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Students and Watching Specialized Satellite Channels (Applied Study on a Sample of University of Baghdad’s Students
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This research is one of the public research aimed at identifying the communication habits and the implications of the content on the communication process, especially as the audience of specialized media is often characterized by effectiveness, depth and active in tracking the media message and interaction with its content. It means such audience is a positive, very active, dynamic, and very alert audience driven by his interests and psychological needs to watch specific programs meet his desires.

This satisfaction can only be achieved through the use of specialized media capable of producing programs that will communicate and interact between the ideas you present and this audience.

The phenomenon of specialized satellite TV is a new phenomenon in the media. It has emerged and spread rabidly and branched in various fields of knowledge and life activities as a reflection of the necessities of social, economic, cultural and technical aspects.

So, this research, which examines the phenomenon of students' exposure to these satellite channels, aims to identify the importance of those satellite channels for their lives and communication habits in receiving those channels. Moreover, the research gets to know the ability of these satellite channels to satisfy the different desires and interests: scientific, literary, artistic and in all life activities to reach their capability to attract the public. Then, the study tries to know what is distinguished in these satellite channels that differentiates them form the public or non-specialized satellite channels.

Search results showed that channels with more fun, entertainment and entertainment have higher viewership than others. This can be seen by the high percentage of viewership of singing and music channels, especially if we add them as well as the rates of drama, children and cooking channels, while the percentage of viewership of channels with serious topics such as educational and cultural channels. These results are consistent with the levels of viewing shown by listeners and viewers' research that have shown that both educated and more educated people rely on television for entertainment and have a limited desire to adjust television programs to other features of more informative and educational recipes.

The results also revealed the diversity of the interests of the majority of the students surveyed and their needs to be satisfied from different subjects at the same time. These results reveal the lack of specialized interests among students with a single subject of knowledge.

But, what drives students to watch specialized satellite channels? Research has shown that the majority of respondents are looking at these channels for specific programs that match their interests and desires.

It was also found that the students, according to the degree of preference first, prefer in their views of specialized satellite TV types, including the most important: satellite channels specialized in sports, next specialized in drama, after that the news channels, then the music ones, after that the religious channels, then, the documentary channels, followed by the specialized in children's films and programs, and finally the channels specialized in women's affairs. The longest time spent by more than half of the students surveyed in front of specialized channels screens is one to two hours.

The results also showed that most of the students are of the irregular type to watch, but to follow specialized satellite channels according to mood and leisure time depending on the psychological state and mood more than they tend to follow them regularly. This is considered as a difference that reveals the weakness of the students' selective exposure to subjects offered by satellite channels.

The research showed that more than half of the students surveyed did not pre-select programs chosen in specialized channels. Rather, they leave the choice to the factors of chance in what shows them remote control programs and choose what suits them.

The results, also, showed that the most important needs or desires saturated or met by watching specialized satellite channels in the students are concentrated in satisfying the need for specific information eager to know the details and follow the latest developments. In the second place, the respondents mentioned that the media coverage of the satellite channels provides them with opportunities to follow topics they are interested in. The satisfaction of the need for information or knowledge and skills useful in the development of a scientific or professional discipline that works or cares for students has come at the bottom of the concerns of the respondents.

As for the negative or positive viewers towards what they receive or are exposed to specialized satellite TV programs, most of the respondents stated that they are engaged in an internal dialogue with oneself about the ideas, opinions, and topics raised by the programs of these satellite channels, while it was found that few respondents, unlike the first case, stated that they, absolutely, recognize it. The research also revealed that more than half of the respondents discuss some of the content of the programs they watch with colleagues in the profession, study or family member, while a third of them just watch or enjoy what they see calmly and relaxed.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Measuring Changes in Temperature Rates due to Urban Expansion in Selected Municipalities of Baghdad using GIS Technology
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The expansion of building blocks at the expense of agricultural land is one of the main problems causing climate change within the urban area of a city. The research came to determine these indicators, as a study was conducted on the expansion of the building blocks in three municipalities in the city of Baghdad for a period of four decades extended in the form of time cycles for the period (1981-2021) and using ArcMap GIS 10.7 technology. Then, the impact of this expansion on temperature rates was evaluated, as they are the most important climatic elements due to their significant effect on the rest of the elements. The results showed a clear, direct relationship between the increase in urban expansion rates and the corresponding r

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Alkaloids Extracts From Solanum nigrum L.(Solanaceae) in DNA -Plasmid PBR322 by Using Gel Electrophoresis
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Four  alkaloids  compounds  were  extracted  from  the  fruits  and leaves, of plant known locally as (Anab AI-Thebe Solanum nigram), by various solvents systems, from an earlier study by the researcher. DNA tested its effect in plasmid PBR322 deportation  method using Gel Electrophoresis. Results showed that two of those extract for full effectiveness   digestible   pieces  of  RNA and  DNA  plasmid,   and digestive  partly  of  the  other  alternatives.  That  could  prove  results indicate that this type of alkaloids consist of   biological effectiveness of anti-twnors, through

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Measurements of Maxillary Alveolar Bone Density at 13-15 Years Age by Using Spiral Computerized Tomography
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Background: Bone density is a major factor that affect mini implant primarily stability; no Iraqi studies have evaluated bone density related to mini-implant placement for orthodontic anchorage at age 13 -15 years. The present research aims to evaluate gender, side and site differences in the bone density at various orthodontic implant sites for the maxillary alveolar bone. Materials and methods: Twenty nine individuals (16 males and 13 females) had subjected to clinical examination, then 64-multislice computed tomography scan data were evaluated and bone density was measured in Hounsfield unit at 21 points (9 points for each side and 3 points between the right and left central incisors) . Results: The results obtained showed that there ar

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Possible Anti-Asthmatic Effect of Iraqi Ammi Majus Seeds Extract Against Asthma Induced by Ovalbumin in Mice
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Asthma is a chronic respiratory disorder of airways characterized by inflammation, hyperresponsiveness, inflammatory cell infiltration, mucous secretion, and remodelling. Ammi majus is medicinal plant belong to family of Apiaceous which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. This study designed to investigate of anti-asthmatic activity of alcoholic extract of Ammi majus in improvement of asthma. Forty-eight healthy female mice divided to six groups Group I:  the negative control group (distal water only), Group II: Positive control group (ovalbumin group), Group III: Ammi majus (64 mg/kg/day) with sensitization, Group IV:Ammi majus  (128 mg/kg/day) w

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Nursing Management Education Program upon the Nurse Managers' Knowledge about Planning in Baghdad City Hospitals
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Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the Nursing Management Education Program upon the Nurse
Managers' Knowledge about planning in Nursing Management at Baghdad City Hospitals.
Methodology: A Quasi-experimental study in which a purposive "non-probability" sample of (50) Nurse
Managers was selected from Baghdad City Hospitals. These Managers were divided into two equal groups of
(25) Nurse Managers for each (study and control ones). A questionnaire was developed as a tool for data
collection. A pilot study was carried out to test the reliability of the questionnaire for the period from April 2nd to
June 20th 2007. The pre-post test approach was applied to the study and control groups as mean for the quasiexperime

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The fragile world In Hi, Sadness Of Françoise Sagan: L’univers fragile dans Bonjour Tristesse De Françoise Sagan
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The villa was incredible, summer was hot, and the Mediterranean Sea was so near.

      Scil lived happily with her father as they needed no one else. But the visit of a calm and intelligent women caused huge shift in this delightful mess. So, how can this threat be stopped?

      This novel displays to the reader a rich study of human soul to implicitly while being supported by short sentences and characterised  by persons living in a horrible way and  described in very short sentences.Thus,  Françoise Sagan’s imagination was enflamed, and so he shaped ethical imagery in the moste wonderful way in the novel Hi,  Sadness.


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Publication Date
Mon Jun 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The article presents the results of studying the conchological variability of the terrestrial mollusk Chondrulopsina fedtschenkoi (Ancey, 1886), known to occur in three regions of the Zaravshan Range (Central Asia): the Urgutsay Gorge, the vicinity of the Gissarak Reservoir and the Ingichka-Irmak Gorge. Conchological variability was determined based on statistical analysis. The climate of the three regions is different, and environmental factors have led to changes in the mollusk shell. The shells have changed in response to environmental factors, these are their adaptive traits for survival; the variability of conchological features is also reflected in the color of the shell, and the intensive development of the color of the shell in m

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
N-Acetyl Cysteine Plus Metformin Versus Metformin Alone in Treatment of Iraqi Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Precision Radiation Oncology
Assessment of dose‐volume histogram statistics using three‐dimensional conformal techniques in breast cancer adjuvant radiotherapy treatment
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Breast cancer (BC) is first of the top 10 malignancies in Iraq. Dose‐volume histograms (DVHs) are most commonly used as a plan evaluation tool. This study aimed to assess DVH statistics using three‐dimensional conformal radiotherapies in BC in an adjuvant setting.


A retrospective study of 70 histologically confirmed women diagnosed with BC was reviewed. The study was conducted between November 2020 and May 2021, planning for treatment with adjuvant three‐dimensional conformal radiotherapies. The treatment plan used for each woman was based on an analysis of the volumetric dose, inclu

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 19 2023
Journal Name
Plos One
Knowledge sharing behaviour among head nurses in online health communities: The moderating role of knowledge self-efficacy
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Head nurses are vital in understanding and encouraging knowledge sharing among their followers. However, few empirical studies have highlighted their contribution to knowledge-sharing behaviour in Online Health Communities (OHCs). In addition, scant literature has examined the moderating role of knowledge self-efficacy in this regard.


This study examines the moderating role of self-efficacy between the association of four selected individual factors of head nurses (i.e., Trust, Reciprocity, Reputation, and Ability to Share) and their knowledge-sharing behaviour in OHCs in Jordan.

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