over the period from 2018 to 2019. The results show that there was a significant positive impact of self-management, self-awareness, and relationship manageme

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effects of three different types of intracoronal bleaching agents on shear bond strength of stainless steel and sapphire brackets bonded to endodontically treated teeth (An in vitro study)
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Background: evaluate the effects of three different intracoronal bleaching agents on the shear bond strengths (SBS) and failure site of stainless steel and monocrystalline (sapphire) orthodontic brackets bonded to endodontically treated teeth using light cured orthodontic adhesive in vitro. Materials and methods: Eighty extracted sound human upper first premolars were selected, endondontically treated and randomly divided equally (according to the type of the brackets used) into two main groups (n = 40 per group). Each main group were subdivided (according to the bleaching agent used) into four subgroups 10 teeth each; as following : control (un bleached) group, hydrogen peroxide group (Hp) 35%, carbamide peroxide group (CP) 37% group and s

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 17 2022
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees21gr
Study the effective addition of coumarin dye on the optical properties of poly (methyl meth acrylate)
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The effect of adding different volume of coumarin dye (5, 15, 25 and 35) ml on optical properties of Poly (Methyl Meth Acrylate) was studied. Films of pure PMMA and PMMA with different volume of coumarin dye (5, 15, 25 and 35) ml were prepared using the casting technique. Transmission and absorption of the films were measured by using UV-VIS spectrometer technique type (100 Conc), in order to assess the type of transmission which was found an indirect transition. An optical energy gap of pure PMMA is (4.95e v) and after adding coumarin with volume (25, 35) ml, the energy gap for PMMA decrease by (0.05) compere to pure PMMA films and addition energy gap appear equal to (4.1 e v). It was found that the absorption coefficient, extinction coeff

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Scopus (2)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of the properties of Ru-isotopes using the proton-neutron interacting boson model (IBM-2)
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The proton-neutron interacting boson model (IBM-2) has been used to make a schematic study of the Ruthenium ( ) isotopes of mass region around with and . For each isotope of the values of the IBM-2 Hamiltonian parameters, which yield an acceptable results for excitation energies in comparison with those of experimental data, have been determined. Fixed values of the effective charges ( ) and of the proton and neutron g factors ( and ) have been chosen for all isotopes under study. The calculated electric quadrupole moments of state, transitions, the magnetic dipole moments transitions and mixing ratios are in reasonable agreement with the experimental data.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Effect of Annealing on the Structural Properties of Zinc Oxide Films by Electrolysis Technique
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     Zinc oxide films (ZnO) are prepared by an electrolysis technique and without vacuum and then annealed atvarious temperatures (300,400,500)OC for an hour. The structural analysis performed by X-Ray diffraction (XRD) shows,dominant orientation of this films is plane (101), has a hexagonal structure and  polycrystalline pattern and it was is found that the crystal size increases(24,29) nm at annealing temperatures (300, 400)° C, but the crystal size decreases to (20 nm) at annealing temperature (500 ° C). As the results of a surface nature study of these films showed by examining the atomic force microscope (AFM), the grain  size increases from (60.79 to 88.11) nm, and the surface roughnes

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Speech Acts Through Ages - A Comprative Study between Traditional and Modren Approches
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This study has been developed axes of the search, including: Search (deliberative) language and idiomatically, and Description Language (b social phenomenon), and the definition of the theory of (acts of speech), and discussed the problem of the conflict between tradition and innovation, as defined objectively have a target aimed at reviving the deliberative thought when Arab scholars , and the balance between the actual done Arab and Western rhetoric, but Meet in intellectual necessity, a sober reading that preserve the Arab language prestige, and its position in the light of the growing tongue Sciences, as long as we have inherited minds unique, and heritage huge able to consolidate the Arab theory lingual in linguistics.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The construction of Complete (kn,n)-arcs in The Projective Plane PG(2,5) by Geometric Method, with the Related Blocking Sets and Projective Codes
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A (k,n)-arc is a set of k points of PG(2,q) for some n, but not n + 1 of them, are collinear. A (k,n)-arc is complete if it is not contained in a (k + 1,n)-arc. In this paper we construct complete (kn,n)-arcs in PG(2,5), n = 2,3,4,5, by geometric method, with the related blocking sets and projective codes.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Construction of Complete (kn,n)-Arcs in The Projective Plane PG(2,11) by Geometric Method, with the Related Blocking Sets and Projective Codes
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   In this paper,we construct complete (kn,n)-arcs in the projective plane PG(2,11),  n = 2,3,…,10,11  by geometric method, with the related blocking sets and projective codes.

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