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International Public Relations (An Analytical Study of the Speeches of US President Barack Obama Addressed to the Arab Countries in Crisis)
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In the midst of political, cultural and economic fast developments accelerated, the world witnessed, with the accompanied big communication revolutions, many shapes of powers. Those developments were followed by changes in relations of international level.

The most prominent among those developments was the international public relations which became equal to official international relations. Moreover, the international public relations became a complementary element dur to the growth of public opinion and its affection on political regime. Such growth of public opinion pushed the politicians to address it; and try to gain its support.

The US was the first realized the importance of international public relations. The Presidents of the United States keep directing their speeches to the world to improve the image of the united states and presented it as a political, economic, and cultural power with a unique, moral and human feature.

Because, those Presidents have tried to develop the united states external relations; and to improve US international treatments depending on the international public support. A support like that can be gained by the international relations styles and their arts.

This research aims to analyze the speeches of Barak Obama directed to the Arabic countries in crisis, (Palestine, Iraq, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Bahrain) to know the contents of those speeches.

It was realized from the result of the study that the American President Barak Obama is well realized of the negative image of his country at Arabic and Islamic people.

Therefore, he tried, in many places of his speeches, to give moral and humanist excuses of existence of US in the Arab countries; and to ensure that the United States is a permanent friend to people in crisis and that the united states are eager for their interests mentioning  that US had a crucial role in liberating people from tyrant regimes.

Obama, nevertheless, tried to give detailed descriptions of the Arabic environment under crisis before and after changes stating the differences between them.

Obama praised the Islamic World; and focused on commonalities with the Islamic societies. But he clearly biased to Israel when he had dealt with the Palestinian dilemma, although his speeches contained a lot of humane values that confirm that the US supports justice and human right.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Symbolic values and aesthetics in the design of interior spaces: بان أحمد إبراهيم
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The current research deals with studying the aesthetics of symbolic values in the design of internal spaces and their connotations through their existence as a material value, as well as the symbolic meanings and their connotations that touch the spiritual and emotional side of the human being as an intangible value, and the research included four chapters, so the research problem was embodied by the following question (What is the role of values Symbolism and aesthetics in the design of interior spaces)? Therefore, the aim was to clarify the role of symbolic values and their aesthetics in the design of internal spaces. The first chapter included the importance of research, the need for it, the limits of the research and its terminology.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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Symbolism in Architecture and Arts of the Holy Shrines: صادق هاشم حسن الموسوي
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  The current research is interested in studying the symbol, due to its significant role in the architecture and arts in the holy shrines regardless of their architecture and artistic patterns, through which the symbolic and philosophical connotations insides the holy shrines are revealed. Due to the importance of the topic of the symbol, Almighty God remarked in the holy Quran (He said, "My Lord, make for me a sign." He Said, "Your sign is that you will not [be able to] speak to the people for three days except by gesture. And remember your Lord much and exalt [Him with praise] in the evening and the morning.") (Surat Al-Imran, verse 41). The research consists of two dimensions dealing with symbol and symbolism in its linguistic an

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of Glycated Haemogloin A1c and Fasting Blood Glucose in Type1 Diabetes
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The glycated haemoglobin A1c(HbA1c) and Fasting blood glucose(FBG) effect on type1 diabetic pateints as a screening tests and as a gold standard for assessing glycemic control in subjects with diabetes were studied . Ninety one blood samples were collected in a peroid between June and the end of November 2012 at AL- Kindy Diabetic Center and Central Child Hospital,48 Females and 43 Males , aging between (11 month- 18 year), are divided into three groups, newly diagnosed , ongoing and healthy control group, with duration of disease between(1 day-3months) and (from birth-8 years) for newly diag

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Biostratigraphy of the Jeribe Formation at Selected Sections in Wasit Governorate, Eastern Iraq
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The present study is concerned with Biostratigraphy of the Early-Middle Miocene outcrops of Jeribe Formation in the Zurbatiyah area, Wasit Governorate, Eastern Iraq. Forty-two Samples collected from Shur Sharin and AL-Hashima outcrop sections. The fossil content is rich in large and small benthic foraminifera; Twenty-one species and genus are identified in this study, in addition to coral, gastropoda, pelecypoda, ostracoda, alge, echinoid and shell fragments. According to the presence of benthic foraminifera, two Biozone have been identified in the Jeribe: Austrotrillina asmariensis-Dendritina rangi Concurrent Zone and Borelis melo curdica range zone.The age of the Formation determined as Early-Middle Miocene depending on these Bioz

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Aug 06 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Measurement Of Organic Concentration in Aldehydes By The Derivative Neutron Activation Analysis Technique
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The aim of this paper is determine the concentration of the organic oxygen in some organic compounds (Aldehydes ) by the derivative neutron activation analysis technique, and the derivative of the oxygen by the nitrogen equivalent toit and the irradiation of anew sample in flounce (1.73*106 by the neutron generator .Then the calculation of the radioactivity which is done by using NaI(Tl) . After that we determine the concentration of nitrogen by calibration curve that includes nitrogen compounds which have apparent chemical and physical characteristics .For comparison the result is done by using keldal method.           

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Intertextuality with Prophetic Hadith in the Poetry of Safiyaddin Alhilliyy (Tools and Implications)
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 تحقق القراءةُ التَّناصيَّة قيمة موضوعيَّة للدرسِ النَّقديّ المعاصر؛ بمؤثراتها الثَّقافيَّة، والمعرفيَّة، لأنَّ الإبداعَ من سمات التُّراث الشِّعري في العصر الوسيط، وهو مسرحٌ لتداخلات نصِّيَّة مع مصادر متعددة دينيَّة، وأدبيَّة، وتاريخيَّة أداء ومضامين؛ يأتي اختيارُ (التَّناص مع الحديث النَّبوي في شعر صفيّ الدِّين الحلّي)؛ بوصفه امتدادًا شعريَّا أصيلًا لحضارة راقية معطاء

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Complex thinking among secondary school student in accordance with the views of lipman
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The current study has sought to identify the levels of the compound thinking among secondary school students basing and relying on the opinions of Lipman who sees that the compound thinking consists of creative thinking and critical thinking, In accordance with this point of view, researchers have resorted to build scale of the critical thinking in its final form of (28) item additionally to the adoption of Torrance for the creative thinking which was translated by sayed. Khairallah in 1981 after confirming psychometric Properties Of both scales and then collect scores of both scales and be the final score represented the level of the compound thinking that has been shown by the results of secondary school students they have no skill of

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Basic training requirements for teachers from the viewpoint of supervisors in Mafraq Governorate
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This study aimed to reveal the stage for teachers of basic training needs from the perspective of workers in Mafraq Governorate, through a survey of a sample of counselors look at the Ajloun area schools reached (58) counselors.
To achieve the objective of the study was constructed questionnaire where they are finalized (18) items distributed on two dimensions (professional needs, performance requirements) and after confirmation of the validity and reliability have been applied to the sample where the results showed that training needs were high, both on a professional or per formative level .
The results also showed no statistically significant differences in the areas of tool due to gender, educational qualification. The study co

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of Social Networks Sites in Prioritizing Political Reform among University Professors
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With the development of modern mass media and the prevalence of use continues to both researchers and practitioners their efforts to understand how the media affect Hzha on both the individual and the institutions, society and culture as a whole, which means that the need to develop models and theories explain and predict the effects of the use of such means, therefore, the study of modern technologies of communication and information as an area of ​​research has become mature to establish the intellectual base cohesive, but they are not mature enough, which calls for more research developments therefore become social networking sites online, (Facebook, and YouTube, and straining) known today as the new social media, which is witness

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The concept of ethnicity in contemporary American political thought Jerry Mueller, a model ...
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تشير نظريات علم اجتماع المعرفة الى ان ظهور مفهوم معين او سقوطه لايتم بمحض الصدفة، بل نتيجة تفاعل مجموعة من العوامل الثقافية والسياسية وحتى الاقتصادية ومن هنا فأن ظهور مفهوم الاثنية كان محصلة عوامل كثيرة خصوصاً بعد ان اصبح موضوع الاثنية في العقود الاخيرة من القرن الماضي وبداية القرن الواحد والعشرين محور نقاش رئيس في ميدان البحث الاجتماعي والسياسي، ليس في

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